
Level 1 Fae
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Salve Kamaitachi
Salve Kamaitachi
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Energy: 0
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Plague icon
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Plague.
Male Fae
Male Fae
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Lab Coat
Contrast Rogue Mask
White Protective Eyewear
Rubber Laboratory Gloves




0.9 m
1.33 m
0.9 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Jun 17, 2016
(8 years)


Fae icon

Eye Type

Normal Eye Type
Level 1 Fae
EXP: 0 / 245



  • none



| Medical Researcher |

| First Infected |



Intelligent | Unpredictable | Motivated

Start of the Infection

The young fae smiled as he watched his nephew play with a dark guardian. He finished writing the prescription handing it to his fellow clan member.

“Be careful” Isaak warned the skydancer“The plaguebringer has only just released this virus, mood swings might not be the only symptom” The skydancer smiled wearily before thanking him and leaving. Living on the rotrock rim meant his clan was among the first to test the plaguebringer's latest inventions. The latest was a virus designed to flip the moods of a dragon. Isaak didn't know why this was useful but the plaguebringer always had a plan, or so he thought. His sister appeared at the doorway to his office, sweeping her hatchling into her arms. He giggled in joy, fanning his small wings as large as he could. Issak flitted over to meet them

“A lot of our clan has been infected by this new virus, are you sure it's okay?” She murmured, careful to distract her young child while she spoke. Isaak nodded

“If it has yet to mutate in this many people, it most likely won't” He hugged, “The plaguebringer has sent worse before and our medicine stores are stocked well, we shall be fine” She had a right to worry her mate had been taken the previous winter by another plagueborn disease, she had since moved in with him relying on him to help raise her only hatchling. He closed his office for the night, heading to the lair’s main chambers with his beloved family the guardian, Govrak, trailing behind. The skydancer from before bumped into him in the hallway a confused expression on his face, his sharp claws caught the faes arms, leaving a cut.

“Oh I’m so sorry doctor” He patted the arm, the scratch was in no way deep but it need to be cleaned to stop infection. Gavrok growled a warning at the skydancer, starting to fuss over the small cut.

Driftwood Baron
Contrast Rogue Mask
Mender's Healing Staff
Lab Coat

“It’s alright, I’ve done worse tripping over my own tail” He grinned, pulling an antiseptic wipe from his pocket and cleaning the wound. “I’ll be fine” he gently batted the guardian away as Govraks tail began to snake around his waist.

He had forgotten about the incident by dinner. He didn’t think of it when he started to cough later that night, or when the ache settled in his bones the next day. He simply took some flu medication and got on with his work, being careful to not contaminate anything. Govrak started eyeing him carefully.

“You’re a bit snappy” His sister mentioned as they got ready for bed a few nights later “Sleep in tomorrow, I don’t want you coming down with this too” Isaak stared at his sister, worry clouded her feature, he couldn’t understand why.

“I’m fine!” He shouted his frills vibrating with adrenaline “You just need to trust me for once!”

“Isaak?” She stepped back slightly, he had never once raised his voice in her memory, “Brother?” His red eyes seemed to glow in the evening light,his claws clicked against each other as he moved forward. He knew he was advanced aggressively on his beloved sister, he screamed at his body to stop. He felt trapped within his own mind, he watched as the small fae raised her arms to defend herself. He watched, screaming at himself as he slashed her arm, blood poured over her perfect scales, she screamed. Govrak came charging in fear clear on his face as he saw the scene unfold. He lept on isaak pinning him to the ground, he gingerly held the thrashing faes arms down as he growled, his claws slicing through the air. Isaak kept struggling against the guardian's hold until his vision eventually went black.

When he woke he had no idea how much time had past, vague memories floated in his mind he hoped that it had been a horrible dream.

His arms were chained, the dark guardian sat in front of him, eyeing him suspiciously. He could hear violent yelling from outside his room. The chains clanked as he moved, He caught sight of his arm, the small scratch on his arm from the skydancer was now black, grey spread out from the wound like a spiders web, clutching to the edges of his scales.

“You were wrong Doc” The guardian grumbled, flinching at a large crash. “Your sister has gone bezerk” Disbelief tainted his voice “She started attacking people two days ago” Another crash, it sounded closer than before

“Is… is that her?”

The guardian shook his head, “That's the ones she bit” Growls and crashes sounded through the door, there was a loud thunk against the metal and it fell silent. Govrak sighed, looking over the fae,

“How do you feel?” Isaak thought for a moment, slowly prodding the ever growing blackness on his scales

“I’m okay for now, keep an eye on me please” The chains clinked loudly and Govrak unlocked them, a pair of thick black gloves were tossed at the faes feet.

“Claws?” The small dragon murmured, to himself more than his companion as he pulled them on

“And teeth” the guardian replied “But I refuse to muzzle you like a common hound” The fae perched on the larger dragons shoulder. Govrak tensed as he carefully opened the door. One of their clan mates, a tundra lay slumped on the floor. Their fur was stained red around their mouth and claws deep scratches covered their body, each with a darkness spreading outward. Their breath was quick and unsteady, their body clearly weak from blood loss yet their claws stretch out mindlessly towards the pair, weakly pawing at the air in a pathetic attack. Their eyes were glazed over and they were barely recognizable as the friend they had once known.

“How long was I out Govrak?” The fae breathed, unable to fully understand the scene in front of him.

“A week” came the simple reply
“We have to help them” He murmured looking over his clan mates body, there was little he could do to save them, but maybe the others were not as lost. The guardian turned away, heading down the darkened corridor. The walls and floors told of battles, deep groves in the stone accompanied by blood left horrible images floating in the faes mind. A week and this had happened, how could a simple cut lead to all this.

“We can’t” Govrak grumbled

“I’m their doctor!”

“You’re my charge”

“We can’t just walk away from this!” He could feel the anger in his blood, the adrenaline beginning to surge. He stopped talking taking deep breaths to calm himself.

“This clan is lost Isaak” Govrak stopped, staring at another fallen dragon, the blackness had all but covered them, their body was clearly wrecked by disease Isaak recognised it as another bacteria that infected those with a weak immune system, different to the all consuming blackness.

“Oh plaguebringer what has happened?” The guardian turned his head to the fae, his purple eyes glowed softly in the darkened hallway

“I think she has finally gone too far” As they neared the main chamber sounds of fighting could be heard again, clashed of weapons sounded against the backdrop of roars and screams. The corridor opened up to a balcony overlooking the main chamber, below a fire cast harsh light on the battle. Clan mates fought each other, though with the spreading black looked primal, roaring at friends and family trying to kill anything that moved. Those still uninfected had looks of worry and fear, armour covered their scales, weapons in their hands hesitant about attacking the friends that no longer knew what they were doing. Many kay dead or dying, either taken by the infected dragons or from other viruses prevalent in the plaguelands. Isaak knew the other virus shouldn't have killed, unless this new infection was somehow weakening or destroying their immune systems. He saw their leader in the infected pack, his small sister perched on their shoulder, biting and slashing at the air. Tears filled his eyes as he saw the scratch he had caused blackened on her arm, her eyes no longer soft and caring but filled with mindless hate.

The skydancer that had scratched him originally was cowering with the survivors, their armour dented from previous attacks. The skydancer wasn't part of this mutated strain of the virus, they were the last dragon infected by the benign form of it. Isaak glanced at his own wound. He was the first, the patient zero of this outbreak.

The infected dragons greatly outnumbered those who survived and as he watched they circled the survivors unafraid of their weapons, ignoring their calls for peace.

He turned away as the infected lept, the survivors screams drowned out by the roars. The pair left the chamber, their hearts heavy knowing they were unable to save their clanmates.

The screams stopped at the left the chamber, only the growls of the infected could be heard, the walked in silence, afraid of earning their attention. Govrak took them to their personal chambers and started packing his few belongings as quickly as he could, they did so in silence, the state of their clan weighing heavily on their minds. Fear crept up the faes spine, it's cold hold shaking him to his core, his thoughts started to race through his mind, every possible bad outcome played out in his head, every version where he died or worse killed stuck in his head. He felt nauseous, like something was gripping his stomach, twisting it inside him. His heart felt like it was trying to escape from his chest, like the fast and heavy pounding would damage him.

The guardian turned to his charge. The fae stood still, his eyes staring into the distance as his breath raced and his tiny body shook. The guardian carefully curled his wing around the fae cooing to him softly

“Isaak?” He asked quietly as the fae stared past him, fear gripping his features “Isaak talk to me, what are you thinking?” Words couldnt form in his mouth, his mind was screaming at him. He had caused this, he should have known he should have protected, he was the first infected. He was vaguely aware of his friend speaking in soft tones, he tried to concentrate on his voice, trying to slow his breathing to match the guardians. He looked into his purple eyes as he began to calm, the fear gripping his stomach lessened, the nauseous feeling began to die down and the painfull thoughts quietened.
“Isaak?” The guardian asked

“I-I don’t know w-what’s happening” The fae stuttered the words, he felt like he had to force them out to speak.

“You had a panic attack Doc” Worry clouded the guardians eyes, the tip of his tail, gently stroking his friends back as his breathing returned to normal. “This virus is more than physical, it messes with your brain too” The fae nodded, Govrak was always by his side, he should have known he would have paid attention to the symptoms better than he had. This had all started with a virus that caused mood swings, it made sense to the fae that anger wasn't the only emotion the mutated form would latch onto. He signed, leaving the guardians embrace, he had to pack.

“We need to find a cure for this” He murmured as he packed “There has to be something that will deal with this” He closed his bag, pulling it onto his shoulders “We need to find someone who can help us”, The guardian finished packing and thought for a moment. I can think of a place that might take us” Isaak clambered onto his shoulder, sitting down as he always did, finding comfort in the stability that was his guardian.

“Great.” He agreed, his voice tinged with false hope “Now how do we get out of here without getting killed”


“We should tell the Clan of the Dead stag” Rift said, their healers now had a medicine but it could not yet be called a cure. Kokoro sat on his desk, the infected guardian reaching for things he could not, keeping her eyes on him as he worked on the infection. She, like Isaak, the other infected living in the lair, wore thick gloves to to her claws from scratching anyone. A red mask covering her mouth, only being removed if she needed to eat or drink. People barely noticed it any more, it blended in well to her red mantle crimson apparel. Rift turned away from the healers to her mate. “Your father needs to know about this” Tyrak nodded

“I shall take Isaak and Kokoro with me, they can explain better than I can” Viviene looked up at the statement “I’m coming to” She called before returning her attention to her charge.

The next day they were packed up. Extra vials of medicine had been created for the Clan of the Dead Stag, notebooks explaining diagnoses and symptoms, ingredients for the medicine for their healer, it was all ready to be passed on.

Kokoro was looking forward to seeing his brother, Gillian now lived at the Clan of the Dead Stage, working as an apprentice to their healer, as he was to Isaak.

The group were ready to go having been joined by Govrak, grumbling about never leaving his charges side. The three guardians took to the air, Isaak and Kokoro perched on their guardians shoulders.

Tyrak knew the flight well and soon they were at the mouth of the clan, landing by the fire that stood in the open area. They were stopped almost immediately by a grey tundra clothed in silver armour

“Stop!” He bellowed, pointing a very sharp looking sword at them “You have infected dragons with you” He glared at the infected dragons his eyes tracking the black spider web across their scales.

Tyrak growled, reminding the guard of his position

“That is why were are here” He growled again “Step aside and let me see my father” The guard bowed, keeping his eyes on Vivienne as they passed. They walked into the main hall to find the golden guardian on his throne of bones. He eyed the infected dragons, his deadly glare causing Govrak to fold his wings tighter around his charge.

“Why do you bring these beasts in front of me?” He asked, anger clear in his tone.

“It seems you already know of the infected” Empire grumbled leaving his throne to be eye to eye with the group. He inspected the infected, circling them like a predator would circle prey.

“They are not mindless like the others?” Cautiously sniff Isaak “They do not smell nearly as bad”

“Our healers have medicine now” Isaak started to detach the bag contained the vials and books from Govraks side. Empires blood coloured eyes following his movements. “I would not have brought them here If I thought they were a threat!” He mimicked his father's tone, earning himself a sharp glare.

“Bring in Jack” Empire called to [DRAGON] “And the beast” The healer appeared quickly the brightly colour mirror scuttled into the room, bowing to empire before standing a respectful distance behind him.

Empire motioned for Tyrak to give the mirror the bag. Tyrak dug out the notebook detailing their find handing it over first, placing the bag gently at his feet.

A few minutes the original dragon came back pulling an infected mirror by a chain attached to her neck. She growled and fought trying to slash at the dragon.

“Shelly!” Isaak shrieked, jumping from Govraks shoulder towards the mirror. He stooped at the bag digging out a vial before flying towards her. Goravk caught his tail yanking him away from the angry mirror.

“Knock her out first Doc” He warned, holding the fae tightly as he struggled. The shadow guardian looked over to the Jack. “The blue vial in there will knock her out”

Isaak watched as [dragon] held her down and Jack poured the blue liquid in her mouth. She collapsed almost instantly, and only then did Govrak let the fae rush to her side.Empire looked at the fae as he carefully inspected her wounds, cleaning them and administering the medicine.

“It seems you know the beast”

“She was a clan mate of ours, we assumed her dead with the rest of the clan” Govrak sighed as he remembered his old clan. They waited as Isaak reversed the sleeping potions effect and the mirror woke. Her white eyes darted around the room before she scuttled backwards away from the dragons. The chain still attached to her neck stopped her and she shrieked.

“Shelly!” Isaak called “Shelly its okay” Her eyes settled on the fae and in a voice rough from the infection she spoke.

“How do you know my name?”

It quickly became apparent she had no memory of the fae in front of her. No memory of getting to the clan of the dead stag, and no memory of the clan she was once a part of.

“Come home with us Shelly” Isaak pleaded, the mirror he had once admired from a distance was hurting and he wanted to help. She shook her head.

“I want to stay here” She looked for Empire’s approval “Here is good” Isaak looked sad for a moment before composing himself.

“We will visit soon”

Empire caught Tyraks attention as they left. “This danger is too great to ignore, I will need to meet with Sylvesti to discuss the best course of action” Tyrak nodded. His father was right and their clans would need to work together to stop the infection from spiraling out of control.

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Exalting Isaak to the service of the Plaguebringer will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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