
Level 1 Pearlcatcher
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Female Pearlcatcher
Female Pearlcatcher
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Metallurgist's Forgetools





5.76 m
5.06 m
683.47 kg


Primary Gene
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Tertiary Gene


Jul 29, 2013
(11 years)


Pearlcatcher icon

Eye Type

Normal Eye Type
Level 1 Pearlcatcher
EXP: 0 / 245


( I had fun with this one :3 Let's see if I can just make a form to describe the character >.> *Steals form from a friend* *Information is subject to change* )
Full Name: Rinn'a'lae
Pronunciation of their name: Rihn - ah - lie
Title: Forger
Nickname(s): Rin, Rinn, Rinna

Sex: Female
Race/species: Dragon, Pearlcatcher
Age: *Slap* Don't ask a lady her age.
Orientation/Sexual preference: Is occasionally confused on the whole male/female thing

Height: Unknown. If anyone could find me a reference sheet that lists average heights of the FR dragon races, that would be appriciated
Weight: *grumblegrumble* See Growth information
Age: I will smash your head in if you keep asking >:I
Mental age: Fiiiiiiine.....A child.

Eye color(s): Gold/green-ish

Face shape: long, almost pointed beak-like muzzle, but still dragon-ish
Describe their eyes: Warm, welcoming and uncaring as to whether or not she's making people uncomfortable by staring. She also happens to have very bad eyesight to the point where most things are blobs.
Describe their nose: I don't...quite know >.> See picture above
Describe their lips: See picture above
Ears: See picture above. They're sensitive, so be gentle.

Body build: slim with some muscle mass that is mostly in her upper body. A hybrid between a caster and a melee fighter, but prefers casting and is more likely to hurt herself than others in melee combat
Body abnormalities: none
Extra extremities: See above picture

Skin/fur color(s): See above picture
Patterns/designs: See above picture
Scars: none

Mental state: Not applicable as of yet. Children are always cheerful.
Personality snapshot: A 'normal' pearlcatcher who doesn't really like to fight, very sweet and cuddly, has a very bad case of wanderlust.
Most prominent personality trait: Wanderlust
Best traits of their personality: Easily trusting
Worst traits of their personality: easily trusting :P

Alignment: Chaotic neutral

Marital status: None - I know it says she has offspring in the above window thingies, but I do not consider that as an in-character thing (could possibly be talking to the owners of the hatchlings to see what they think)

Occupation: Wanderer, repairdragon

Good habits: Takes good care of her pearl, of course (>.> in a way)

Bad habits: she chews her nails (claws? talons?), sucks her 'thumb'/tailfloof when she sleeps, twitches during sleep (ware the cute pearlcatcher using her pearl as a flailing weapon. It can hurt!),

Abilities(As in powers): She writes 'The' language. She uses it to weave spells into crafted items, mostly, but can write and cast on anything that stays still long enough for her to finish - flesh/scales included.
Special skills(Not meaning powers): Has the wonderful ability to trip other nothing and fall on people, using said people as pawholds to get up.
Hobbies: Exploring, gossiping, taking care of her pet chimera (the tail is poisonous, of course), making her pearl into a good hammering weapon, and obviously she's trying to be a different type of pearlcatcher from the normal sort. She's working on trying to stop being so cowardly, stand up for herself, trade blows instead of gossip if threatened, pouncing on things and chasing bugs

Casts no spells, but creates items that have magical properties.

Hammer: Is imbued with spells that allow it to apply force twice, though the second application is up to Rin herself and depends on energy, what she wants done, etc. Requires a longer cooldown time the larger the second force. One side of the hammer heals if used to strike, the other damages. No matter which side she uses, the hammer still lands, so don't expect healing to be painless.

Paw wraps (both fore- and hindpaws): Nothing of note. She just has sensitive paws.
Pearly bracelets: Provides light to help with her eyesight, can only be used once per day.

***She does not wear the glasses in character, as they are quite useless to her. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to find out if there is a way to remove them from the image***
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