
Level 5 Coatl
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Molten Marauder
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Energy: 0
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Wind icon
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Wind.
Male Coatl
Male Coatl
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Copper Harvest Goblet
Ember Sylvan Twist
Ember Sylvan Anklets
Teardrop Citrine Belt
Ember Sylvan Bracelets
Nomad's Sandwastes Socks
Will o' the Ember
Bewitching Ruby Forejewels
Bewitching Ruby Pendants
Celestial Attendant
Champion's Furs
Teardrop Citrine Leg Band
Teardrop Citrine Tail Ring
Ruby Daredevil Cover



Scene: Flamecaller's Domain


7.65 m
10.12 m
843.87 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Dec 25, 2016
(7 years)


Coatl icon

Eye Type

Normal Eye Type
Level 5 Coatl
EXP: 2603 / 5545



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  • none


I'm so sorry

that being with you hurts you

but I can't escape you

and you can't live without me

please just know that I love you

and I don't want to hurt you

but your devilish grin

and irreverent sin

makes me glad to be stuck in you
- - Of Gemstones and Lava - -

Antique Oil Lamp
Flamerest Embers
Eye Agate
The spirit attached to Languid - and one of the only bonds in the Caravan Kingdom preformed with mutual consent; as such, Languid and Venerate's contract is unbreakable.

They are one being, and as such, can never return to two.

Like all spirits, Venerate has a particular affinity to certain things, and has crafted its appearance to reflect this. Gemstones twinkle from each crook and crack of its jagged body, with a soft, honey trickle of lava pouring from claws and maw.

While most other spirits are cantankerous and violent towards humans, Venerate is tender, holding a deep love for Languid, who Venerate deems both 'master' and 'friend'.

Venerate is unable to speak in the human tongue, but the bond with Languid lets them relay messages in the form of images and feelings to each other.

While Languid doesn't know that Vacant is the one responsible for sealing Venerate into the jar, she feels intense fear and claustrophobia from being in her presence due to her emotional link with Venerate.

"I am the sun before you see me rise
I burn still when you close your eyes
I am the soul that never dies when flesh is weak."

Blazing Slash
Brilliant Brass Torc
Tallow Candle

--Years Ago--

A kettle full of red burbled under the steady heat of an oil lamp's exposed flame; singing sweetly to any who dared listen.

A dark blue Skydancer clad in chimes and bells stirred the mixture with a sterile glass rod; before dripping concentrated foxglove nectar into the bubbling depths - a rudimentary anti-coagulant.

Sinless was not the first of his kind to discover the powers that blood held over the spirits; nor would he be the last - regardless, Vacant, the midnight coloured dancer, had been making discoveries into this foreboding and dangerous research since before Sinless was even born.

And, unlike Sinless, the blood seldom belonged to her - this particular batch came from a body brought to her for 'dressing' - only, unbeknownst to the client, the girl was still - just barely - alive.

And like a good mortician, Vacant drained the body overnight - a bit greedier than her usual practices, yes, but such an opportunity was too rare to let pass; after all, we're talking pints, over the usual ounces.

Regardless. the whole affair raised her to high spirits; a horrid, off-key humming began to echo through the room as Vacant removed her brew from the fire.

She sniffed it with interest, never seeming to bore of the metallic tang.

Perfect consistency, too. She funneled some of the mix into a cut-glass bottle, which she then stoppered - but not too tight.

This will be put to good use.

The following night Vacant left the small town that she resided in, and crashed away into the wilderness; her destination a massive swatch of black burned into the landscape.

Rumors were abound of a malevolent spirit of arson, burning all who dare approach it - Vacant, of course, was unafraid. Silence, ever her enemy, her movements made an uproarious sound that made all the birds flee in terror of her presence.

Live embers were scattered in her path, and burning leaves swept circles in the wind - the spirit must be close now.

The spirit hovered in the air, lava drizzling with its toothless maw. Vacant was face to face with it now - it seemed to stare at her, in spite of its head being smooth and eyeless. Devoid of most details, save the mouth.

Vacant's ever steady hands began to work away - splashing and swirling the prepared blood into meticulous patterns. Perfectly calculated - as scientific as it was artful.

The bottle was still mostly full. Vacant placed it in the center of her masterpiece unstoppered. The crowning jewel.
The spirit poked forward, its interest peaked. Vacant grinned, her body tingling with anticipation. The spirit faded as the blood began to glow. Possession - Vacant had studied this act well.

The glow creeped up the blood, following its looping spirals; tracing it's every moment. Then, the blood inside the bottle glowed.

Vacant snapped forward, stoppering the bottle with a hefty shove.

The outside of the container was covered in sigils that deflect spirits. It was now trapped.

It glowed in vain, tossing soft orange light across Vacant's face.

She had done it. Veritable lightning in a bottle. They had called her mad - but no longer.
With this, there was no end to her possibilities - and no end to her experiments.

After all, if she was right about this, wasn't she right about everything?

So much more research...
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Exalting Venerate to the service of the Windsinger will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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