Level 6 Wildclaw
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4.63 m
9.04 m
554.92 kg
Eye Type
Level 6 Wildclaw
EXP: 2531 / 8380


-In a world like this, Vanir was always the beacon of light, shining her way for others. She practically lives for others, often forgetting to acre for her own, basic, needs, making herself a very popular, but tired, dragoness. She's also a bit of a workaholic, and the only thing that can stop her from overworking is her beloved mate, a coatl that goes by the elegant name of Sycune.
-Her and Sycune's den looks more like a commune than a den of two dragons. Almost everyday, much to Sycune's dismay, Vanir brings home a new pet to give a home to and give time to heal, or even a dragon. Really, it's not uncommon for her to bring a wounded or poor stranger home so they could have a place to stay.
-Vanir absolutely adores rain, and every-time the weather is what others would call poor, she goes outside to allow the natural "shower" to clean all her worries away. At times like this, she is completely calm, forgetting her worries about all the beings she sadly cant help.
-She's generally a very agreeable and understanding dragon, often going against her own opinions just to prevent an argument. She's also known in the clan as an unofficial peacekeeper, breaking up fights with her words rather than the traditional good old fists.
-Fidgets a lot, as she's way to energetic and worrisome to sit still. She's never still, always working, always helping, just like a busy bee. Even in her sleep, she's restless, talking and turning, all the way until morning comes and it's time for her to work again. The only way she can sleep peacefully is if Sycune is by her side.
Lore by Lotron
When the wail of a lost hatchling pierces the sky, it was she whom answered the call.
As if finely tuned to the sound of a dragon in distress; the impressive plumage of ochre and woody feathers blanketed the glade after her descent, stature benevolent and kind as the dragon hatchling stared up at her in awe and amazement.
It was not always hatchlings that she looked after, for any creature – big or small – would find itself in her nurturing care, away from the harsh world. She is a soft, bright illumination amidst a dark day, heralding good health and spirits in her wake. Her compassion is shared with her mate Sycune, as every sun and sky must have it’s moon and earth to keep her grounded.
Lost or abandoned, it mattered not when she accepted this wayward hatchling into her care. Like many before it; the fledgling adapted and found a warm home nestled against the side of the motherly Wildclaw.
Lore by Guixi

Art by Annoyed
-Her and Sycune's den looks more like a commune than a den of two dragons. Almost everyday, much to Sycune's dismay, Vanir brings home a new pet to give a home to and give time to heal, or even a dragon. Really, it's not uncommon for her to bring a wounded or poor stranger home so they could have a place to stay.
-Vanir absolutely adores rain, and every-time the weather is what others would call poor, she goes outside to allow the natural "shower" to clean all her worries away. At times like this, she is completely calm, forgetting her worries about all the beings she sadly cant help.
-She's generally a very agreeable and understanding dragon, often going against her own opinions just to prevent an argument. She's also known in the clan as an unofficial peacekeeper, breaking up fights with her words rather than the traditional good old fists.
-Fidgets a lot, as she's way to energetic and worrisome to sit still. She's never still, always working, always helping, just like a busy bee. Even in her sleep, she's restless, talking and turning, all the way until morning comes and it's time for her to work again. The only way she can sleep peacefully is if Sycune is by her side.
Lore by Lotron
Vanir, the Den Mother.
When the wail of a lost hatchling pierces the sky, it was she whom answered the call.
As if finely tuned to the sound of a dragon in distress; the impressive plumage of ochre and woody feathers blanketed the glade after her descent, stature benevolent and kind as the dragon hatchling stared up at her in awe and amazement.
It was not always hatchlings that she looked after, for any creature – big or small – would find itself in her nurturing care, away from the harsh world. She is a soft, bright illumination amidst a dark day, heralding good health and spirits in her wake. Her compassion is shared with her mate Sycune, as every sun and sky must have it’s moon and earth to keep her grounded.
Lost or abandoned, it mattered not when she accepted this wayward hatchling into her care. Like many before it; the fledgling adapted and found a warm home nestled against the side of the motherly Wildclaw.
Lore by Guixi

Art by Annoyed
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This dragon doesn't eat Insects.
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This dragon doesn't eat Seafood.
This dragon doesn't eat Plants.
Exalting Vanir to the service of the Arcanist will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.
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