
Do not mistake a lacking for weakness
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Firemane Manticore
Firemane Manticore
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Energy: 50
out of
Light icon
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Light.
Male Nocturne
Male Nocturne
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Personal Style


Iron Filigree Banner
Iron Filigree Boots
Red Renaissance Shirt
Glamorous Scarlet Knickers



Scene: Autumn Clearing


4.2 m
7.47 m
375.44 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Jan 01, 2018
(6 years)


Nocturne icon

Eye Type

Normal Eye Type
Level 10 Nocturne
EXP: 6376 / 27676
Bright Bolt
Blinding Slash
Shining Might Fragment





lightshieldr.png E L E G Y lightshieldl.png

Birth Home

Current Home
Light dragons value knowledge and power above all else. They spend their lives searching through archaic texts to find a single spell that could make them rich beyond their wildest dreams, for words of power that might bring about endless joy, an artifact that could slay their mortal enemy, or simply search to learn more. There were clans scattered throughout the Sunbeam Ruins that were devoted entirely to searching for knowledge. Dragons from all over would come to look through the tomes in the hopes of finding something they could learn and return to their clan and use to benefit them.

A young nocturne was born into one such clan. He was born into a clan of dragons blessed with the gift of Sight. Some could see into the future and made predictions about wars or calamities that would affect dozens of clans at once. Other could see the past and told stories that had long been lost as time passed. Still others had the ability to see the present and could focus their gifts to other areas in Sornieth and see what was happening there. One of the things that gave these dragons their ability was that they had such keen sight. Their eyes could spot things miles away in the air and they were not oblivious to small things.

The young nocturne could not do these things. He could not see into the past, the present, or the future. In fact, he could not see at all. Elegy was born blind and though his parents and other members of the clan tried every spell that they knew, they could not return his sight to him. The small hatchling didn’t know why everyone seemed to worry about his ability to see. He was just fine with how things were. Because he couldn’t see, everyone was protective of him. Whenever he ventured out of his family’s home a dragon followed closely behind to ensure he wouldn’t wander off or get hurt. None of these things seemed the bother the young dragon and he quickly learned how to navigate without the sense of sight. He learned to see things through sound, small noises sending reverberations through the air and returning to his ears. In his mind he formed pictures of what lay before him. Once he truly got the hang of it, he learned how to lose his babysitter, leaving them wondering how a blind little dragon could have gotten away so quickly.

The rest of Elegy’s childhood was greatly uneventful. His parents learned to trust him out in the world and though they still worried and would often follow at a greater distance to ensure his safety, he learned to navigate so well that he was often more sure footed than those who did have their eyesight. No one teased him because of his disability, instead other hatchlings around his age begged for him to teach them how he could navigate around the clan’s territory. Pleased to teach others, Elegy helped others learn what he had, although they couldn’t do it nearly as well as he could.
P E R S O N A L - H O A R D
Dragon Label
Dragon Label
Dragon Label

Upon reaching adulthood, the nocturne knew that he needed to decide what he would do for his life. Though he could navigate perfectly now he had never been able to learn how to read and so any hopes of mastering the tomes of archaic text that his clan possessed were lost. Elegy also lacked the ability to foresee anything other than the moment he was living at that very moment so he could not help the clan to predict the future, retell the past, or write down history occuring now. There was one thing, however, that his clan and many others lacked that the nocturne realized he could help with. Though the clans were protected because of their magic, he knew there were other clans who did not have the same abilities that he did. There were clans that were attacked by beast clans and other dragons and had little defenses. Making up his mind, Elegy decided to become a warrior.

It took a lot of hard work, mostly because there was no one to train him in his clan, but eventually he was able to find someone who could. It was an older dragon, one not born into the clan and therefore not gifted with Sight. The dragon had been born into a clan of ice but had moved to the Sunbeam Ruins. The constant wars between ice and fire clans had begun to tire the old warrior and she wanted to live out the rest of her days surrounded with peace and serenity. Though she was at first unwilling to share when she knew, the warrior also knew that this young dragon would not use the skills she taught him to harm earliers. He would use them to protect those who needed it and only when it was necessary.

Years later, after he had completed his training, his mentor passed away. Few in the clan mourned, for they had all been too focused on their work to get to know the old warrior. Elegy did not fault them for that, he felt much the same way. He had spent many years training and had spent little time among the other members of the clan. Before his mentor had passed onto the next life she had made him promise her something. She didn’t want his talents wasted in this clan filled with dragons of Sight. His talents would go to waste. Instead she told him of another clan in the Sea of a Thousand Currents. Though war had not strunk them in a long time, she knew that they appreciated soldiers and the skills they brought. His mentor had made him promise that once she was gone that he would leave this clan and find the other. Elegy had promised instantly, knowing that his mentor would not steer him wrong.

A few days after his mentor passed into the next world the nocturne left his birth clan and headed for where she said the clan had been. He found it with minimal trouble and upon introducing himself and why he was there, they accepted him with open talons and welcoming smiles. They cared not that he couldn’t see, but what he could do despite it. The Clan of Clear Water would be more than just his home, they would be his family.

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