
Spy - Coded Cellas Guild
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Pronghorn Hunter
Pronghorn Hunter
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Energy: 50
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Nature icon
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Nature.
Female Wildclaw
Female Wildclaw
Hibernating icon
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Sky Crystal
Grey Spear
Cloudgazer's Arctic Bags
Tarnished Steel Belt
Advisor Overcoat
Blue Birdskull Necklace
Dusk Rogue Hood
Silver Steampunk Gloves
Silver Steampunk Spats
Silver Steampunk Wings
Simple Gold Wing Bangles
Black Linen Wing Wraps
Cloudgazer's Arctic Goggles
Helpful Healer's Trail



Scene: Port Town


5.71 m
6.35 m
548.33 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Jan 19, 2017
(7 years)


Wildclaw icon

Eye Type

Normal Eye Type
Level 5 Wildclaw
EXP: 316 / 5545


Mist's avatar
''Always beware the mist, once you realize it's there, you're already surrounded!

''Hey, Get out of there!'' the voice shouted. Mist just smirked and ran deeper into the building. ''What do you think you're doing Mist, the place is burning down, leave it!'' Mist ignored the fae. She slashed the half-charred door in two and ran into the house. The house itself was made from carved stone but all the furniture was on fire and even starting to heat up the stone and make the structure unstable. Mist didn't mind it. She worked fast. She turned over a table, it splintered as it hit the ground. She tore through the burnt rug and pulled on a latch embedded in the floor. It hissed open, and she quickly scooped its contents into her satchel. A wooden cabinet fell from the ceiling crashing next to her. Mist got up and sprinted out of the room, and up the spiral staircase. The staircase was practically falling apart and smoke was starting to seep into it. Mist pulled up her mask and covered her face with her cowl as she sprinted up even faster. ''Mist! Mist! Hurry up it's going to collapse.'' Mist made it up to where she shattered the door and looked for her way out. On the far wall a window just big enough to jump through was; however the furniture was mixing with some dyes [used on them by those who lived to live here, this fabric/ weaving house] and was creating giant walls of fire. Mist took a quick breath then ran towards it. She grabbed a thick rug and tossed it on top of the fire then trampled it as she passed through the hole in the fire wall. She then leaped and tucked her head in her wings as glass shattered as she crashed through the window. She pulled her mask down and took a deep breath. Then she started laughing.

''Mist, you must have some death wish or something! What on Dragonhome was that!'' The fae was furious but relieved that Mist made it out. ''Relax Quartz, you sound just like Chip! The last thing I need is someone telling me I'm reckless and irresponsible!'' Mist was still laughing,'' besides I got the ore, so you can thank me when we get to go on that mission in Hewn City! '' Quartz shot a glance,'' Yah, and how are we going to explain this burnt down house?'' Mist folded her arms,'' You know, they tried to burn this place down to stop us from getting it, so it’s not our fault, besides Intel says they used this as a base till we got here.'' ''Fine, but if he asks, you're explaining this.'' ''Alrighty Quartz, can we get out of this drought? I could sure use a day off at the lagoon, you know where there's water, water, and more water!'' ''Finally something we can both agree on! And hold onto that tight this time, if we want to get a day off at the lagoon, we can't have Chip to be on all of our tails saying how we messed this up.'' He glanced a smile at Mist. ''Hey! That was one time, you try to fight off a mob of Banded Owlcats some time and see how hard it is!'' ''And that's why you should fly into the fog, they wouldn't have been able to see you!'' ''Fine, next time I see those flying chicken-cats I'll fly into a pine tree forest coated in fog where I can't see anything, Happy?'' Quartz just smiled and plotted their route back home. Mist smirked again thinking about that day, that first mission.

It was Mist's ever first mission was an interesting one if I must say. She wasn't even to have been assigned it. Mist had come from another clan, a long lost one. Everyone there was a fighter for the protection of the forest. They all loved the sparrows that sang and flew throughout the forest and would build them feeders and perches. They even fashioned their clan after them wearing bird-like apparel. And though for many years it was a peaceful clan, one day, they encountered an ancient foe of all creatures, the Shade. No one knew why at that moment or why their clan. Maybe because they lived so close to the behemoth. But it swallowed the magic energy from their clan's land and destroyed all. The clan tried to fight but realized that they couldn't stop it. Instead, they risked their lives saving the creatures and plants that lived there while dragons evacuated including Mist and her brother Fallen. Her mother and father carried them as they were only hatchlings at the time. However, the Shade spread too fast and targeted the trees where they flew. Mist's mother threw Mist out of the way as the trees crashed down on top of her. Her father and brother were swallowed by the Shade before they could get out of the way. Mist hide in a cavern and tucked her head in as debris fell around her. Hours later, she emerged as the forest grew silent. No life of any type could be seen. It was as if the forest itself collapsed into the blackness in which destroyed it. All she could find was a single piece of string her clan used when making birdskull apparel. Next to it we're three birdskulls of the sparrows that used to live here. Mist sat for a long time not understanding anything that had just happened. But she made those pieces into a necklace to honor and remember her family and clan.

Mist had no idea what to do. Everything had been destroyed. Everything. All she could remember were some names of dragons or places her clan said were safe. She only remembered how to get to one. She knew she couldn't stay, beasts would be scared off but they'd come back.

The Games was one place within the forest that any dragon was welcome. Whether you were an ice dragon or fire you'd be welcome to compete[yes, even plague]. Dragons compete in a series of games that they may choose from to win riches, respect, and especially show off one's clan. You didn't have to compete, you could simply be there just to find a clan, with all those dragons, you were sure to find one. Only one rule, no fighting [beyond competitive bickering]. Mist's clan always competed. Won many times. Mist new it would be safe there, but still where would she go. Stay there, tag along somewhere else, look for any of her clan’s survivors? All these thoughts swirled in young Mist's head as she walked the path towards the Games. It was a side road where very few would ever travel, much safer if you'd want to avoid pirates or thieves that steal off the main road.

That's when Mist was nearly run over. She was passing a large hedge and as she did, a dark, cloaked mirror tripped over her as she passed. She was tightly clutching a package in her arms as she slid in the dirt. ''I'm so sorry miss,'' Mist started to say, only she noticed something off about this dragon. The female mirror was breathing hard and seemed to be in tremendous pain. She groaned as she tried to stand. Her arms shook and she looked right past Mist to something further down the path. ''It's . . . alright,'' the mirror said exhaling sharply as she started to walk. Mist tried to help her make to a nearby tree to hold onto, but the mirror said it wasn't necessary. Mist was about to ask why she was panting so hard but suddenly, a loud branch snapped. Birds flew off and everything grew silent. Mist squinted at something sparkle in the treeline. Next thing she knew, everything erupted into chaos and breath was launched towards them. The mirror grabbed Mist and jumped into the shrubs. ''Hey, hold this for me would ya. Stay right here and I'll be right back.'' She jumped over the shrubs and attacked the dark figures. All Mist could hear was grunts and could see part of their heads as they got too close to her. The mirror avoided their breaths easily and clawed the ambushers and forced them to retreat back into the forest. It would have been all over then, but then Mist heard two whisper,''She must have hid the package. . . Distract her while I find it.'' As they said that, Mist could see them make their way towards her. Mist knew she couldn't stay put, but if she moved they'd see her.

Mist hadn’t noticed it at first, but it was growing darker in the forest and colder. At first she thought the sun had disappeared. That's when a mysterious mist enveloped the ground. It felt cool to the touch, almost fake, but there could be no water or shadow dragons this deep into the Viridian Labyrinth. The voices were growing louder as they approached. She realized that any movement she made would alert them. Maybe the mirror would stop them she thought, but what if she couldn’t. She decided to hold onto the package and looked at the fog rolling in. It was now or never she thought to herself. The bushes shook as she made a dash for the fog. She could hear them step in them as they swiped them, destroying them with a few swings. Mist ran as fast as her legs could take her even though she knew she couldn’t see them. She just continued running into the fog deeper and deeper as everything faded from sight except for its blurry white mouth.

The two began searching again. “I thought you said it came from here, Char.” “It did.” “So where’d it go? Char? Cha~.” The dragon was cut off as a blow to his face was landed. He looked up just to see the cape of his attacker. He reached up to try to grab it but another blow to his head knocked out his vision. The dragon smirked,”Too easy!” “Moonbeam, sorry I’m late. I had to make sure we weren’t traced. Did you get the package?” Another female mirror approached the one Mist had just met. “Well it sure is a relief that you didn’t just leave me out here, and yes I got it. It’s in the bushes over there with a little Wildclaw hatchling.” “You sure, I didn’t see any hatchling or package, just two knocked out dragons?” “You’re kidding. I told her to stay right there.” “Well, unless a branch is a dragon, I don’t see anything.” “Great, what are we going to tell Chip. We told him this was going to be an easy in and out?” “She couldn’t have gotten too far, and she wouldn’t be alone. She might be going to meet her clan at the Games?” “True, this road either goes to the Auction House or the Games, and I know she didn’t past me going back to the Auction House.” “So that’s where we should go. You start that way and I’ll get rid of these goons and look for any clues.” “Alright, be safe.” “You too, and Good luck!”

Mist was breathing hard, nervous that in any second she’d run into something. She still clung to the package like her life depended on it. Finally, the fog started to release her of her worries as it started to thin. She could start to see the forest around her and regain her bearings. She let out a sigh of relief as she found she was still on the path and not stranded in the woods somewhere. She looked up to see the sun starting its journey into the horizon. She decided that whatever dragons could be chasing her probably wouldn’t be around, lost in the fog somewhere, so she began slowing down to catch her breath. The woods weren’t so bad now, even with the shadows from the setting sun. She would be more scared if she couldn’t see anything. Still, she wondered if any beasts would be around. Nah, if the AH was this close by, then of course beasts wouldn’t be around. The AH guards were ruthless, they didn’t care about any dragons even their own “friends. She remembered hearing rumors about pirates that snuck up on dragons and drag them towards the AH for a quick profit. She remembered hearing the clan Caretakers talking about it one day and asking her parents for clarification. Those were the bad AHs.

She was feeling tired. Her muscles were telling her to stop, but she had to keep on the path. That’s when she heard a faint jingle. Bells? Then she heard cheers coming from up ahead. She turned a bend in the path and saw it, glorious golden lights, red and orange lanterns covered in red and blue shimmering confetti. Streamers wrapped around a black iron post with intricate patterns resembling ivy. She saw dragons of all breeds and colors. She walked with more perk as the excitement of seeing this bright festival fueled her every step. Along the path we’re tents and campsites where dragons congregated and joked around, ate, and laughed. She looked to the other side and found two dragons trash-talking each other until another came up with drinks and they shook hands and laughed. Ahead of her, a female guardian was pulling back on a bow and letting loose her arrows into a target with her wing’s claws. As she did two other dragons also followed letting their arrows fly into the practice targets. She spoke with them and did it again. Mist watched as her eyes were amazing concentrated. Just as she was about to let loose, three mirrors ran right past Mist, nearly knocking her over. The mirrors kept running, trying to outrun the other. Mist looked back towards the archers but they had left.

Mist then realized where she must be, the Games. She saw the track, the stands, and the gathering halls, all of everything her clan every spoke about the games. She was about to make her way towards the gathering hall, when a voice over a P.A. announced the start of the next event and a whole crowd of dragons started swarming the path to get onto the field. Mist dodged the large feet of a Snapper running to catch up to his team, and the crowd of dragons legs and wings as they flew and ran to the field. Mist jumped sideways off the path. She slid on the ground and nearly lost grip of the package she was still holding. She dug her claws into the ground to slow her down before she ran right through a tent. She found it wasn’t exactly safe to be outside with the beast but not in the middle of this crowd either. That’s when she heard the clink of the archers, arrows hitting more targets. She spotted them on one of the large trees that acted as the Gathering Hall’s structure, its trunk had a giant gap big enough to fit hundreds of dragons and space for a few levels up with its branches acting as floorboards.

That’s one big tree. Mist thought to herself. She figured it would be safer to sit up there. Besides, I’ll get a better view to spot the other dragons. So Mist climbed up the side of the tree, holding onto slivers of bark as clawholds. She made it to the second floor without to much difficulty, then she climbed up two more. There was more level up but she liked the design of the fourth floor the best. It had a large view and was hardly crowded. Mist searched around for some place she could sit and rest. The sun had just gone down so only the bright lights illuminated the arena and the Gathering Hall. She found a nook in the tree covered in ivy, so it was hard to notice at first, but that would be for anyone larger than a hatchling. She’d been surprised that no one had even seen her get this far up. She lay back against the side of the nook and examined the package. It was wrapped in brown paper tied up with strings but had a weird drawing on the side. The words DELIVER TO: were written above. It was a red rose with black bands attached to it, bracelet-like. She wondered who could own this present. But she didn’t dwell on that thought to long as she zoned out and fell asleep using the package as a pillow.

She didn’t know how long she was asleep for but she woke up to the sound of the PA system announcing the results to the mid-events. She peeled out from behind the ivy and saw the fourth floor was still empty except for a few dragons talking at a table about the races. She was about to fall back asleep when she spotted a Fae staring out the side window and tapping his claws on the table. They were so rhythmic, he’d start from one claw and tap them in a row. The claws were gold in their claw armor. She saw his face covered in a rogue mask. After that the Fae was dressed in all ,from his red tunic to his red hat. She was sure she wouldn’t be able to see much of his face if it weren’t for his red deep sea bulb. She then spotted his tail, there the red roses from her package. She took out her package to compare them, a perfect match! But how can I be sure it’s not a coincidence, that this really goes to him? She looked the package over again to see if it held anymore clues. She realized she had skipped one side of the box when she was tired. The words were scribbled on, as if the dragon who did was in a hurry. SOLARCELL’S FOR— RAN— the words were written sloppily sliding off the edge of the wrapping. That mirror must have written this, if it this nearly wrapped and this poorly written, it was definitely someone who was running, maybe she took this from the AH. She thought. Maybe I’ll ask him a question about this place, SOLARCELL, it sounds like a clan name, maybe a guild of one? She glanced across the room again at the Fae who still looked at the arena below.

Mist tucked the package deep behind the ivy where no one but her would know about it. Then she took a deep breath, straighten her back, and walked across the room towards the Fae. He didn’t seem to notice her until she began pulling a chair out to sit in front of him. Mist climbed up the chair nearly twice her size then sat on top and looked him in the eyes. He glanced at her giving a shady look then turned to look out the window again. Mist just kept staring at the Fae until he grew uncomfortable. He let out a little sigh then turned to face her. “Do ya want something from me deary or do you always stare at strangers?” Mist sat back in her chair, and smiled. “Nah, I’m just like watching the archers from up here. It’s a really good view, even better than the fifth floor.” The Fae gave a little smile,”Finally someone who agrees with me. I would have just left the tree be and keep it with four floors , but at least it keeps up this floor less crowded. You got anybody that you like to watch?” Mist glanced towards the archers then back to the Fae. “I like that guardian down there along with the archers behind her. They are very good.” The Fae began to chuckle and shook his head,”That’s amazing, it’s almost like they sent you to talk to me. Sorry, you see that’s my family, I’ll be sure to tell them their good.” Mist was actually surprised.

Was this all just some coincidence, she just happened to like those archers. Maybe she just liked the fact that their wings all shimmered bright colors. “Why thank you, so do you often come to the games as a family thing or …” she left him as it was obvious that clans were what came to games.”Why no, I’m just here to support them, sort of the clan cheerleader. Everyone here is either going for glory or just looking for a clan.” Mist nodded, pretending she didn’t know, she didn’t want the Fae to think her next question was coming from an infiltrator. “That seems like a great way to find a new clan or win a lot of treasure. Does that mean that your clan is SolarCell?” The Fae looked confused at first then looked towards the Arena. He looked at the scoreboard and saw the name up there. “Why yes, You can see their names up on that scoreboard. We are are here to represent our clan today.” He paused and held a proud smile on his face as the crowds cheered below. He looked back towards Mist “Say are you here all alone or are you with anybody?”

Mist was about to say yes, when she realized the truth. Her hands rubbed her necklace and she gave a glance at the window. She let the rush of emotion pass her and glanced back towards the Fae, “No, no one.” The Fae sensed a weird awkwardness hidden in her face, so he cleared the tension. “Well I’m here. I just wouldn’t want a nice wildclaw like you getting snatched up by the Auction House.” She looked back up towards him and gave a light smile as she extended her paw, “Thank you for the compliment, you aren’t so bad yourself.” Then realizing that she still didn’t know his name, “The name is Mist by the way.” The Fae smiled and shook her paw, “Shadowflare.” “Well, Shadowflare, would you do me the favor of saving my seat. I’m feeling rather peckish.” She found herself speaking in a rather courteous voice full of class. The Fae played along with the new style voices, “Of course millady, I will guard thy seat as ifth were mine own.” They shared smiles ;and Mist hopped of the chair, curtsied, and went off to grab the package she left in the nook.

As she walked towards the nook, she spotted the words: Final round, on the billboard. Every dragon participating in the games would be watching. The entire barracks would be silent and still while the arena would roar with cheers and laughters. Every dragon would be watching but yet the fourth floor remained empty other than the few dragons that were still here. It seemed as if everyone preferred to be closer to the action down below, closer to their teams, towards other clans, than watch the whole crowd. “Well everyone has their own reasons, I just think it’s pretty up here.” Thought Mist.

She had crossed the room and pulled the package out from behind the ivy when she heard something like glass shatter in the room above her. It was faint but still there, just barely heard over the sound of the crowds cheering below. She turned around when she heard claws drag on the wood flooring than faint whispers conversing with each other, then silence. Mist climbed higher up the ivy on the tree a placed her ear up to the floorboards and listened closely. The claws’ scratches returned in multiples. At least 4 pairs of them, not dragon. She gripped the underside of the tree branch that made up the floorboards to follow their whispers. “He’s waiting below, the AH package should have been delivered a minute ago, now take your positions and wait for the signal. Once you recover it remember the Rendezvous spot, behind the scoreboard.” Mist heard the grunts of approval and the claws retract from where her ear listened.

Her heart panicked, they were here for what she had. She had to get this to Shadowflare quickly. Mist slid down the tree, picked up the package, and sprinted across the room. “Shadowflare!” She screamed. She spotted the dragon still waiting for a her, looking at her in confusion to why she screamed, but he would have the answer all too soon. The lights shut off and the room was thrown into a dark abyss. Dragons screamed and glasses shattered. But no one but that room could hear over the crowd below. Mist ducked under a table as a plate flew by her head. The only things she could see were the reflections of the shiny floorboards and glass shards in the light coming from the windows. Thumps and sounds of fighting were coming from all over.

She peeked out from the table’s stand and saw a feathered wing of a large bird lying on the floor, it didn’t move, unconscious. She had only peeked out for a few seconds when something was thrown into the table she was hiding under. She jumped to the side as she caught a glimpse of another set of wings with the body of some sort of cat. “Great, Banded Owlcats! Just my luck,” thought Mist. She squinted into the darkness and made out a sliver of a red hat. “That must be Shadowflare,” Mist thought, she was ready to take off when she heard a shriek that made chills run down her spine. The thrown owl cat was right behind her, feeling the pain of being thrown, yelled at his compatriots,” I found the package.”

It slashed at her back but she anticipated the swipe coming at her and dropped to the ground. This owl cat was only a little bigger than her, but still had for sets of claws to slash at her with. She turned and rolled out of the way just as another claw came at her face. She took a chance and dove into the beast clawing at it as they were sent into motion. The owl cat was already weakened from being thrown but the swipes from Mist had made him have enough. Mist quickly got to her feet and ran back to the other package, sliding on her side to avoid another owl cat’s wings swooping at her. “Great, I’m the target!” Mist thought. She looked to see Shadowflare not to far from her.

“Shadowflare, over here.” She yelled. The tip of the red hat turned, acknowledging who’s voice he was hearing, and was coming more into view. She moved quickly knowing that the owlcats would soon be on her tail. She was almost in arms distance of him when she saw a yellow eye moving quickly at them. “Shadowflare! Look out.” He turned to block the beast just as another jumped on him from behind. Mist jumped onto the back of the owlcat to help fend them off. The package fell to the ground, rattling whatever was inside. Mist locked both her arms around its neck and planted her feet on the owlcat’s back and pushed off. The owl cat screeched and released its grip on Shadowflare and tried to grab onto mist. Its claws scratched along her ear and tail but she held on tight. Her feet planted deeper into its back, so deep her toe claw was pushing in on its back. The owlcat clawed more ferociously ,but its efforts were worthless as the need for air was more and collapsed to the ground.

Mist released her grip and pushed the thing away from her. Her eyes looked up to see Shadowflare back on his feet, firing breath attacks to knock them back. “Heya sport,” he chuckled short of some breath, but obviously enjoying the rush of adrenaline. He fired a burst right above Mist’s Head. “Did you like the refreshments? In about a minute they’ll be serving chicken wings. Mist smiled, the sight of her friend not worried about their situation calmed her. “Ready for Backup?Just grab onto my back!”Then another crashing sound of a window breaking came from behind. “Shadowflare, this way!,” It said.

Mist realize she recognized that voice as the one she heard earlier. The Fae jumped through the window as some owl cats started scrambling to their feet. “Moonbeam, Starlight, we got owlcats in the building.” “We have more problems Shadowflare, the Windigos’ clan is here. They know we are here, Starlight found they are the ones sending these things up here.” The other mirror looked up at the hole made in the window, “And we better hurry before they send more. They have scouts all over the place. Did you see a wildclaw hatchling with a package running through here?” “I hope you don’t mean the package you two were supposed to deliver, and for wildclaws, I’ve only have this one.” “Well, do you two know where it is?” They started talking to each other but Mist couldn’t manage to hear them over her body going cold. It was still up there. “Shadow-.”

Her voice was cut off by a loud booming voice from overhead,”Well all of you made this way easier than my commander made it sound. I loved to stay and chat but he’s waiting for a special delivery courtesy of SolarCell.” He cackled as him and several more owlcats took off. “We got to go after them,” Starlight said. Shadowflare stuck out his arms blocking her,”You know we can’t do that here. No fighting remember, even if they are beastclans.” “Then how exactly are we going to get that back? The whole place is swarming with their clan, and now they know who to look out for,” she sighed in frustration ,”you know how important that package was?” The three looked down and thought over what they could do.

The mirror Mist met earlier, Moonbeam, glanced at Mist. Then she spoke,”Hey, you’re the wildclaw from earlier. You made it all the way here, ugh, so close. Don’t suppose you know where they went?” “Really Moonbeam, I doubt she’s knows anything about this case, besides she’s probably too young to get it anyway.” “I don’t know Starlight, I’ve seen many young hatchlings figure things out after just hatching, remember two weeks ago at the AH’s pens.” Mist felt guilty for losing the package but she knew this was her chance to redeem herself. “I don’t know much about these Windigos you’re all fighting but I heard the owlcats are meeting behind the scoreboard to exchange the package.”

“Well there you go Starlight, she does know.” “Yes, but the only problem we now have is getting over there without any of there lookouts spotting us, or the Games’ guards when we’ll have to fight for it back.” Mist didn’t know much about tactics or anything but she did have an idea. “We had a big problem with some harpies in my old clan before it. . . wasn’t a clan any more, but we solved it by disguising some dragons as them to scare them off. Didn’t even realize it before they were inside the nest.” “That’s a pretty smart plan, but no one here could past as for an owlcat. We’re far too big.” “But not me,” Mist said. “Look, We appreciate the help but there’s no way we are going to send an untrained civilian in harm’s way.” “Look,” Mist said, finding a new determination in her voice,“Those things are expecting three big dragons to go hunt them down, if you can distract them long enough, I can sneak in and swap the package with a decoy. Then I can sneak right back out into the crowd and have one of you get me out. Or you can just return back to your leader empty-handed giving those guys what they want.”

“She has a point Starlight,” Shadowflare spoke up,” besides she can handle herself, I saw her beat up two of those chickens back there. She’ll be fine as long as we distract them.” “Here,” he said to Mist handing her some feathered wings. “These are my sister’s, she uses them to fly easier but I suppose they will be used for a chicken costume today.” The dragons quickly put together a disguise to trick the owlcats and got into their positions.

“Okay, I’m nearing the scoreboard, ready to drop off Mist. Moonbeam, Shadowflare, get ready to distract.” The two nodded and set out to complete their tasks. Starlight turned to Mist,” Sorry I doubted you, you’re pretty smart to figure all this out. Just. . . Don’t get yourself killed, I’d prefer to hear another of your plans again.” Mist nodded and began to climb the side ladder to get to the top of the scoreboard. Starlight watched her climb halfway before departing, saying something along the lines of “be safe.”

Mist pulled herself up onto the platform where the score keepers would change the numbers. But now all the dragons weren’t paying attention, rather they’d all be talking with clans and waiting for the announcer to reveal the last round’s scores. She looked right, the score keeper was looking down at the crowd but something was wrong with his appearance. She got near and saw they were knocked unconscious and propped up to look like he too was waiting for the score. “Of course he’s unconscious,” muttered Mist to herself. Just then a head popped out from behind the panels. “Hey, there you are! Stop messing with the scorekeeper and get in here Agent 5.” An owlcat was motioning for her to come inside. “Good, they can’t recognize me,” thought Mist. Mist quickly stepped behind the panel and into the secret meeting she went.

“Quickly, The squad leader is about to send out the courier to deliver the package.” Mist took her place behind the second row of owlcats. In the front was a large female ridgeback. “Good job recovering the package, we can finally get past Fortress’s defenses and release our allies, so then we can put these Nature Rebels in their place! Even now, these Nature thugs are here, spotted none other than your Commander Horton. The owl cat that had mocked them from before landed on the Ridgeback’s shoulder, gave a little bow, and held up his accomplishment, the package, for all to see. “Onward to the Shifting Expanse my brothers,” he chuckled once more. All the owlcats cheered and hooted while the ridgeback gave a grin. Mist half-heartedly cheered for sake of her cover but began walking around the crowd to get closer to the ridgeback.

She had made her way all the circle unnoticed as the owlcats were to oblivious to notice. the commander was had finally set down the package beside the Ridgeback. “Job’s not done yet, we still need to get this to home base so prepare yourselves, we set off during the finally announcements..” Mist was ready with a fake box, ready to pounce for the package. “Come on you three where are you,” thought Mist.

Just as she thought it, a breath splintered one of the panels at the edge of the scoreboard. Mist wasted no time. As all the other Owlcats stared at the source of the fire, she slid diagonal across the circle and swapped the package. She slid under one of the owlcat’s wings just as two took off to investigate. “Get the package out of here!” Yelled the Ridgeback. The owls cats took off to attack the source with the ridgeback while three picked up the decoy and took off. Mist saw Moonbeam off in the distance firing a jungle breath attack of her own as another group jumped out from behind the panels to attack her.

All was going to plan, until commander Horton was almost out of sight when he realized he didn’t have the right package. Mist was right at the ladder ready to climb down holding the package in her mouth when she saw him look back and see her face climbing down the side. His face shot a mad, dirty glare as he yelled and pointed Mist out to the two owlcats on his side. Mist saw them flying straight for her telling more owlcats about the imposter. They looked, first confused, then realized Mist wasn’t a real owlcat and joined the chase after her.

They would be on her in mere seconds Mist knew. She couldn’t climb down fast enough before they’d catch her. She decided to use the advantage of the feathered wings. “Hope this works,” she thought as she jumped off the ladder rungs just as one owlcat crashed into it trying to grab her. She spread out her arms and began to glide down. She smiled as her plan was working and she hadn’t fallen straight to her doom. It was the first time she had every flown and she nearly forgot about the fact that owl cats were still chasing after her as she laughed as the wind blew through her fur. But word had gotten to the Ridgeback that they didn’t have the package. The Ridgeback saw Mist gliding down while she recovered from a claw to the face from Moonbeam, letting her owlcats block her from anymore. She saw Mist and was enraged, and sent forth a valley of breath attacks at her.

Mist was almost overheard of where Starlight was waiting, by a Games Guard post. Apparently Starlight had made sure it was empty to avoid them interfering with their work in case the owlcats started something(no they’re not dead). She was ready to tuck her wings and land next to Starlight when she was hit with the breath attacks. It was like a shove in mid-air. It threw her sideways into a spiral. She tried to straighten out but her feathered wings were in tatters. Mist couldn’t control her fall towards the ground. “Starlight,” she called out. She was nearing the ground, pure ground. Just hard dirt at the base of the air that she’s crash into. She tried using her hatchling wings ,but they weren’t ready for real flight. She closed her eyes and braced herself hoping that the crash wouldn’t hurt. Just as she saw the last glimpse of ground, she felt an arm grab her leg. Mist looked back to see Starlight breathing hard.

“I’d give 5 stars for recovering that package ,Mist was it? The landing maybe 2, could use a little work.” She smiled and set Mist on her back. “Right now we got to go, Moonbeam will cover us and Shadowflare is going to lead them back to the middle of the Arena. The guards won’t take a liking to the owlcats in there. Hold on.” Starlight helped Mist up on her back and began running towards the Barracks.

The final announcements were being announced behind her from big loud speakers, courtesy of those from the Lightning Flight. Mist covered her ears from the loud vibrations, but the loudness didn’t stop Starlight. She ran down the back trails ready to pass through the gate. Mist let go of her ears to hold on tighter as Starlight picked up speed. Mist saw the gate a few yards in front of them. “Almost Home Free!” She laughed out loud, she was excited to finally get out of there.

Just as Starlight had got right in front of the gate, a bolt of electricity flew past Mist’s head and shattered the gate. Screws, wood, and metal bits were flying everywhere. Starlight slid to a stop and jumped out of the way of a sharp piece coming straight at her. Mist clung to her wing cover, grabbing at whatever she could before she was sent flying into the chaparral. Mist and Starlight were both breathing hard and panic like. Starlight got up, scratched up from the gliding on the rocky road, and looked around frantically to see where the beam came from. “Mist, you okay?” Mist looked up at Starlight, “It’s all good, I’m still alive and kickin’ aren’t I?” They both sighed happy sighs and got up. Starlight was back on her feet when all the relief of the moment was drained away.

Another beam hit right next to Starlight’s arm. The zap stung her and Starlight inhaled sharply as she shook her arm . “Are you okay Starlight, I will be, once I shred that winged-vermin.” Then a as soon as she said it, a giant shadow passed over them. Both of them looked up to see the pointy nose and spiked body of the Ridgeback behind them. They felt the breeze of her giant wings fanning them from the air. Starlight glared a menacing look at the Ridgeback and snarled. “Now, there will be no escape from me this time dear mirror. My people have the place surrounded. So, instead of giving you and your friends’ heads to my master like they want, we’ll cut a deal. The package for your life.” The Ridgeback smirked, “It’s up to you Starlight.”

Starlight stood, still in her dominance pose, but she seemed to be running through possible loopholes. Mist still clung to her back but began thinking herself. The Ridgeback was only a few yards behind them. Mist didn’t dare look at her but she could feel where she was with the wind still hitting hair. She did; however, look up ever so slightly to see a weird white movement pouring out of the bushes. It was rolling out onto the path like curtains on a stage. That’s when she had a plan. But it wasn’t before the Ridgeback’s threat was confirmed. Mist saw ,as did Starlight, the people she referred to, all aiming their weapons along the bushes along the path. “Time’s up Starlight, what’s your answer?”

Mist whispered as quietly as she could, “Into the Mist.” Starlight was surprised at the statement, but was getting the idea. She slowly returned to a standing position, the tension in her fan crests moved into the weapons around her. “You want my answer Claws? Better luck next time!” Starlight fires a jungle bolt at the ground sending up a large cloud of dust. She sprinted towards the white Mist. The dust was only temporary, but provide enough of a cloak to avoid the archers from hitting them. Starlight ran into the building walls of opaque as the Ridgeback growled in frustration. “After them!”

The moment they were through the wall, nothing could be seen. Mist could barely even see the back of Starlight she was holding on to. “Starlight, can you see anything.” “Not much, you sure this was a good idea?” “Well, if we can’t see, they can’t either right? Besides, all we need to do is make our way through the Barracks, and whether this Chip is.” “Easy for you to say, you’re riding on my back.” “Well,. . .just don’t trip.” Mist was at a loss of words, but both chuckled quietly. Their pursuers could still be heard but were growing distant, the sounds of the Ridgeback’s voice yelling at her idiotic accomplices sounded more like angry chatter. Mist glimpsed black posts and tents and felt Starlight never once slow down to avoid them.

“How are you not hitting anything? All of them sound in like they couldn’t find their way past the gate post.” “It’s not easy, but my second sight helps me sort through this crowded mess, besides it helps when you have a sister who gives a detailed description of what the barracks look like.” Starlight shifted her body to the right and stopped.” “What’s the matter?” “Starlight looked slightly up, “There’s something further up ahead, I don’t know what, but all I see is orange when I look at it, heatwise.” Starlight began walking quietly around whatever was in front of her. Mist tried to squint into the mist to see if she saw anything but there was nothing she could see except something extremely light blue coming at her.

“Watch out!” Mist said tapping rapidly on Starlight’s back. Starlight tried to avoid it but was struck. The source of the beam spoke. “Like my mate said, we have you surrounded Starlight! Your friends may have gotten past us but all we care for today is the package.” “Starlight, get up.” Mist whispered shaking Starlight. She groaned and tried to get up but the attacker had already made his way over to her and fired another bolt. Starlight’s body was rolled over, breath shaking. Mist caught sight of the body of the attacker, a male Ridgeback, told from the spikes on the tail. Mist heard Starlight try once more to get up only to hear her grunt as the male Ridgeback planted his foot on her back. “Let’s not make this any harder than this has to be, give me the package.” “Never!” “Suit yourself.”

Mist knew her friend’s date if she didn’t act immediately. As they still exchanged a few last words, Mist took the string off the package and sprinted over to where she could faintly see the two. She didn’t stop. She held the string and jumped onto the Ridgeback. Taking by surprise, he stopped his attack on Starlight and fired randomly into the distance. He tried shaking her off but Mist held onto his spikes. “Get off of me you little rat!” He kept his hold on Starlight but turned his head to try to poke Mist off with his long nose spike. Mist dodged then jumped onto his spike and wrapped the string around his mouth to prevent anymore beams from being fired. The Ridgeback shook and bobbed his head trying to get her off. Mist began to slip and slid towards the tip of his nose. He dipped his head to launch her off when he flung it up. Mist could tell and let her slide a little further. Just as he was about to flip his nose up ,Mist swung her body forward and kicked the Ridgeback in the throat. He stumbled back, gasping for his missed breath, releasing his grip on Starlight. Starlight rolled to her side and stood up, then threw herself onto the Ridgeback knocking him backwards. Starlight turned towards Mist and then towards the path. “Come on.” Mist grabbed the package and jumped onto her back. Starlight began her run while the Ridgeback still struggled to get onto his feet.

Starlight kept on running, her heart pounding, but the mirror only seemed to quicken her pace. Finally, after a long silence, the mist lessened and both could see more clearly in the light of the moon. Starlight glanced over her back and saw nor heard anything more of either Ridgeback. “Do you think we’ve lost them?” Mist asked Starlight who had slowed to a trot. “It won’t matter in about a few minutes. We are nearing my home clan, so if they do show, they’ll have to face the guards, the Forest Rangers. But we are close to the the territory’s edge so they wouldn’t dare come near, or they are simply lost in this Forest Maze. Either one will work to our advantage.” Starlight continued the path. Mist could feel the motion of her lungs taking deep breaths to calm her beating heart. She too relaxed. The words that had come out of the mirror’s mouth was music to her ears.After the crazed events, she wouldn’t have to worry about being chased. She could have a home in the forest again. Mist’s whimsical thoughts were then dragged down from the sweet smelling air they wafted in.

The music that sounded sweet hit a sour note. “They were going back to their own clan, but would, could they allow me?!? It wasn’t exactly up to them to let me in.” Mist looked towards the starry sky. “What am I to do. What was coming?” “Nervous are you,” asked Starlight shooting Mist a glance. Mist fumbled with her claws, “It’s just, I don’t know anything about your clan, its policies, leaders. What if I blow my chance at getting a new home.” Starlight stared back at Mist who had her head down staring at her fingers. She lifted Mist’s head with her tail; looking the young Wildclaw in the eyes.“Don’t doubt what you’ve done today. You helped stop one of our most fearsome foes and you are not even full grown. I’ve seen many dragons do great things, all over the Soreinth. However, I‘d be a liar if I’d say most of them were grown. I work at the AH ,if you haven’t already guessed. Many of the hatchlings I see learn many tricks and skills that I have yet to see in my generation. It’s all about one’s heart. And I can see yours, you know, figuratively.”

Mist grinned at that last remark. Starlight was a real nice dragon, better than what she heard about most mirrors.” “And don’t worry about our leader. If she let us stay, she’ll let you too. We spies gotta stick together.” Mist was feeling more confident already. Starlight is right. I don’t need to be worry. I just need the leader how much I can contribute to the clan. And even if the leader isn’t too convinced, Starlight and the others wouldn’t let her go down without an argument. She smiled and looked up at the stars. They shone bright like stage lights shining down, encouraging her to show everyone what she could really do!” She didn’t have too long to stare, for they were already in view of lanterns from a clan.

Starlight stopped for moment, she looked up and squinted as one might when reading in dim light. She called out, “You better not be trying anything Bahgera, I see you hiding up there!” All was quiet for a second until Mist heard the faint snickering. “You get a pass ‘cuz you got a newbie with you, but if she stays, she won’t get a pass next time.”With that, the Cackler jumped out of the trees and disappeared in a cloud of smoke. ”Guess you really are a lucky charm, Bahgera usually just throws water balloons or worse pranks at us.” “That is a thing in your clan?” Mist asked. “Yah, he calls himself King of the Tricksters or whatever. Kinda why being a spy is great, cuz you don’t get attacked by paintballs as much. But now, let’s get going or my guild leader will get mad.” “Guild?” “Lets just worry about teaching clan structure after we officially deliver the package.”

Mist nodded and Starlight spread her wings. “I thought mirrors liked to run more than flying.” “Trust me, in this part of the forest, Mirrors should fly. You’ll see why.” She grinned and took to the air. She flew through the tree the dragon, Bahgera, had jumped out. Mist covered her face to avoid the twigs on the branch from poking out her eyes. Starlight laughed, “Whoops! Hang on Mist! Okay we’re good!” Mist opened her eyes again to see a whole village built into the trees. Wooden planks made up the platforms that many dragons walked upon. Into the thicker trees, she saw huts or bulletin boards where dragons read clan news and rested. There were even rope bridges to get across to the other platforms and houses. Each one of the platforms was lite up by yellowish orange lanterns that made the place seem bright and lively despite for it being the night. Mist noticed dragons with armor heading back out into the woods she and Starlight had just come from. She also noticed that some dragons stood at perfect attention in front of huts where the more spirited were running around trailing ribbons or paint brushes behind them. She noticed they were already in the center of the clan. The number of dragons had increased as well as the age of the structures. Carvings in the posts were intricate and revealed all sorts of scenery and animals.

Though they were all beautiful carvings, Mist noticed one that stood out out of all them. It was the weirdest yet most interesting one of them all. The base of the post was a twisted, leaning tree trunk. Above the trunk was a carving of a sun beaming out of tree. Starlight was heading towards it. Mist swore should could see something green glowing around the carving. Starlight then began to descend towards the platform. As she landed, Mist could see what the green lights were, fireflies. They seemed to congregate all over this hut more than anywhere else Mist could see in the treetops. Starlight motioned for her to step off and started telling her things she should know; however, Mist was hardly listening. She was too fascinated by her surroundings. Living in the trees instead of amongst was already strange and interesting to her. Starlight must have started to catch on as she kept waving her claws in front of Mist’s face or ask something without an response, just starstruck eyes.
But just as Mist was starting to get deep into the structure of the lair, she noticed two dragons talking nearby, gesturing towards her as the spoke. Then one of them broke away and began walking towards them. Unlike most dragons she’d seen on the way in, his eyes were purple. A shadow dragon? Not too uncommon for lairs to have diversity of other elementals living in them. However, the dragon seemed to be different from the others, for starters, the only Spiral here. But he seemed to stride with confidence and authority as he came over. “Starlight, I see you’re still alive and well. I got worried something happened to you ever since it became 3:01 am. You said you’d deliver by 3 am. What do you have to say for yourself?” The statement didn’t seem to faze Starlight. “It’s not exactly my fault that the assignment papers you gave didn’t include the weather reports. What, is Hurricane taking a vacation or something?” The spiral smiled, “It’s not we can find him to ask anyway. Those mysterious mutants are something strange; nonetheless, please give the package to Puma for analysis. And you can tell me your field report right now, as in, who’s is this?” He motioned towards Mist who looked back at him, startled that he was already speaking about her presence.

“Lt. Chip, though your reports were faulty, I managed to still acquire the package because of this Wildclaw. I was hoping she too could join our spy ranks.” Mist didn’t know why she said that word, “too.” Was someone else also joining the spy guild?” “Don’t you think the Fae could use a little extra muscle?” “I’ll decide whether or not she gets a role when the leader makes her decision.” “Well, you better start thinking Sir.” “Then I guess we should send her in and you can finish your job.” The spiral looked at Mist then Starlight then motioned for Starlight to come with him. Mist was left to walk into the hutt, alone. She took a deep breath then looked ahead of her at the door. She walked forward and opened the red, wooden door.

The whole room was pitch black except for the reflections from a glass lamp on the table. Mist began to make her way towards the center of the room, hoping not to stumble on anything. Mist couldn’t help but feel watched despite the lack of beings in the room. That’s when she proved those facts wrong. The door slammed shut and everything was pitch black! Mist’s heart skipped a beat and made her trip over a thick book. She scrambled to her feet only to be lost in confusion. Where am I in here? She was starting to panic but then thought about what she had accomplished today. I fought all sorts of monsters and evil dragons. I even found my way through heavy Mist. What’s to say that the dark is any different. She had a mission, light up the room, and she wasn’t going to fail!

Mist pulled herself together and began remembering what she saw before she had entered. She crept slowly towards where she believed the middle belonged. She felt the changes in the floor from hard, thick wood to soften carpeting. She then felt a couch of sorts that she had seen near the table on the way in. She let her hand climb up the side and run along the soft leather fabric till she felt no more. Mist kept walking forward slowly. Then,”Ouch!” Mist exclaimed. Her claw had been stubbed on something hard. She felt near her claw to find a hard ,smooth, wooden surface. The Table! She reached up to try and feel the top of the table but it was higher than she thought. She went back to the couch counting her steps. She climbed up the side arm till she made it to the top, Okay Mist, it’s not that far. Just one leap into the unknown. Hope I’M READY FOR THIS. Mist started to run down the arm and then she jumped. Even though there was nothing to see, she still squinted her eyes and waited to feel the table.

Thud! Her feet hit first, splipped, and made her land on her side but landing right in the middle of the table. Ugh. Okay, now where’s that lamp? She rolled back onto her stomach and got up. The lamp was easy, it was right next to her. She felt it over. It was made with metal and glass but the nobs were things she hadn’t quite seen before, and the shape was off. She tried one nob out. Nothing. She tried the second, a faint spark but nothing big. Mist then moved onto the last one. She closed her eyes and tried the last on. A bright flash illuminated the room around her in a light about as bright as the sun’s rays. She hit the first nob to see if she could turn it down. That’s when she saw the light go down from behind her eyelids. She opened and saw a female mirror adjusting the lamp to a nice level. Finally I can see! But, who is she? Before Mist could say a word, the dragon spoke.

“You must be Mist. The newbie. I guess you would like the spying field best out of the other groups, unless you like gathering or guarding more.” “Yes,” Mist said dumbfounded by the dragon’s statements. “Ah, good, we need more intel gathers in the field. So, I will inform Chip and Moonstone right away. How do you do with others?” “What?!?’ Mist said astonished,” What do you mean?” “I mean, can you work with others or do prefer to go solo.” “Well, no one likes to be lonely.” “Haha, Moonbeam and Starlight were right about you. Okay, well you’ll need to meet with your new partner soon and get you a house to stay at. “Okay, hold on your talking way to fast, what are you telling me here.” The mirror looked at her,”Sorry, if I wasn’t clear enough. I’m saying you’re now officially a part of our clan, Solar Cell now, as a spy. Spies always have partners, usually duos, unless of course you’re Shadowflare, which I assume you’ve met already. Your partner is Quartz, not to be confused with my son ,Quartz, but one you’ll work with on missions. My mate, Naomi will assist you to your place now. I have much work to do.” With that the Mirror left the house while a male Tundra walked in.

He spoke with a kind smile,”She likes you.” “Uh. . . cool? Who is she?” The tundra chuckled,”She’s my mate and the leader of this clan, but you can call her Lavender, that’s her name.” “Whoa, and that means, wow!” Mist was just now getting hit with the wave of realization. “Hehe, okay now, I’m here to tell you about this place and to get you settled nicely into your work. So shall we?” Mist just nodded, her mouth open in awe. She could barely even keep up with what he was saying to her as they walked. He pointed things out, told her some basic rules, and told her that she would be able to meet up with Quartz tomorrow. At the end of the whole thing, she found herself in a nice sized house, recently renovated as she heard, and laid down in her own bed. She covered herself in a light blanket and fell asleep.

“So Mist, what do you think Hewn City will be like? Think we’ll see the despicable Lightweaver herself or the even deadly monsters that’ll devour the sun?” Mist looked back to her fae friend flying next to her,”Calm down Quartz, before you walk up the whole Light Flight. And I think you’d enjoy it if the sun was gone, Shadow Fae!” “Nah, I just want them light dragons to move away from my home flight, or just an eclipse for a few days, so Shadow can get some territory.” “That’s why I only play for Gloom to win!” Both laughed as they made through the yellow pine forest outskirts. “I think we just have to turn right up ahead, there’s a trail that should lead us straight to Hewn City!” “What are we waiting for?” The two turned and made their way down the trail. The forest was more shielding of the blinding light here. The air is clear and the still except for their voices. “Hey, I think there’s a clearing up there.” Quartz pointed out. Mist saw it too. “It looks like a clan.” The two took a look, straying from the path.

The place was empty, deserted. The wind was kicking up more violently and abnormally as they looked through the clan. Mist and Quartz, excited to see this place at first now became shocked and worried the more their curious eyes looked. The grass was scorched, stone rubble everywhere, even had recently been put up. The place had been looted out, banners torn, and weird energy marks all over. “Quartz, do you see these weird energy marks.” No answer. “Quartz? Did you hear me?” Mist was worried. She ran back towards the side Quartz went to check out. “Quartz, where are you?” She whirled around the corner of a broken stone house and ran right into Quartz. “Oh my gosh Quartz, answer me when I call your name for crying out loud!” “Mist, take a look at this.” Mist knew that fae’s always spoke in monotone but the way Quartz spoke was pure toneless. She looked at the wall and gasped! “I think Light flight has its own problems to deal with than just its borders.” Mist agreed with Quartz. Inscribed in the wall, was the symbol of a loyalist group as well as a message stating: To all Clans throughout the Sunbeam Ruins, We are the Castigators. We serve our leader, Lightweaver, and her mission. Imperials are a mistake one we will help rid of! Just contact us with their location. However, If you are found harboring the vermin known as the Imperial Breed, you’ll and your clan will end up like the one you see before you! I’m sure you’ll make the right choice in following the words of our master! - The Society of the Loyal Lights!

“Quartz, we need to finish this mission and fast. I don’t think I want to stay here any longer.” “Me too.” Quartz had finished his notes on the area and followed beside Mist, both in silence. The wind died down again and stayed that way as the continued to make their way out of the clan. “The only energy here was light.” Quartz finally said once they made it out of the ruined clan. “Lights killing Lights! Must there be more even after an Emperor?” “Maybe killing imperials is what caused it?” “We need to warn dragons. It’s not fight, letting a monster destroy clans.” “Or becoming a monster and doing it yourself!” Quartz had spoken the words right out of her mouth. Just as the two were about to go back to the trail, they heard shouts.

They looked into the forest behind them and saw a Nocturne and Imperial flying away from something. They were coming closer. “Hey is that who I think it is? That’s Helena!” Quartz said astonished. Mist squinted. It indeed was the dragon Quartz spoke of, but who was she with? Mist saw two pursuers and a large guardian overhead, firing powerful beams of light at Helena and her mysterious acquaintance. Mist spotted the symbol she’d seen before on Guardian’s shoulder armor. “Quartz, they’re being chased by the Castigators.” “PIcking on our clan’s members, they must have a death wish.” “We’re going to need some cover.” “I got the fog if you can navigate.” “Good thing I’ve had practice!”
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