
Sometimes dreams thaw
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Frostbite Hummingbird
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Energy: 49/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Wind.
Female Skydancer
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Personal Style


Winter Wind
Frostfaerie Wings
Snowfall Robe



Scene: Frostbite Falls


3.99 m
3.98 m
398.77 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Jan 29, 2017
(7 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Skydancer
EXP: 0 / 245


windshieldr.png S A M A windshieldl.png

Birth Home

Current Home
There are instances in which dragons are born into one flight when they really belong in another. Their eyes do not match their personality or what they stand for and sometimes they are judged because of it. A plague dragon who feels as if they should’ve been born nature is scolded for their thoughts, told that what they feel is wrong. They push aside their feelings and thoughts, try to fit into the shell that everyone thinks they should be in. Butterflies don’t belong in shells though. And neither do dragons.

The winds that gust through the Windswept Plateau are warm no matter where they come from. It allows the dragons there to live in comfort, not needing to worry about storing food or moving their clans elsewhere doing colder months. In fact, it had been centuries since a breeze that caused even a shiver blew through the bamboo. But sometimes the great beings that walked the earth before dragons make strange things happen. On a warm night, a small nest of dragons began to hatch. One by one they opened their light green eyes and beheld the world around them. Their parents greeted them with smiles and warm hugs, telling them to watch as the rest of their siblings were born.

At last it came time for the final egg to hatch. The parents looked at each other, worry evident in their eyes. The last egg was the smallest of the hatch and had been colder to the touch than any of the others. They’d feared that the little dragon that resided within wasn’t strong enough. Reaching forward the mother attempted to stroke the little egg but pulled back in surprise. Days ago it had simply been cool to the touch, but now it was as if were emanating ice itself. A crack appeared in the shell and worried parents watched as their last little dragon pushed her way into the world.

As her head appeared out of the shell a cold gust of wind blew through the Plateau. It brushed its chill touch to any that were in its way and they shivered, wondering where the sudden cold had come from. Her parents watched, somewhat fearful, wondering what they had just experienced. They worried that their hatchling wouldn’t make it, that she wouldn’t be strong enough. As they watched their little hatchling surpass her other siblings in every possible way, they realized that they had no need to fear for her not surviving. They watched with pride as their little Sama grew.

Though her childhood was simple, her adult life was less so. Unlike her siblings, she did not enjoy goofing off and was not content to simply float on the warm currents far above her head. Instead, she preferred to stay on the ground, engaging herself in activities that most wind dragons did not tend to do: read. She devoured any book that she could get her talons on, which were few and far between, but each was enjoyed just as much as the last. One book was read many times and the skydancer felt as if she could recite it by heart.
P E R S O N A L - H O A R D
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Familiar Name

The tale was an ancient one and told of a prophecy long forgotten by others. Far in the realm of the Icewarden lay a frozen castle made purely of ice and frost. No dragon could find it even if told the location unless they were the rightful heir to its throne. The heir would not be descended from any royal blood, as dragons did not yield to kings or queens. The heir would simply be a dragon born into one flight but at their heart a dragon of ice and frost. The reason Sama loved this story so much was because she felt that it told of her destiny. While her siblings were cheerful and playful, she preferred to be quiet, thoughtful, and sometimes even came across as cold to others who didn’t know her well. She was not a typical wind dragon. Though she knew little of the ice dragons to the south, Sama felt that she was the heiress spoken of in the ancient prophecy.

When she was old enough, the skydancer left her home and everything she knew in search of the ice palace. Though she was unaccustomed to the climate, she refused to leave until she found what she had come for. She scoured the icy mountains, the low frosty fields, but no matter where she looked or for how long, there was no sign of her castle. Frustrated and now feeling lost, she came across an ice clan and asked what they knew of the tale. With sadness in their eyes they told her that the castle had long since been destroyed.

The tale spoke of a single heir but there was one every one hundred years. The last one had been selfish in their want for the castle. Once they discovered it, they attempted to keep it hidden from other dragon eyes. Once revealed, however, the ice palace could no longer be hidden from view until the heir died. With each dragon that appeared to marvel at the intricate workings of ice, the more rage filled the heir. In one such act of rage, they called upon the magic they had been taught in their arcane birth clan and ripped the palace apart. The structure was razed to the ground and though the dragon tried every once of magic left in their body to fix it, nothing could be done. So the heir left, ashamed of their actions and in mourning for the loss of their destiny. Since then the ice has been molded into the landscape and even the area itself no longer draws any heirs to it.

Saddened and pained by the loss of something she’d never had, Sama tearfully thanked the clan and took to the skies. She knew she couldn’t return home, not when she knew it had never truly been where she was meant to be. No other territory seemed like a place she could live in after learning of the tragic history of the ice palace, so she simply drifted, watching as the landscapes changed below her. Days turned into weeks and weeks into months before her body finally had exhausted itself of all energy. She felt to the sandy shores along the Tsunami Flats, where a clan of water dragons took her in and cared for her.

Once conscious, she found that she no longer missed the palace she’d never seen. The clan who had cared for her were friendly, uncaring of her past and focused on the future. They made sure she was completely healed and taken care of before asking her where she had been headed. Sama did not know the answer to that and simply asked if she could stay with them until she decided. They readily agreed. What was only meant to be a few days of rest turned into years. The skydancer’s heart would still ache sometimes, knowing her destiny couldn’t be fulfilled because of the selfishness of another, but the Clan of Clear Water helped to cleanse her heart and soul and fill it with something more. A purpose and reason to help others.

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