DON'T mention it~
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Energy: 44
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4.79 m
2.98 m
284.85 kg
Eye Type
Level 1 Tundra
EXP: 0 / 245



Descript1 | Descript2 | Descript3 On a good day one may find Thorn bantering and trading away trinkets and materials with fellow clanmates or, if they are settled for the time, foreigners that approach his stand. The simple share of a drink -or more- becomes a jolly interaction with both the inviter and guest drunk and light headed after a long day, sometimes ending with a bit of roughhousing for the fun of it before being let go by the chief or whoever is on duty. On any other day, Thorn is some brooding fellow, head-on on his business and sharp with his words, very reserved and quiet otherwise, taking a swing or two out of his cider stock when he thinks no one minds him. A curious contrast to say the least. He can be found examining materials and arranging them time and time again until he is satisfied with the result, sometimes trading away what he consider broken or useless bits to Arpheia and keeping away stray notes and scraps of cloth or bark, he only seems more interested in saving those items for some reason. On a bad day? Well, good luck finding him conscious or sober in the first place. When in the stupor of his drinking one can find him clinging to the first poor sap that crosses his way, blabbering and refusing to let go until he eventually naps away the alcohol in his system and is knocked out for the remaining of the day, thankfully that tends to happen near his own tent but incidents are prone to happen anyway. He isn't a problematic fellow per se, never picking fights nor being particularly crude, but it's bothersome either way and it is a miracle that the likes of Queren or Ambrosia -even the Altar itself- put up with his behaviour at all. Maybe he is really an amicable fellow under all the issues. In however state one may find him one thing is for sure, whoever taught him to ferment and craft cider, should have taught him proper consumption as well. [...] Long before joining the Altar he ran away from his previous clan after losing his mate, one thing led to another to the point he changed himself, literally. To give himself a new start, but the past still clinged to his mind like muck he couldn't wash away. He wandered with no goal until he stumbled upon the Altar's settlement. The Altar took interest in him immediately as an old bond of familiarity resonated within Thorn. He was kin...the bond was dull and thin but it was there. So a request to join was asked to him. With nowhere else to go he joined the clan on the condition to have his previous memories taken away, to delete them and grant him a proper blank slate for his mind and although the Altar abhorred the idea of lost memories and feared how this would affect that dull bond that connected him to them an arrangement was met: To have Thorn's memories locked in, not deleted nor corrupted, secured to an item of his choice should he decide to revert this decision. Not the perfect solution but it would do, at this point of desperation anything was good enough. At first the arrangement had worked wonderfully, Thorn's past life recorded in a seemingly blank scroll that was locked away in an unassuming case that would be safekept among the clan's treasures, it would be the perfect way to not have the charmed artifact fall to his claws for as long as he wished; but mistakes were bound to be made. Be it by incident or fate as Thorn had become to enjoy a new and unburdened life, he felt the spell of the Altar dim one day and a trendril of memories to pour back bringing regrets he couldn't allow himself to relive. With a desperate resolve and maybe a bit of stupidity on his consciousness he went for the scroll without anyone noticing and tore it to pieces, scattering and destroying the parts hoping to secure that the memories would stay gone but the only thing he achieved was to make them broken in his mind, something he now was unable to erase nor recall as they were. Cursing the deities he went back to the Altar to seek a solution but they could offer none, when in his anger he proclaimed to leave the clan, the last thing he can recall hearing was a broken sob and many voices telling him... And there... was... [...] At the helm of the food stalls for the duration of this stay, Thorn can be found carefully maneuvering water barrels and placing them on a cart to bring back to the stalls and tables adorning the hall of this clan in Light's domain. They were allowed to use the building near their grounds which thankfully had a roof high enough to not require tents and mantles to cover the harsh sunlight of the day. As the tundra passes around the remaining barrels and jars he can't help but take a nearby cup to pour himself some of his handmade brew to settle down the rising headache that had been bothering him since morning. Something like a bright flash passes under his eyelids that he dismisses but the stinging sadness of- ... -,makes him unconsciously bite his tongue. The day trails on.
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"You are my delightful intruder. Taking lessons from the deluded,
I’m the wretched obstacle in your way"
Relations ![]()

art by hamzard <3
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Exalting Thorn to the service of the Stormcatcher will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.
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