
Level 25 Imperial
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Swiftstride Soldier
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Energy: 0/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Ice.
Male Imperial
This dragon is on a Coliseum team.
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Personal Style


Phantasmal Halfmask
Shadowscale Bracers
Shadowscale Greaves
Shadowscale Tail Guard
Shadowscale Wing Guard
Shadowscale Chest Guard
Fancy Waistcoat
Shadowscale Shoulder Guards




24.1 m
16.22 m
8777.62 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Jun 19, 2018
(6 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 25 Imperial
Max Level
Freezing Slash
Frigid Bolt


Mask: ‘Mask’

This mysterious and Phantasmal Dragon seems to have a dark past...why else would he wear a mask such as that?

Haunts the area where the Illumens colony nests, is he a stalker, a spy, a phantom, or something less sinister? No one has had the guts to confront him, yet...


His scars seem to multiply at times, new ones appearing weekly, even sometimes daily, yet they are not the ones he was born with...Maybe self-inflicted due to his own self-loathing of his appearance?

He most certainly has a thing for Alexandrite.

Fun Facts:

-Would literally bridal carry Alexandrite everywhere if she let him.
-Honestly is so sweet to her once she finally understands him.
-He’s a bit of a neat freak, and doesn't like feeling grimy.
-He has never gone unmasked around other dragons since that fateful day. Of course, being the hygiene-conscious dragon that he is, he's got multiple copies of the same mask, so whenever he changes out his mask, he washes his face, then puts the new one on.
-Although he's an ice dragon, he can also use shadow magic. He mainly uses it to make sure he isn't seen during the rare occasions he takes off his mask.
-Masque will occasionally hit someone with a snowball. Because most of his clanmates have only ever seen him using shadow magic, and his eyes are nearly always covered, nobody suspects that Leon is actually from ice flight.
-He has definitely gone back to his old clan and messed around with them somewhat



A runaway from the ice flight, cast out and abhorred by his own family because of his horribly scarred visage and body from birth. Masque took on a variation of the name for the thing he wore, and scavenged for things to clothe his body and face. He found refuge in the shadow flight for quite a while, learning their ways and magic, before departing for unknown reasons and coming across the Illumens colony.

Credit to Gulfstream for the History!

Born in the ice flight, Masque was originally called Leon. Due to his disfigured appearance at birth, his clan, who were all about perfection, wanted to kill him at birth. However, they couldn’t because of an ancient law. So, they ignored him and hid him in the deep recesses of their dens when company came. Leon never actually saw his face except in blurry snow drifts. He didn’t know why his family hated him and didn’t take care of him. He had to hunt for himself and take care of himself from birth. When he reached the age where he wasn’t a hatchling, he was thrown out of his clan. Leon tried to find shelter but no clan would take him in. When he tried to figure out why everyone hated him, he saw his face in a smooth sheet of ice. After realizing how ugly he really was, Leon grew angry at the Icewarden for putting him in such a cruel home. He decided to leave the ice flight, but he didn’t think anyone anywhere would want him, so he tried to find a way to cover his face. He eventually found and tied some cold water seaweed to a plank of driftwood and put torn cloth over himself and wore that. Now that he had a way to cover himself, Leon decided to change his name to Masque. Now that he had a new identity, Masque left the ice flight. He flew over the channel separating the ice flight from the other flights. After sleeping the entire next day, Masque set off at night to find a new home. While soaring over Sorinth, he saw glowing coming from a forest. After diving down and landing on a gnarled tree branch, he stared at the glowing. In a clearing below him, 3 dragons sit around a mystical blue campfire. From what Masque could see, they were all wearing masks like him. The three dragons also seemed to be playing a card game. As one put down a card, the other two shouted with annoyance. Masque leaned forward to see better, but the branch couldn’t bare his weight, and snapped, sending him tumbling down below. The three dragons whirled around as the he hit the ground. One grabbed a stick from the fire and held it up like a torch. Masque tried to hide behind the tree trunk, but the blue light hit his shimmering black scales. After a moment of silence, one of the dragons spoke. “Wow, new dragon, you are good.”
The voice was decidedly female, Masque realized.
“You managed to hide from the best hiders in the tangled woods. I’m impressed.” She finished.
Masque came a little bit out from behind the tree. Over an hour, the female dragon spoke and coaxed Masque out from behind the tree. As Masque came out from behind the tree, the female dragon smiled.
“Will you look at that. Another mask wearer. See, Spade, I told you masks help with hiding.”
One of the other masked dragons grumbled in response while the third dragon laughed and poked the second dragon. Masque watched in confusion. One, he’d never seen a dragon that looked like these dragons, and two, he didn’t understand this lighthearted teasing that the dragons did. The female dragon smiled at the other dragons, before looking back at Masque and smacking her mask.
“Blast it! We forgot to introduce ourselves! Sorry ‘bout that. I’m Heart, and those two knuckleheads are Spade and Club.” Spade, the second dragon, waved stiffly, and Club, the third dragon, grinned widely and spoke.
“Yep! I’m Club! But I’m no knucklehead!” He said quickly. Masque was feeling something he had never felt before. It was nice and bubbly. He chuckled silently and spoke.
“I’m Masque.”
After that, the three dragons invited Masque to join them by the fire and eat roasted black squirrels. They were shocked to hear how little Masque knew about dragonkind and gladly explained everything to them. They explained that their species were called Nocturnes and that they were native to this forest. They also explained that they were a band of thieves and tricksters called the Shadow Cards. They said that they needed a fourth member and Masque, who had never felt needed in his life, joined instantly. The Shadow Cards told him that he should act mysterious around other dragons; to help build a mystic reputation, they said. He learned a lot from the Shadow Cards: basic shadow magic, how to steal without being caught, how to diffuse trap spells, how to make a better mask (physically and emotionally...). Masque actually became the best artist in the camp and was commissioned to make all the masks for all of the Shadow Cards. One day, while Masque was making Club a new mask, since he broke his last one, a strange female Pearlcatcher walked into the clearing where he was painting. Masque was surprised, Pearlcatchers weren’t common in this forest, but he didn’t show it. The Pearlcatcher walked closer to him and studied the mask he was painting with intrigue. She then spoke, her voice soft, gentle.
“Can you teach me how to do that?” Masque didn’t respond, but pulled out some plants and other objects and started to make different paints, eager to please the beautiful Pearlcatcher. He felt her eyes on him as he worked, but tried to focus. When he was done, he started putting the newly created paints away. The Pearlcatcher thanked him in the same, soft way, before leaving. Ever since that day, the quiet Pearlcatcher was always on his mind. He started going on less and less missions, and started working on his painting more and more. One day, the Shadow Cards went on a mission to steal and didn’t come back. The next day, Masque went looking for them and found that they had been caught and arrested. They were sentenced to jail for 15 years. At midnight, Masque snuck into the jail to try to free his friends but they told him not to.
“We could never go on being the Shadow Cards now, they know what we look like. I ain’t gonna go into hiding for the rest o’ my life. You still have a life left to live, Masque. Go, leave us.”
Said Spade when he tried to break them out. Masque fled the Twisted Woods and flew to the Sundial Ruins. He landed, exhausted, in the center of a clan’s camp. It was dark and no one was awake. Masque’s tail was bleeding from when he had smacked it against a thorny tree branch when fleeing. He smelled the scent of herbs coming from a small den. Masque snuck in, stepping over the tails of two sleeping dragons before getting to the clan hoard. He crept inside the hoard, and was met with a tired, but stern looking female Skydancer. She lunged at him and pinned him down by the tail. He struggled, knocking over some treasure in the process. The clattering of the treasure awoke the rest of the dragons and soon the entire clan was scrambling towards their hoard. Masque was panicking. What if they killed him?! What if they tortured him!? He saw a small, yellow Fae and a large, gray and green Guardian enter the room. The Fae looked at Masque before looking up at the Skydancer holding him. “Aether, let him go. His tail is wounded and it’s obvious that he was trying to get some herbs for it.”
The Skydancer grumbled but let go of his tail. Masque scrambled up and was about to bolt out the door, when the Fae stepped in front of him. She handed him some herbs and he took them gratefully. Then she and the other dragons moved out of the way and Masque darted out of the den. He opened his wings and took off, but something stopped him from leaving. He circled around and landed right outside of the camp. While he put the herbs on his tail wound, he watched the dragons head back to their dens to fall asleep. They all looked so kind, even the Skydancer, Aether, had a loving expression on her face as she spoke with the little Fae. Could this be his home? Masque stayed by the clan for a couple days. He watched from the trees and memorized the faces. About a week after he was caught stealing herbs, a new dragon appeared in camp. It was the quiet, female Pearlcatcher. Masque jumped down from his perch on a tree branch and watched from behind a bush. He wanted to go over and talk to the Pearlcatcher, but that would mean alerting the other dragons that he was still around. Suddenly, he noticed the the female Pearlcatcher was walking towards him. He panicked but stayed frozen in place. The Pearlcatcher walked right up to him and smiled.
“Hi, masked dragon. I never thanked you for showing me painting so….thanks.” She said in the same, whispery voice from before. Masque was tongue-tied for a second but managed to get out an
“It was nothing.” eventually.
The Pearlcatcher shook her head.
“It wasn’t nothing. I bugged you and you still showed me. So, take my thanks.” The Pearlcatcher said with a smile.
“Also, my name’s Alexandrite.”
Masque didn’t speak for a few seconds, heart pounding, before answering,
“l’m Masque.”
From those days forward, Masque and Alexandrite’s friendship grew more and more each day. Masque still hung around the shadows of camp but now some dragons would talk to him. He had these feathery feelings inside him whenever he was around Alexandrite. He’s pretty sure that it’s love and it wouldn’t surprise him if he is in love with Alexandrite. She has a heart of gold mixed with a wonderful, humble personality and her joy shows brightly like her pristine scales. Masque isn’t totally sure why he stayed around the clan, but he doesn’t regret it.

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Enigmatic · Forlorn · Wary

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Bio coded by @SkyDancer10. All graphics link back to their creators.

OracleOreo00 wrote on 2018-12-26 20:13:55:

Hey Masque! It seems like you bave a dark history, but what is your favorite good memory?

A brief, wistful smile crosses Masque’s otherwise desolate and enigmatic visage as his eyes flick upwards. He is silent for a bit, taking the time to slowly sit down, before he finally lowers his head to fix his icey gaze on the asker. His deep, dark, yet melodic and entrancing voice answers,
“When I first met Alexandrite. She was a shy thing, which I couldn’t blame her for that..”

His tail flicks, and his countenance takes a slightly bitter turn for a second, before it returns to the original look, and he continues,
“But she wasn’t interested in my mask, or appearance..she was interested in my art..”
At the word ‘art’, his voice takes on an almost meaningful, soaring note, and he lets out a rumbling sigh, before dipping his head, then continuing.

“She asked only to learn, and I taught her. She did not fear me, she saw the beauty I could create and..maybe she saw a bit of it in me. She thanked me, and soon left..but oh, blessed fate, we wound up in the same wonderful clan!”
He lowers his head, a chuckle reverberating throughout him, before he raises his masked face high, nodding once more.

“Yes, truly one of my favorite memories, though I hope to make more.”

Credit to OracleOreo00 for the ask!



Art by me!


Credit to ChosenTreat for the absolutely gorgeous art!


Credit to avienary for the gorgeous art!


Credit to sp0chi for the art!


Credit to Lestyn for the Base!


Credit to Mokuba for the art!


Credit to Foxe for the wonderful art’


Credit to Pringle for the wonderful art!



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