Level 10 Mirror
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Personal Style

6.03 m
4.12 m
608.22 kg
Eye Type
Level 10 Mirror
EXP: 8145 / 27676

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Jude is a stoic individual, seeming to most to be not cold but at least calculating. He has a fondness for battle and war that he is not shy about and is a firm, no-nonsense leader. He lacks the savagery Mirrors are famous for, however, and has a deep sense of justice and honor that makes him a stellar patriarch of his Clan. Those that know him well, of which there aren't many, know he possesses a very dry sense of humor. He appreciates a good joke or well-planned prank, even when it's pulled on him, and has been behind more than a few himself. He'll admit without shame that his hard exterior helps him get away with things because no one would ever suspect him. He doesn't consider this unfair: “A great warrior exploits every advantage given to him to overcome the disadvantages and win the day.” Jude is the leader of the small Ilmarinen Clan, alongside his mate, the Fae Mica. Whether it’s from his Wind birth or some other factor, Jude was never as vicious as many other Mirror dragons. An orphan, he hatched alone beneath a bush and learned quickly to fend for himself, but also displayed mercy at times where a Mirror might normally go for the kill. It was observing this from her sap lair in a tree high above where he tended to patrol that drew Mica to him. They were both hatchlings, learning about their world. Time passed as the two dragons grew, Jude never meeting Mica, though she often would follow him, staying high above where he might sense her heat signature. Jude never found a clan that fit his unique personality, though he did make friendly acquaintances here and there before eventually returning to the little area near Mica’s clan that he’d called home since birth. One day, as he explored, he stumbled across a meditating opheodrys serthis. She was not about to take a chance on a wandering Mirror dragon, his fierce red and black appearance not helping his case. She attacked first, taking him by surprise and pummeling him with wind magic. Jude was able to recover enough to strike back and held his own, but slowly the creature was wearing him out. It wasn’t until Mica swooped in from above, frills vibrating with protective rage, that the creature was driven away battered and bloody, the Fae’s surprisingly powerful magic too much in combination with the Mirror’s claws. The battle took a toll on Jude. His wingskin was torn in a few places and he had a terrible wound across his chest and belly. Mica’s own clan refused to help the Mirror, fearing he might hurt them. They were not a large clan, migrants from the Starfall Isles, and feared that with their small size and small numbers they would become meals for the Mirror when he regained his strength. They did not believe Mica’s assurances about him. Frustrated, she stole healing potions and salves from her clan and left them forever. With deft, tiny fingers, Mica worked every day, sewing up his wings with such delicate, tiny stitching that one almost can’t see the scars. She stitched his chest wound and applied potions and salves, as well as used what little healing magic she knew. When he awoke two days later, he found the little Fae hovering over him, frills displaying concern, though he knew very little about reading Faes. He could tell she was friendly, though, by the two dead squirrels that Mica had managed to kill him. It wasn’t much to eat, but he accepted it gratefully. After that, the two found their own little corner of the Windswept Plateau and founded the Ilmarinen Clan, a small clan, but a happy one. After that, the two found their own little corner of the Windswept Plateau and founded the Ilmarinen Clan, a small clan, but a happy one. Their relationship began as an immediate friendship, the two working tirelessly at learning to communicate, Mica developing a hint of inflection and Jude learning to read her frills and body language, mimicking at times now with his own crest, though its rigidity makes this difficult, and wings, often without realizing he’s doing it. Friendship grew quickly into an intense love, the two now looking forward to the future and the children they may have. |

* Initial three offspring that were created during the FR Tutorial (Unnamed, Unnamed, Haran) are disregarded for Lore purposes.
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Exalting Jude to the service of the Windsinger will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.
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