The Dual-Elemental / he/she/they
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Energy: 46
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3.29 m
6.65 m
837.12 kg
Eye Type
Level 1 Skydancer
EXP: 157 / 245



A family can be two entirely separate clans, a lone Guardian, an ex-thief and a whole lot of abandoned children.
Frida was hatched in a clan located somewhere on the Western edge of the Shifting Expanse, near the tripoint junction of the Water, Fire and Lightning regions. The egg that she hatched from was found abandoned during an expedition, and was promptly brought into the clan’s premises, where she was nurtured and raised by the community. He grew into adulthood within his clan, picked up the trade of a craftsman, and eventually started running the clan’s nursery, daycare and orphanage. Upon growing older, though, she found herself growing more and more curious about her presumed place of origin, the Windswept Plateau. With encouragement from the clan members that she had come to think of as family, she set out on a journey to the Plateau, intending wholly on returning after her curiosity had been sated.
She eventually happened upon what seemed like an abandoned lairsite, and there she met a lone Guardian who had settled in the ruins to watch over his Charge. Intrigued by the Guardian’s dedication to the element of Wind, and seeking closure with her own background as a Wind elemental, Frida decided to stay with the Guardian, who she came to know as Samae.
At first, Frida intended on only staying with Samae for a few days, and true to that, he soon continued his journey, and intended on returning to his home clan after that. On her way back, though, she happened to meet Samae again, and after a lot of consideration, decided to stay with him and the small beginnings of a clan that the Guardian had established. She returned briefly to her old clan to bid farewell to her family, although she would continue to visit them on a somewhat regular basis, and then officially returned to the Plateau, where she then stayed.
Now, Frida is first and foremost a traveller. She says it’s written in her genes, her elemental ties to the Wind making her long for adventure, although she also says that age has mellowed her, and that it has made her wish for some peace and quiet in her life. She’s upholding the Strays’ clan nursery, although the bulk of the work is performed by volunteers.
Despite how often she ventures out, and how long she’s sometimes gone, her return is always celebrated by the Strays, who see her as a figurehead of leadership despite her lack of an official title.

A family can be two entirely separate clans, a lone Guardian, an ex-thief and a whole lot of abandoned children.
Frida was hatched in a clan located somewhere on the Western edge of the Shifting Expanse, near the tripoint junction of the Water, Fire and Lightning regions. The egg that she hatched from was found abandoned during an expedition, and was promptly brought into the clan’s premises, where she was nurtured and raised by the community. He grew into adulthood within his clan, picked up the trade of a craftsman, and eventually started running the clan’s nursery, daycare and orphanage. Upon growing older, though, she found herself growing more and more curious about her presumed place of origin, the Windswept Plateau. With encouragement from the clan members that she had come to think of as family, she set out on a journey to the Plateau, intending wholly on returning after her curiosity had been sated.
She eventually happened upon what seemed like an abandoned lairsite, and there she met a lone Guardian who had settled in the ruins to watch over his Charge. Intrigued by the Guardian’s dedication to the element of Wind, and seeking closure with her own background as a Wind elemental, Frida decided to stay with the Guardian, who she came to know as Samae.
At first, Frida intended on only staying with Samae for a few days, and true to that, he soon continued his journey, and intended on returning to his home clan after that. On her way back, though, she happened to meet Samae again, and after a lot of consideration, decided to stay with him and the small beginnings of a clan that the Guardian had established. She returned briefly to her old clan to bid farewell to her family, although she would continue to visit them on a somewhat regular basis, and then officially returned to the Plateau, where she then stayed.
Now, Frida is first and foremost a traveller. She says it’s written in her genes, her elemental ties to the Wind making her long for adventure, although she also says that age has mellowed her, and that it has made her wish for some peace and quiet in her life. She’s upholding the Strays’ clan nursery, although the bulk of the work is performed by volunteers.
Despite how often she ventures out, and how long she’s sometimes gone, her return is always celebrated by the Strays, who see her as a figurehead of leadership despite her lack of an official title.
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Exalting Frida to the service of the Windsinger will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.
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