
My foremost loyalty is to my family, my pack, my clan
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Brilliant Psywurm
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Energy: 50/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Light.
Male Mirror
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46522599.png Muladar Lightroot
Sanctuarium Founder / Self-Appointed Guardian of Lillya | He/Him

Light Runestone
Forest Field Guide
Brilliant Psywurm



Lillya - Mate

Palehunter - Best Friend

Aibrean - Son

Malourne - Son

Tressa - Daughter

Katar - Son

Viperlash - Friend

“Don’t be afraid of that Mirror friend. He’s a real softie if you get to know him. Just look at him hiding in that corner with that damn book, he wouldn’t hurt a soul.” -Unknown

━━ Personality ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━


Visually Apathetic
A quiet, stoic dragon that goes by unnoticed. He hides curled in a corner where shadows are the thickest and loves to read books on random subjects. If you do talk to this seemingly unfriendly dragon, you’re met with a warm, loyal personality, and a dragon who seeks to know everything he can. It’s sorrowful that most of this is hidden under a layer of scarring, physically and mentally.

Only truly relaxes with his back to a barrier, when around those he trusts wholeheartedly he loses the quiet demeanor and speaks unprompted

Family, Closeknit relationships, Security/Stability

Reading, Nonfiction, Research projects

Low Light, Being Unseen, Facts, Questions, Physical affection, Candle/Firelight, Sunbathing, Soft Textures, Dimly Lit Areas, Dark Colors

True silence, Cold, Hard Surfaces

Fears: Angrophobia, Former Pack

━━ Short Desciptions ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
- “His bewilderment grew with each dragon that joined” - Previous reaction to Sanctuarium’s growth

- “My foremost loyalty is to my family, my pack, my clan” -Muladar

━━ Skills/Languages ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
Strengths: Remembering facts, Unrestrained brawling

Weaknesses: Scarred appearance, Showing emotions

━━ Biography ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
Born a runt and the only Light-aligned dragon of his pack, Muladar was never accepted. His family, a nomadic Mirror pack known for its savagery, preyed upon weaker creatures- including other dragons. His connection to Light was judged as weak in his pack and thus drew their ire.
Every day Muladar was punished for the slightest of mistakes and repeatedly found himself the target of anger that he did nothing to provoke. Food was unprovided and he often found himself scavenging late when most of his pack was asleep. Over time he learned to be quiet and to flinch at every movement made by packmates, wary of drawing their attention.

During settlement raids, Muladar quickly learned that he had two options if he wanted to avoid becoming one of the pack’s many victims. Be ruthless or claw through to remains. When he could he would stay behind the raiders and dig for whatever was missed. Unfortunately, this was not always an option.
No matter how bad it got Muladar refused to leave. The pack did not take kindly to betrayal and would hunt down traitors- even those barely considered pack. For years he endured this life; until one strong-willed Fae changed his life forever.
It was during one of the more heartless raids Muladar encountered Lillya. Normally Muladar wouldn’t have spared the dying dragon a glance. But the sight of an untrained stranger attempting to defend a clan that was so clearly not her own was impossible to ignore. Despite his misgivings - despite the instincts drilled into him from birth - Muladar fled with the injured Fae.

The next few weeks were a series of unforgiving trials. It was taxing to care for the bedridden Fae and avoid a vengeful pack. Muladar kept the pair constantly on the move though he was forced to carry Lillya as she was too crippled to outrun the danger on their heels. Eventually, he managed to shake off their pursuers enough to find a safe place to recuperate. There, in a sheltered glen far from society, fever raged war against a weakened Fae’s determination to survive and a stubborn Mirror’s refusal to let all his hard work go for naught.
As the weeks dragged on Muladar found the silence stifling. For years there was never silence with a packmate around every corner and despite his past Muladar missed the familiarity of knowing someone was nearby. To make up for this ( and cover the pained sounds of his sick companion) he filled the air with whatever came to mind. When this wasn’t enough he whispered stories of former times, good and bad.

It terrified Muladar to no end when Lillya was finally healed enough to interact properly. He was sure she would scorn him for being a part of the dragons that scarred her and it shocked him when she didn’t. To his bewilderment, Lillya wanted nothing more than to help him as he helped her. The absurdity of her conviction to give him - someone barely better than his bloodthirsty pack - a haven astounded him; resulting in nominal resistance to denying her proposal. And thus began the Sanctuarium.

Current Life
Life at the Sanctuarium is peaceful for Muladar. He spends his days shadowing Lillya, curling up in a corner with a book to keep an eye on her while she works. The desires that were smothered away by his pack have slowly come back as he’s healed and now Muladar enjoys learning everything he can about his world. It doesn’t matter how big or small it is. If it’s something that can be found in a book, Muladar will read about it. He remembers almost everything he reads and has found enjoyment in reorganizing information that wasn’t filed or sorted properly.
During the times Muladar isn’t shadowing Lillya he can be found hunting outside. He could never quite get rid of the instincts drilled into him by his former pack but the thrill of a hunt would quiet them for a bit. During his weekly (or even daily during rough weeks) hunts Muladar will travel further and further from the Sanctuary in search of a challenge, oftentimes with his close friends Palehunter and Viperlash.
Muladar’s apathetic demeanor discourages most dragons from approaching him and his hardened appearance deters the rest. Yet his unparalleled knowledge is well known throughout the Sanctuarium and occasionally a brave soul will approach to ask for advice (or on a dare. Usually a dare).
The closest thing to anger Muladar ever reveals is during a recollection of his past, leading to brief bursts of aggression that cause him to frighten everyone but Lillya away.

Random Lore Tidbits

- Muladar found a young psywurm during one of his many hunting expeditions. Taking pity on its bedraggled state he took it home and it refused to leave. Now Kakra can be found sneaking around the Sanctuarium or pestering Muladar when he’s alone.

Non Lore Notes

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