
The History and Legends of Algidir
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Saturn Gleamwing
Librarian and Historian - Silverthorn Castle

- collected but gets lost in research
- fascinated by the many magical beings and god-blessed dragons throughout history
- often hosts classes on the history of the land
- knows more about obscure magic than anyone else in her sphere
- very tall in humanoid form, wears her hair long. wears very large glasses. Can often be seen toting around various tomes and talking to students eagerly.


Notes: Mated with Potato Sugarcube in her youth, a son and daughter.
The Rulers of Algidir

Era One

Founded by Queen Timber, who once was married to a mysterious King who died during the founding of the kingdom, mother of Princess Evergreen, Queen Platinum and Princess General Frigid, Prince Oak, Princess Willow, Queen Cedar. Called the First Council of Flights in the Year 170, but was never able to achieve a full council during her reign. Ruled Founding to Year 182, First Era

King Breaker, true mate to Queen Timber. Lost in the founding days of the Kingdom during a small skirmish along the then-northern border.

Queen Platinum, The Rose, adopted third daughter of Timber came to power by conquering the power of the Rose and binding Algidir to her will, protecting her people from the devastating eruption of the Great Flame Volcano. Officially chaired the First Council of Flights, enacted a set of laws known as the Lord's Land Laws, which awarded vast swaths of crownland to powerful clan leaders in the Kingdom, naming them Clanlords responsible for caring for the people. First husband Marius died before coming to power. King Alastor passed away in Year 191. Wed King Lokiri in Year 252. Mother to Princess Eirene, Queen Ceridwen, Prince Mihr, and Queen Nasrin. Ruled Year 182 to Year 377.

King Regent Lokiri, A good and amicable dragon during his time as Consort, Lokiri is not remembered fondly by his people for enabling Nasrin to supplant his own natural heirs. May have actually allowed her into the Chamber of the Heart to claim the crown. Consort Year 252 - 377. King Regent Year 377 to Year 379.

Queen Nasrin, the Wild Thorn, who passed her adoptive siblings over in a violent coup in the Year 377. Brought great bounty to her kingdom by binding her Nature magic to the core of the Rose, but her violation of the pact Platinum had made within the Rose caused the rise of the Demon Kasdeya, who in turn unleashed the Demon of War Ruin upon the land. Made sweeping changes to laws, including limiting free speech, forbidding new towns from being formed without exclusive rights first offered to the crown, and that no army could exist but the royal army. Imprisoned hundreds of dragons for 'treason', closed public services, and began to deny food to rebellious towns. Defeated by Ceridwen in the depths of the Rose, Nasrin is believed to have been bound within the Heart in punishment for the oppression she enacted upon her people. Ruled Year 377 to Year 384.

King Lorne, The False King, The Spring King. Secretly wed Nasrin in the days before her conquest but was always reluctant to actually rule. Said to look the part but not to act it. Abandoned his wife to run away with a woman who was said to be no more than a cleaning maid. Lived for some years in a foreign city before his passing at the hands of Khaleesi Silverthorn. Consort Year 377 to Year 383.


Era Two

Queen Ceridwen, The Star, The Triumphant. At first thought to be dead, Ceridwen raised an illegal army of common dragons against the Ruin and defeated him in the year 384 using pure Origin magic, cleansing his flame from the land. More information about the battle can be found in the epic tome The End of Ruin by Delphi Mirori. Enacted law reform and put in place official polling within the kingdom, re-affirmed the Lord's Land Laws and ensured rights for all dragons serving under their clanlords. Ruled Year 384 to Year 541.

King Vercingetorix, The Noble, The Summer King. A brilliant tactician who married Queen Ceridwen in an incredibly solid political alliance, he is credited with many of the victories over the Bayuki and is held in high honor among the knights of the kingdom. Ruled Year 423 to Year 523.

Queen Eirene, The Gentle. Ruled briefly but with a motherly hand, humble and consistently loyal to her allies. Ruled Year 541 to Year 549.

King Regent Mihr, The Cruel, The Regretful. For much of his early life, Mihr was despised by the people of Algidir for the role he played in the rule of Queen Nasrin. However, his turn against her and subsequent penance was enough for him to take the throne upon the unexpected passing of his eldest sister. Acting as a regent for the son of Ceridwen rather than as one who might seize power, he handed over the rule as soon as Prince Owain was ready. Was sadly killed shortly afterward while serving as War Wizard. Ruled Year 549 to Year 557.

Queen Khaleesi, The Witch. Though she never supported Nasrin, the public much distrusted her. She had married him for power but grew to truly love him. After his death sought tragic revenge. Consort Year 549 to Year 557.


Era Three

King Owain, The First True King, The Shining. Because his uncle rejected the crown, Owain was the very first uncontested male of the Silverthorn line upon the throne. He truly modernized the kingdom and turned the court from a curiosity into a true destination. Tourism and wealth within Algidir exploded during his reign.

Queen Cedar Froststar, The True Queen, The Beautiful. A fiery but tiny woman who had little interest in day to day governance or in the politics of court. Rarely in the castle, instead out on adventures.


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