
Level 1 Imperial
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Starspawn Flyer
Starspawn Flyer
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Energy: 49
out of
Lightning icon
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Lightning.
Male Imperial
Male Imperial
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Personal Style


Amethyst Flourish Eye Piece
Starwood Embrace
Ghost Flame Collar
Lagoon Starsilk Wingdrapes
Haunted Flame Cloak
Ghost Flame Cloak
Woeful Footpads
Pathfinder's Gloves



Scene: Arcanist's Domain


24.02 m
21.13 m
7499.78 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Jul 20, 2018
(6 years)


Imperial icon

Eye Type

Normal Eye Type
Level 1 Imperial
EXP: 0 / 245





|| CAELIN ||
Quiet • Reserved • Mysterious


Shapes drifted around him before disappearing into the void.

Some of the shapes he recognized. The faces of clanmates. Places he had been. Items he had touched.

Some of the shapes were confusing. Dragons he did not know soared past him. Places he had never been slipped past beneath his claws. Items he did not comprehend shot through the 'sky' like falling stars.

Sounds slipped around him. A mother's lullaby in a deafening crescendo. A cry of terror that slithered softly along his scales. Snippets of conversation passed as though the conservationists were strolling along with him in their wake. Someone sobbing. Someone laughing. A whispered adoration, a defiant shout, murmurs of hatred, whispers of loneliness. Every feasible emotion or word fell upon his ears and then left him.

All of the images and sounds roiled around him in a current that collided and parted again. It twisted and writhed, then darted in one direction only to quickly turn and take another. It surged with power for an instant before recoiling as swiftly as a Trick of the Light's tail. It was a sea in turmoil, in a primordial state of unrest.

And he was the focal point.

With gentle care, Caelin reached out. His claws found a tiny thread, a fiber of such infinitesimal size that it could only be seen as it glimmered beneath the passing light of some image or other. He paid such things no mind as he very carefully pulled. His breath steady so that other strands would not become entangled he draw on his selection until there was enough to loop about his finger.

Then he waded into the madness.

If things had been chaotic in the eye of the chaos that was fortune telling, then attempting to navigate its constantly shifting environs was insanity at its most refined and laughable. Yet Caelin moved forward; the further he traveled the more he felt himself weary from the constant onslaught of information that seemed to both beg for his attention and find incredible disdain in his presence. Though the sounds were the worst of it, especially when the past or future might surface with the terrors of violent combat or senseless brutality, he refused to let himself flinch lest the string be broken.

He could not tell how long he traveled for. Time, while the source of his path, held little meaning. Events rippled in space in all directions, the shocks of their creating lacking any kind of prejudice in where the energy went. It was not unlike how a storm would turn the surface of a placid pond into a wildly jumping creature subjected to the whim of the rain, thunder, wind, and lightning.

As clumsy as he was in the world of Sornieth, in the realm of Time... he was grace itself, a master of a world beneath the World. Here, he could See, and he could Know. He could walk on water, breathe great gales, slumber on a bed of stars, wield lightning as a toy... All it took was finding the right moments to observe and interact with.

In a way, he liked to think of himself as a Weaver of Fate. At first he had been childish. He would swat at images only to see how they would change, and he would shout or whisper back at the voices that had both delighted and terrified and confused him. But over the years he had understood that his choices had consequences. At one time he had found an image of a friend, Umbriel, who had been toying with something rather delicate. A swipe of his paw and the thing had shattered in her claws unexpectedly, wounding her. When he had returned and some weeks later the very event he had altered happened, the guilt had been overwhelming as the blood had poured from her injuries and had nearly cost her the mobility in her hands. He had promised himself at that point that he would be more careful and interfere as little as possible.

Sometimes, though... sometimes he could do good things, he had thought. He might whisper something kind to someone in sorrow, or nudge a cloud so children could play in the sunlight or fly a kite.

Yet even those small things he had learned could do harm. Cheering someone up denied another the chance, and that failed moment would destroy a bond of friendship or love that could only blossom in that moment. Nudging a cloud aside could create too much sunlight and dry the land out too much, which lead to dangerous fire that destroyed sources of food, and homes.

In the end, Caelin learned it was best to not tempt things, to not interfere no matter what. Even if he had to shut his eyes and pin his ears against things that threatened to tear his heart from his breast. Or tears from his eyes.

A gentle tug on the string on his finger drew his attention. He paused and turned his gaze toward the source of the disturbance before smiling to himself. Yes, this was what he had been looking for.

Falling from the realm of Time was always disorienting. It was as if a great wind and waterfall poured over him, drowning him, uplifting him. He fell, or perhaps he rushed to the surface, but one moment there was a tremendous rush and the next he was once more in his own body. When he came to his senses he shrugged off his stiffness and discreetly worked a few of his joints to get them going again before shaking the lingering vestiges of dissociation from his foggy mind.

He breathed deeply and erected his ears. Through his sense of hearing he could tell that another person was in his lair, their breathing steady, but not the deep pattern of someone who was asleep. By his sense of smell he could almost pick out the dragon.

Some within the clan carried clean smells like soaps or fresh air. Others had tinges of spices about them, or others the lingering smoky wafts of being near a source of fire. More carried astringent scents of alchemical ingredients, and others the hints of growing things or certain metals or clothing materials.

Of course, it was also unlikely for someone not seeking a reading to linger around in his lair when he was in a Trance, so he chuckled deeply and lifted a claw to scratch at his cheek.

"Well, did you find out anything?" came an impatient question. The slight tremble in the voice gave away an uncertainty buried behind bravado. It was tempting to let the silence linger as resolutely as the darkness over his eyes, but he gave in after a moment and nodded his head.

Strangely, while anything he did in Time's Realm could leave a tremendous scar on the lives of others, Caelin had found that knowing what the future would hold for dragons did little to alter that course or prevent it from happening almost exactly as predicted. Perhaps it was how he often forgot predictions until the moment they came true. Perhaps it was some sort of self-correcting paradox thing he did not really understand, or maybe it was something else like Fate, or Destiny. Then again, for all he knew, there was one more dragon god out there somewhere that made a game of rolling dice and their lives were little more than the results of where the dice happened to land.

"Well!?" prompted his visitor again.

Caelin smiled deeply, revealing every one of his fangs beneath the draping material of his guise.

"Right, the dragon who is going to become your mate..."



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Starspawn Flyer
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