
"Purpose, Mastery, and Autonomy - all lead to satisfaction."
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Arcane Gryphon
Arcane Gryphon
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Energy: 45
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Arcane icon
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Arcane.
Female Fae
Female Fae
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Personal Style


Violet Corsage
Night Sky Silk Scarf
Nightfall Starsilk Cloak
Starlight Guise
Nightfall Starsilk Shawl
Ornate Darksteel Necklace
Night Sky Fillet
Night Sky Silk Veil
Night Sky Wing Silks




Scene: Arcanist's Domain


1.11 m
0.99 m
1.68 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Aug 08, 2019
(5 years)


Fae icon

Eye Type

Normal Eye Type
Level 25 Fae
Max Level




  • none


Najima's avatar
Najima - The Polymath

Personnel Infobox wrote:

Thematic Name: Najima

Designation: The Polymath

Role(s): Ambassador/Flight Rep - Arcane, Scientist (Mentor)

Field(s)/Specialt(y/ies): Astronomy, Physics, Chemistry, Biology

Other: Partnered to Nebula, the Crystalspine Gem Guardian.

Formerly a wandering astronomer who spent some time as an academic, she later became a tutor, before joining the Phrontistery.

Possesses gravitational powers and spatial manipulation abilities – she can manipulate the properties of objects (think vector and scalar quantities such as size, shape, mass and density), manipulate the forces acting on any given object, manipulate physical space to a limited degree, alter the way gravity acts in an area around her (via messing around with the forces that are acting on stuff or just shifting gravity around in general), and manipulate atoms to some degree.

Has a personal observatory that she built called Starwatch Point (or known as 'The Point' for short).

When she joined, her students came with her, and she mentors them as they carry out their own research projects. Although they have quarters in the Phrontistery, they usually sleep at The Point.

Is constantly leaking trace amounts of Arcane mana - essentially, she's radioactive but on a magical level. Nebula assists her in managing the leaks.

Only Flight Ambassador whose real name is unknown.

Note 2: The pink and purple dog that's holding a pair of scales in his mouth and is capable of short-distance teleportation is presumably another spirit?

It would seem so, Admin: Zoroark.

That's the fourth spirit in four months. At least Sirius lives up to his name instead of being nuts like Maneiac is. Or as hyperactive as Oscar - a furry, flying cannonball with the general disposition of a hyperactive, well, Hainu is bad enough. The last thing we need is a gigantic, teleporting dog deciding to act like Oscar does.

Indeed, Admin: Zoroark. He is not only considerably more dour than Entity: Oscar is, but he seems to have taken upon himself to ensure utmost safety in the lab. The quantity of glassware broken by User: Najima is already beginning to decline, as have the number of other mishaps - which, admittedly, is already much lower than the amount of glassware she's broken.

I think I'm beginning to see a pattern here. Mapping the spirits that've appeared so far to the stellar zodiac, Cancri would be Cancer, Maneiac Leo, Brigit would be Virgo, and Sirius Libra. Which means - oh, no...

Oh, dear.

'Oh, dear' indeed. I take back what I said about fireproofing everything being hard enough. Gigantic Plague-aligned scorpion spirit-proofing everything is infinitely worse. Stormcatcher give me strength...

We shall begin drafting ideas.

Please do, Wyvern. Maybe I'll take Stormsurge's suggestion and ask Comedy for some of her klah...

“There are three things in life that contribute to satisfaction: Purpose, Mastery, and Autonomy.”

KyuuBird wrote on 2019-10-13 02:10:56:
  • Najima's entire body is bursting with Arcane Mana and energy. The proof of such is visible on her very scales, in fact; brilliant constellations dance and swirl about lazily, shifting in time with the actual stars above. If one were to watch her wings long enough, surely they'd be able to catch a glimpse of an actual constellation that's currently also visible right above them in the sky.
  • Najima is most active at night, and some think she gains power if there are more stars in the sky. This claim may as well be true, for one day, when watching a meteor shower, a dragon noticed Najima's eyes eyes glowing an unnaturally bright pink, bordering on white, as she stared up fixated at the stars. Perhaps that day she's seen something no one else has...
LittolBoi wrote on 2019-10-26 07:51:24:
  • She's a bit of a hoarder. She just loves to collect things that catch her her interest in whatever shape or form, and she's kept many of the little trinkets that her students gifted her.
  • She has a really good eye for detail. It's a very helpful trait to have when you're a scientist!
CirrusAscending wrote:
  • While receiving self-defense training, Najima managed to get her first apparel drop: a tropical birdskull necklace. To celebrate, her mentees/students donned birdskull items of their own. Later, they decided to swap some birdskull items out for Starsilks (which, they concluded, were more thematically appropriate anyways) after coming into possession of an entire cache, and gifted Najima with some starsilk items of her own.

Najima's day to day outfit, and what she's usually seen in.
A variant of her day to day outfit, usually seen when she's in the mood to put more care into her appearance. (Not coincidentally, she refrains from hugs while wearing this outfit.)

A fancier version of her day to day outfit that she wears on formal occasions when she's not acting in her capacity as a Flight Rep.
Simplified variations of her Flight Rep outfit, worn during other elemental holidays. (She leaves out the standard, as she has a tendency to drop things. Often.)

Najima's Flight Rep outfit, worn for Starfall Celebrations + diplomatic excursions (she usually forgoes her standard and sigil - the former because she's klutzy, and the latter because she can't be bothered maintaining it.) The Starry Fallout is made of coalesced Arcane mana - Najima decided to fiddle with the light absorption properties of Arcane mana, and found that a side effect of doing so with Arcane mana was that it bent into all sorts of weird shapes that could be sculpted with some effort.
Needless to say, this outfit received a much warmer reception from her mentees.

Najima's former Flight Rep outfit. The shardhide is also made of mana, albeit mana crystalized into a solid state that she can disperse/reform at will. Despite it clashing with her colors and her mentees' less than favourable opinions (as recorded below for posterity), she wore this outfit as a mark of her faith.

57077620p.png: snickering slightly "That's a pretty, er, unique outfit."
56983924p.png: diplomatically "It's certainly quite pink. Very nice."
57042780p.png: giggling "Pretty bright, in a sparkly sort of way."
56869478p.png: sighing "Najima, I really have to be blunt here: those colors do not suit you."
56828286p.png: holding back hysterics "Well, at least it's eye-catching. That helps, doesn't it?"
57009146p.png: sputtering with laughter "Yeah, you'd be the center of attention for sure. And it might make negotiations easier?"
57044295p.png: thoroughly unimpressed "You look like a cross between a mutant hedgehog and a Fae!"
57006799p.png: raised eye-ridge "Why not just wear your usual outfit? That looks pretty Arcane-y too, right?"
56982095p.png: squinting "If you hadn't told me otherwise, I'd have thought you were about to go clubbing."
56992239p.png: laughing her tail off and dancing around "Neon disco rave time! Hey, maybe we could have a little party some day?"

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