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Raptorik Freebooter
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Energy: 47/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Water.
Female Pearlcatcher
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Personal Style


Silver Hoard
Fancy Compass
Azure Dinosaur Shoulder Guard
Pearl Roundhorn
Red Healer's Reference
Ornate Pearly Bracelet
Ornate Pearly Necklace
Current Caller Raiment
Horizon Starsilk Earrings


Accent: Fish Fingers


Scene: Enchanted Dungeon


6.95 m
4.71 m
494.39 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Nov 02, 2018
(5 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Pearlcatcher
EXP: 0 / 245




Fairly Chill
Crest is a cheerful dragon. She’s always ready for adventure and loves to make new freinds. She can be a bit hot headed at times but is overal very chill. She is a big fan of the ocean and loves to play by the shores. She had been known to catch fish and other creatures and take them with her on her adventures. She admires Adelia and wants to follow in her footsteps as a pirate mercenary. She’s already stolen a few things and has given them to Adelia.

This was it. The start of her first official adventure. Crest had packed her stuff and was now standing at the door of the Yew Berry clan. Her best friend and mentor, Adelia, stood next to her. The two stood in friendly silence before Adelia put her wing around Crest. “I’m gonna miss training you. Stay safe out there and remember, when you steal, don’t get caught.” She said jokingly. “I will! Don’t worry! I’ll tell you about all my adventures and treasures when I come back!” Crest responded excitedly. She gave Adelia one quick hug before leaping into the sky. She heard Adelia and the rest of the clan call their goodbyes as she flew higher and higher. As she breached the ceiling of clouds, a few thoughts flashed through her mind. Where should I explore now? I need to get tons of treasures to make Adelia proud. Hm...what about there. A dark spot ahead of her showed a new land full of the possibilities of new treasures and new friends.

Nightdraco's clan (Clan of the white woods)

Crest sighed. After much adventuring, she had reached the Nature flight. She'd been temporarily accepted into a nature clan. Every day she would go adventuring. But one time she got lucky. She had just wandered far into the heart of the woods. There were grey clouds looking overhead, looking like they were about to burst. "Hellooooo?" She cried, "Anyone here?" Only the echo of her voice came back. "Huh." She huffed "You can't expect to have dragons out here in this weather, I guess." She sighed "I should go back to the inn now. That grouchy spiral won't like me comin' in after curfew." Then she realized. She didn't know which way was back. "Erm... Guys?" Her voice rang out in the forest. She decided it was best not to make noise. Then she came upon a moss covered cave. "Welp, better to stay in here than risk getting soaked. She turned, looking at the huge bloated clouds. "I'll just explain to that spiral later." She said, grumbling. She leaned against the cave wall and fell. "What the... Ow!" She looked back. What she had tried to lean on was, in fact, some moss. Upon closer inspection, it seemed she had fallen down some weathered old stairs carved into the cave floor. She took out a wooden stick and lit it. It looked like she was in a long corridor. Not knowing what awaited her, she crept down it. Eerie shadows flickered on the walls and strange noises echoed in the corridor. Finally, she reached the end. It opened up to a huge room filled with something sparkly and shiny. It almost looked like... treasure! She ran over and dove into the jewels and gold, not caring that she had smothered out her torch. She fit as much jewellery onto herself as she could. A pair of gold gloves, a pearl necklace, a citrine ring, a pearl bracelet, and horns made of pearl. Adelia would be so proud! She thought. Just then under the waves of gold, something moved. She stifled a scream. She scrambled out of the massive gold pile and waited for the thing to show itself. Out popped a treasure chest, full of jewels, gold and more. She gasped. This place must have been enchanted! It approached her and she backed up in fear. She backed up against the wall and couldn't move. The treasure approached her and... purred. Treasure can purr? She thought. The treasure seemed to like her and she picked it up. "Alright, fine, I'll keep you." Then she thought. I don't need to stay at that clan anymore. I'll go somewhere else! And with that thought, she lifted her wings and flew, now accompanied by a pile of living treasure.
Aquired Transmuted treasure, Pearl roundhorn, Gold aviator gloves, Ornate pearly bracelet and Ornate pearly necklace.

Elspeth Archives (MittensTheKitten)

With her living treasure accompanying her on her back, Crest soared through the open terrain, searching for a new destination. To say that she was lost was an understatement, especially since all she saw were the dark waves rolling beneath her. Multiple times, large gusts of wings almost sent her careening down into the open sea. She was eager to find a place to land. It seemed that luck was on her side. Spotting a single island seeming to be isolated in the center of the ocean, Crest descended towards it. As she lowered herself, she noticed an odd structure situated in the center of the mass, and angled her wings down to it instead. "What in the world...?"

Crest whistled appreciatively at the gothic structure that appeared to be void of any life. Perfect. There had to be some neat goodies in there! And it was also the perfect place to seek shelter in this oncoming storm. Tucking her wings tightly against her back lest she get swept away by the vigorous winds, Crest wandered into the large entrance. What she saw were piles upon piles of tomes neatly sorted into different shelves. They spread out all around her, seeming to never cease in their existence, spiraling into darkness. "Woah..."

"Who's there?" Crest froze, whipping her head around to see a pair of red eyes staring down at her from the void. She recoiled at the slits, taking a tentative step backwards. "State your name and your purpose here quickly."

"Er, my name's Crest," she stuttered out, the familiar accompanying her on her back offering some confidence, "and I was just seeking shelter from the brewing storm. I didn't realize anyone was here. Can I stay?" The eyes narrowed down on Crest, and she felt her insides coil up in anticipation. After a moment, the form flew down, revealing the sight of a small Fae, and Crest relaxed.

"I suppose for the night, but you're not to linger too long. When the storm ends, I expect you out of here." Crest frowned but nodded. She wanted to explore the expanse of this place, check out the texts, and maybe sneak one out with her for some quality reading. But she wasn't about to press her luck.

"Thanks! My name's Crest," she added with a lazy smile.

"Vivian. Come, this way, and I'll show you where you'll stay." The Fae spread her wings and flew up, and Crest hastily followed, not wanting to be left behind. The room was small, but it wasn't like she was to be staying here permanently. The storm lasted three days, and by the time the sky cleared, Crest had escaped the confines of the Elspeth Archives. She hadn't been able to snag a book with Vivian's watchful gaze on her almost constantly, but the Fae had gifted her with a tome to enjoy on her travels.

Item Acquired - Red Healer's Reference


Juro Parade (Grimhiive)

After hours of fighting against some particularly strong headwinds, Crest was beginning to tire. She'd been trying to beat a nasty-looking storm on her tail for hours now, but seemingly to no avail. Crest found herself out of options and was forced to land. She pulled out her map only to have it ripped from her claws by the wind. As the storm approached, Crest desperately searched for some- any- cover. Finding none, Crest was beginning to panic when she heard voices. She listened harder...

"Harder, Kierce! You've got to move your wings more and really catch the wind." The strong baritone carried easily through the howling wind. Crest stumbled towards it, eager for both company and assistance. The winds were getting stronger, blowing stray grass blades and leaves into her face and obstructing her vision. She was about to give up hope when strong claws guided her to a group of three dragons- two adults and a hatchling.

"You're earlier than I expected." The claws belonged to a large Imperial dressed in a shimmering cloak. Her robes reflected light in a beautiful, otherworldly fashion that instantly entranced Crest.

"Y... You're teaching your kid to fly? In this weather?" Crest asked, confused. Why would any dragon let a child out in this?

The Imperial chuckled. "This isn't that bad. Welcome to the Reedcleft Ascent, Crest. You're here on accident." It wasn't a question.

"Yes, I am." Crest tried to appear confident and not at all shaken that this strange dragon knew both her name and her unfortunate plight.

"Well, I can guarantee that you're in good claws with us here in the Juro Parade. I am Seraph, and this is my mate Shatter and my child Kierce." A large black Skydancer with shimmering wings and a small Imperial that looked quite like Seraph waved.

"Now, let's teach you how to deal with winds properly."


The Clan With No Name (Okolu)

Crest had thought the winds of the Reedcleft Ascent were strong, and the dragons who chose - voluntarily! out of their free will! - to live there slightly mad, but that was before she found herself introduced to a clan which lived in the Twisting Cresendo. A never ending storm; a vortex of swirling winds - "Apparently it changed direction recently," the cheerful guardian who led the way had commented - and to a water dragon like Crest, a few injuries short of a nightmare.

In her defence, Crest had not meant to stay in the Wind flight's territory for so long. She had been flying away from the reedcleft ascent, following the teachings of the clan she had just left and allowing the winds to guide her away, but the sudden gusts and air currents produced by the vortex had knocked her off course, all but tearing her from the sky. Only her quick reflexes had saved Crest from slamming into a nearby guardian, who had been gliding with enviable ease despite her larger size. Desperately flaring her wings, Crest reached a shuddering halt, wingtips spread wide to create as much air resistance as possible. The guardian, attention caught by the flash of blue in her peripheral vision, turned to help, spreading her own wings and forming a barrier against the stronger currents that continued to buffet Crest. Seeming to understand that Crest needed a moment to catch her breath, the guardian spoke.

"Seems like you were yanked here by the currents - they've been pretty strong lately." Casting a strangely piercing gaze over Crest, the guardian nodded, the pearlcatcher seeming to meet some standard of approval. "Follow me, I'll introduce you to my clan. You seem like a decent sort - Rae won't mind hosting you for a bit while you wait for the winds to settle down a little." Before Crest could reply, the guardian flicked a wing, sending a small current towards Crest that sent her tumbling back slightly. "Just keep your...more pirate-y inclinations to yourself during your stay and we'll have no problems, you hear?"

Recognising the thinly veiled warning for what it was, Crest nodded slowly. She was beginning to tire with the effort it took to stay aloft amidst the storm, even with the guardian's help, and the prospect of a safe place to stay until the conditions improved was an opportunity she would not decline.

It was only as she began to follow the guardian, who seemed to posses an innate ability to find the gentler currents within the storm, that Crest realised that she had never told the guardian about her dream to become a pirate.


First off, I love me some blue dragons- The lore you've written for her is very interesting! I've seen a lot official pirates, but I've never seen a pirate in training! Very unique!


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