
Level 1 Ridgeback
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Swarming Devourer
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Energy: 0/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Wind.
Female Ridgeback
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Personal Style


Gold Aviator Satchel
Sorcerer's Herb Pouch
Marshwisp Colony
Gold Aviator Gloves
Gold Aviator Boots
Teardrop Citrine Pendant
Nomad's Sandwastes Vest
Black Cavalier
Golden Silk Veil


Accent: Capricorn


Scene: Voyage of the Tenacity


15.56 m
16.92 m
9571.66 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Apr 27, 2017
(7 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Ridgeback
EXP: 0 / 245





pronouns: .she/her

Robin a bit of a fishy fellow; the sort that one wouldn't expect to be hanging around the Soang. Not that she's unpleasant; far from it. Robin is overflowing with sardonic wit, slick smiles, obscure idioms, and wild, ruffled charm. She's quite obviously shady, and yet she oozes a sort of charisma that makes people like her. Robin is always ready with a sharp, knowing grin and a glimmer in her eye.

Robin is generally charged with navigation, specializing in weather and water. The ridgie knows how water behaves, and she can read the sky better than she can read any book. She does her job efficiently, and well. Few can rival her in weather prediction and naval navigation. While she's not technically a vendor, Robin also likes to help with haggling and negotiations occasionally. She does have to keep her head down in some areas though; she's got bounties on her head, and law enforcement sometimes knows her well.

❀ - ❀ - ❀ - ❀ - ❀

Robin was hatched alone, with no family to speak of, into the seedy underbelly of a certain city. The Cloudsong, the floating metropolis of a Wind capital, the largest, busiest, and most crowded trading hub in the known world. It was a city teeming with life, color, and flair, where money and goods flowed thick and fast. The place was rife with thieves and smugglers, and was possibly the second largest criminal hub in the world (second to the Tangled Wood).

Alone from birth, Robin would not have survived had she not been taken in by a local gang. She was valuable for her color, her element, and her breed's size, strength, and propensity for stealing. She could blend in to and navigate the Cloudsong well, and would do well to complement the smaller, more nimble breeds already working for the organization. Robin was groomed from birth for a life of crime.

She excelled at it. She loved it, loved the adrenaline, the chaos, the mental challenge, the money, the power, the ability to do whatever she wanted. Robin was a known criminal by the time she was fully grown, but she somehow evaded capture every time law enforcement got a lead on her. Despite her stature, Robin knew how to hide, and when she couldn't hide, she know how to talk and bribe her way out of trouble. Worst case scenario, she could fight her way out too. She was a constant thorn in the city's side, but they could never remove her on their own.

It was on the job that Robin met Amudet. It was a smuggling job, in the vicinity of the Sea of a Thousand Currents. Like most ridgies, Robin was wildly uncomfortable with water, and was very reluctant to go. She was needed though, and in the end, after much deliberation and many encouragements from her superiors, Robin agreed. On the return trip, as Robin peered into the water, Amudet suddenly grabbed her and dragged her under. Robin panicked instantly, and passed out soon after. When she awoke, she was deep underwater in some sort of air bubble that she herself had unconsciously generated, and Amudet was scowling at her from the other side.

Quite unsure of what to do, Robin fell back on what she knew best—talking. Amudet was a tough one, that's for sure. In fact, he was still wholly unfriendly by the time the sun set and the light from the surface faded. As Robin was plunged into a inky blackness, the fact that she, a ridgeback, was trapped underwater sunk in. She began to shake, and then she began to cry. She truly didn't know what to do, and she was terrified, more so than she had ever been in her life. Her sleep that night was uneasy and fitful.

The next morning, Robin awoke to Amudet, apparently returning from a hunting trip with a neat brace of fish in tow. Without saying a word, he pushed them into Robin's bubble and left her alone to eat. When Amudet returned again, he was less hostile than the previous evening. The two settled down, and she managed to coax a conversation out of him. Though their respective dialects were a little far apart, it was eventually communicated that there had been a misunderstanding.

While it was gradual, from then on, the two were thick as thieves. They were each others' closest friends and companions. Robin even grew past her fear of water. So of course, when Amudet became intrigued and joined up with a certain band of nomads, Robin followed.

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Exalting Robin to the service of the Shadowbinder will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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