
Level 25 Guardian
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Unyielding Sagittarius
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Energy: 0/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Light.
Male Guardian
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Personal Style


Shabby Spats
Date Plumed Tuft
Simple Gold Wing Cuffs
Date Plumed Cover
Light Tome
Shabby Waistcoat
Mage's Walnut Gloves
Teardrop Pearl Ring


Skin: Crystal Charge


Scene: Lightweaver's Domain


11.24 m
21.76 m
9186.66 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Jun 13, 2018
(6 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 25 Guardian
Max Level


Pla-toe : 'A Greek Philosopher'

Angel is his Charge

The book he carries is actually Angel’s, but due to her small size, he wanted to help her by carrying it.

The Shade...the evil entity that had threatened Sornieth, has found a weakness in Plato’s defenses, and is slowly working it’s way into him. All hope is not lost, but it has start surfacing, showing itself through the crystals that burst from his scales..

He has begun noticing, and is fighting against it, although he doesn’t know fully what it is. He has been too scared to bring it to light yet, thinking he can handle it on his own..

Can he be saved?


He seems stoic and serious, but Plato is actually just shy. Once coaxed out of his shell, he is very amiable, teasing, and likes to show affection (although has to hold back due to his great size and strength).

He’s very loyal, but also very decisive and aware of his surroundings because of his protective nature. He doesn’t like leaving Angel’s side for multiple reasons, some less obvious. He is the strength of the colony in essence, always willing to work hard and do the heavy lifting.



(Credit to Gulfstream for the wonderful History!)

Plato was born into a clan of studious Guardians. His parents had died from sickness right before he hatched, so his brother, Aristotle, raised him. He watched the clan’s philosophical debates all day when he was a hatchling. When he got a bit older, he learned how to read and write. From then on, Plato was absorbed in books. He loved reading about philosophy, stories, and old, historical writings. He took part in the clan’s debates, and became quite well known for his logical arguments. Once he reached adulthood, he felt the pull that all Guardians feel. The pull of finding his Charge. Plato quickly packed up and set off with high hopes. He really wanted his Charge to be a book he hadn’t read. He traveled towards the giant sundial that sat in the middle of Sunbeam Ruins. As he neared the Sundial, he felt a tug in his chest leading him East. He thought it would be his charge, so he increased his speed, flying in that direction. After about a day of flying, he felt the pull again, this time leading him downwards. He closed his wings quickly and dove down at falcon speeds towards the ground. The pull got stronger and Plato grew more hopeful. As he landed, he noticed the corner of a book peeking out from behind a bush. Plato ran towards the book and pulled it out of the bush. At first, he was surprised at how heavy it was until he noticed the small Fae hanging onto the book. Plato was confused. His Charge already had an owner? In his deep voice, he spoke,
“Excuse me, Fae, but I think you’re holding onto my Charge.”
The Fae blinked in response before speaking in a chirping voice.
“Your Charge? This is my book. I’ve had it almost all of my life, I found it in the Sunbeam Ruins.”
Plato felt slightly bad now. He didn’t want to take this book away from this Fae, but he needed to guard his Charge. Suddenly, a thought struck him.
“I have an idea. How about I stay with you so you can keep your book and I can guard my Charge?” Plato suggested.
The Fae thought about this, before nodding and smiling. “That works for me! By the way, I’m Angel.” She said.
Plato set Angel and the book down. “I’m Plato.”
After exchanging their greeting and talking a little bit about their life, Angel mentioned that she was traveling to find her sister who was in the Wind Flight. Plato replied that it would be best to travel tomorrow, as it was getting dark. With that said, the two dragons made shelter for the night. The next day, they started flying towards the Wind Flight territory, but only after Plato convinced Angel to let him carry the book. “I’m bigger than you and my wingspan is larger. Therefore, it would be easier for me to carry the book than it would for you to.”
Plato said during the argument. After Angel agreed and they set off, Plato noticed a group of things flying behind them. He told Angel and she looked back at them. Immediately, her face morphed into horror.
“Those are harpies from Talona’s group! They’re infamous for attacking dragons!” She said frantically.
Plato was panicking. He couldn’t let those harpies steal his Charge. He whirled around and charged at the incoming horde. As he and and the harpies exchanged blows, Angel was attacked by another pack of harpies. As Plato finished off the last harpy, he heard Angel cry out in pain. As he whirled around to face her, another harpy grabbed ahold of his book. Plato couldn’t save Angel and keep his book. He had to make a choice. Surprisingly, Plato felt more compelled to protect Angel than the book. Without hesitation, Plato lunged toward the harpies attacking Angel. The book was ripped off the binding holding it to Plato’s side. As Plato fought off the harpies, one escaped with the book. After defeating the harpies, Plato and Angel both decide to rest for the night. Angel looks sad and the loss of her book but was very thankful that Plato protected her. Plato, however, was moping. He had lost his Charge. He was only half a Guardian. If Plato had been less focused on this fact, he would have noticed how the feeling of being with his Charge was still as strong as ever. But Plato fell asleep, still moping. The next morning, Plato and Angel set off again. Angel tried to comfort Plato as he flew but Plato just flew on, face passive and forlorn. Internally, he was feeling very confused. When Plato woke up, he noticed the feeling of being with his Charge was still there. But Plato had lost his Charge? How could that be? As Angel flew closer to Plato to try to comfort him, the feeling grew. Plato nearly fell out of the sky with shock. It all made sense now! Angel was his Charge, not the book! As Angel gave Plato a very concerned look, she saw a large smile stretched over his face. Plato was so happy! He wasn’t half a Guardian! He still had protected his Charge! Plato explained to Angel after noticing her confused face and she smiled at him. This moment was the start of the flutter in Plato’s chest that wasn’t his Charge feeling. This feeling would still be there when he saw Angel get her book back, when Angel and her sister reunited, and when Angel announced expectedly that she wanted to start her own clan. Plato still felt these feelings on the day she told him about her feelings. With a grin, he told her about his matching feelings and asked her if she wanted to start courting. With a shriek of joy, Angel launched herself into him and gave him a full body hug. They courted for a fairly long while before Plato proposed. They had the wedding in the place they wanted to start their own lair. Soon, many dragons joined them in their clan. Plato couldn’t be more content.

Clan Founder 8.png


Decisive · Loyal · Thoughtful

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Bio coded by @SkyDancer10. All graphics link back to their creators.

“The darkness tugs and the light pushes. The crystals are deadly, yet brilliant. Opposites attract. Angel is my sun. I don't want to become her shadow.”

Credit to Auraelia for the wonderful quote!

AsterTheOrca wrote on 2019-10-14 14:41:12:
  • Given his mate's small size, Plato is a huge help for whenever she needs to reach a tall shelf in a hurry or needs to carry something heavy.
  • The Shade gives him terrible nightmares, and more often than not he's woken up screaming because of it, but Angel calms him right back down
  • The Shade Crystals are like a rash, they're really itchy, especially when Plato gets stressed out
  • He has some theories that bits and pieces of the Sunbeam Ruins may have fallen into the Sea of a Thousand Currents, and has even come up with grandiose theories as to what happened to the ruins, but he's not entirely sure. They're really interesting, though!
  • When no one's looking, he frantically researches how to cure himself of the Shade that's penetrated him, he's hoping no one will notice given he doesn't want to worry anyone





Art by me!


Credit to Lestyn for the base!


Credit to moontea for the wonderful art!


credit to LynxieRG for the art!


credit to Averat for the art!


Credit to Scarborough for the art!


Credit to AloneTogether for the wonderful art’


Credit to Pringle for the wonderful Art!





Credit to Coli for the wonderful moodboard!
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