
I'll be back by sunrise.
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False Sphinx
False Sphinx
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Energy: 11
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Light icon
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Light.
Female Wildclaw
Female Wildclaw
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Personal Style


Herald's Wrap
Gilded Compass
Petal Jewels
Withering Carousel Sandal


Accent: Autumn Fortunes


Scene: Frigidfin Expedition


5.44 m
5.32 m
397.67 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Sep 22, 2018
(6 years)


Wildclaw icon

Eye Type

Normal Eye Type
Level 1 Wildclaw
EXP: 0 / 245




  • none


Messenger • Gatherer


A warrior is fast, but a messenger is faster. Sirocco may not be much to look at, but she rarely lingers around long enough for others to even process her appearance before she is off on another trip halfway across the world. The little obligatory interactions she makes with merchants, healers and scholars alike are often the only things stopping her from becoming completely elusive. Granted, they tend to view her as a sweet yet forgettable little assistant more than an engageable dragon with her own thoughts and feelings, but that doesn’t stop them from recognising her familial willingness to assist them in their causes- whether it be relaying interclan messages, shipping homunculi, or gathering rare herbs and meats.
They don’t tend to see anything else.

All the better for Sirocco.

The size of the messenger’s hoard of secrets is second only to the lorekeeper’s own. As long as she is tipped fairly, it is nearly guaranteed that she will keep them as close to her chest as her own. And it is a wise choice that Sirocco keeps her own secrets buried, since revealing her skepticism against the deities or absolute knowledge over navigating Sorneith’s black markets would paint quite the target on her back.
Not to mention the fact that her water-walking speed and ability to phase through environmental hazards would actually allow her to complete her quests much faster than she leads others to believe- that is if she didn’t take her small detours to visit and bring sacrifices to that ancient horror...

...Ah, but what do you know. You’re not the type to notice messengers.

Early Life
Sirocco has always been on the run.
It wasn’t a hobby at first. Rather, it was the only way her parents knew how to lose track of the scourge clan they escaped from- the scourge clan from the deep with a prominent slavery network whispered about in hushed tones around the seedier corners of Sorneith. The one that will never let a single slave escape their grasp.

So Sirocco and her siblings learned to swim, fly and phase into light far before they knew how to strip meat from bones. Her family would sometimes find sanctuaries to stay at- the odd inn, a mage’s workshop, some tribe’s tent- but never for long. Information travels fast, after all, and the only way to escape information was to predict its path and undermine it.

But they could only outlast their seekers for so long.
It only took one misstep- one misplaced piece of trust for mercenaries to set up the perfect ambush. Sirocco only had a moment for her mother to slip her lucky runestone over before she was struck and bound up.

She never saw her parents again.

The slavers crippled Sirocco’s legs to prevent her from running. Of course they did. But she would not be able to leave even if she were physically able to- not when doing so guaranteed her siblings come to harm. Not that they mattered in the end.
For the longest time, Sirocco served in their caverns down in the Leviathan Trench. She doesn’t like to think back on the fanatical guards and the suffering cries, the crushing darkness and the biting creatures, but even now they still haunt her nightmares. If not for the comfort from the runestone she hid in her nest, she probably would not have lasted as long.
Despite all her efforts to endure, Sirocco’s best wasn’t good enough. She couldn’t swim well with crippled legs. Her attempts at cleaning and food-preparing were sloppy. As time went on, her delegated jobs became simpler and simpler until she was next designated to be thrown into the darkness of the Trench as fish lure.
Sirocco, clutching her runestone, screamed out into the void. There had to be anything- anything that could save her…

...the deities did not answer, but something else did.

She could not remember the exact conversation she had with the Entity. The resulting pink flash from her runestone, on the other hand, will be branded into her mind until her last heartbeat.
And for the first time in what felt like millennia, Sirocco was free.

Sirocco, swaying on the sun-dappled ground, let her laughter spread through the overgrown clearing she found herself in. She was light-headed with the lack of water pressure over her head.

It proved to be too much, in fact, for the next moment she was lying in a nest of soft moss, her legs aching dimly while a red-eyed spiral patted her head with wet linen.
“Lulu found you collapsed in her garden. Your legs were badly hurt. Are you okay?”
Sirocco frowned. “Were?”
“Couldn’t just let a patient be now, could I? They should be better in a few months. Well, that’s the biggie, but you’re also malnourished as Shade and bruised so…”
Sirocco smiled faintly and reached out to squeeze the spiral’s claw. “I’m better than I’ve ever been. Thank you.”

As she rested, Sirocco tried to leave the clan that took her in as many favours as she could. This time, while her efforts started off sloppy, the constant encouragement and gratitude she received were inspiring enough for her to persist until she was apt. She started off cataloguing and translating in the library. When her legs were healed enough for her to stand without help, she took to managing gathering- given how reluctant most of her clanmates were to leave and find food rather than work on their projects. Sometimes she even had to track down the especially elusive ones to make sure they didn’t simply starve somewhere.

That was how she first stumbled upon Cascade’s cache of homunculi.
To say that the alchemist was flustered was like calling an emperor a little bit scary. Cascade, already stressed from deadlines and too many orders, simply burst into tears. If Sirocco’s reflexes weren’t fast enough, she would have been knocked out cold by his impulsive punch. The wildclaw slipped away immediately, never mentioning the incident to anyone. She didn’t visit Cascade again for a good month or so.
The second time she stumbled across them was intentional on the alchemist’s part. With memory spell implementations becoming the new standard in teleportation runestones, direct transport of his dragon jars was no longer viable if he did not want to be caught. But Sirocco was quick, and Sirocco was subtle. Cascade was willing to owe her favours if she carried out all the shipping duties.
So Sirocco accepted.

As if the entire clan had been waiting for her word, suddenly gathering was no longer Sirocco’s forte. Instead, she found herself running again- first all over the Isles, then all over the rest of Sornieth. With so many dubious items to transport, in her free time, she returned to immersing herself in the land’s underbelly, observing its ins and outs until she was able to weave through and get exactly what she wanted without any hassle.
It was not long after until she truly learned about the Entity. To say her thanks- or because of some forgotten pact, perhaps- every now and then she tracks down Its cult to leave a present or two. Trinkets. Gold. The reject homunculi Cascade wanted disposed of.

Sirocco would never confirm this, of course. Don’t mention it.

>Sirocco's lucky runestone, as she found out later from Dawning, was the signature return stone that Wonderstark used to use before the old lair was destroyed. She has no idea how her mother found it.

>Due to her Plague heritage, Sirocco is quite resistant to Wyrmwound plague. The immunisations provided by Omicron later certainly helped too.

>When travelling at full speed, Sirocco can reach the Tangled Wood within half a day.
regular client


Bio Layout: CityTurtle
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