Level 25 Guardian
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14.69 m
18.06 m
10235.22 kg
Eye Type
Level 25 Guardian
Max Level

- none
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- Unnamed
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- Unnamed
- Unnamed
- Unnamed
- Unnamed
- Unnamed
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- Tang
Original colors: Platinum/Ice/Spring.
Approx. cost to scatter him to get this, 5k gems.
Name: Tatore
Pronunciation: Tah-Tor-Ey
Meaning: Savior
Alias: Tor
Gender: Male
Rank: Clan Progenitor and Joint Leader
Familiar: Lorn the Hippojay
Charge: His Clan
⋄ The Lone Egg and the Lone Wanderder ⋄

Tatore was born to two unknown parents who's clan he cannot recall. Even before he hatched his egg was left alone, a single clutch without any siblings. Surely he would have perished if not for the rare kindness of a passing stranger, who oddly enough was not of dragonkind.
Tatore was hatched to a traveling Longneck Wanderer called Silorn, who discovered Tor's egg in the abandoned nest. Taking pity upon the unborn wyrm within, the Longneck whisked the egg away inside his warm fur coat to his makeshift shelter on the edge of the Snowsquall. Silorn was far from his clan who resided in the ancestral Dragonhome, though his mission was to scout new lands for his brethren to reside and expand their heritage. Unlike many of his kind, Silorn looked kindly upon Dragons and secretly wished to be a familiar to the great beasts. If he could hatch this egg and care for the hatchling within, just maybe the Dragon would bestow the gratitude back..
⋄ The Curious Companions ⋄

Who could have guessed the Ice egg would hatch not a Tundra, but a colossal yet magnificent Guardian? Even as a child, Tatore was much more massive than the Longneck, yet the Dragon's gentle and kindhearted nature put him at ease. Silorn did his best to care for the wyrm whelp, though at many times it was far too much for one to handle alone. The Guardian had a ravenous appetite and boundless energy. For the first year was constant struggle, the not-so-little Guardian grew fast and strong. Even as a young one he was imposing and easily kept many of the wild beasts at bay, much to the relief and gratitude of Silorn. Despite the hardships, the Longneck was forever grateful for the Guardian's protection and care. He dubed the Dragon "Tatore", which seemed to be a rough translation of Savior in a foreign language the Longneck had studied years prior.
For those early years the two were inseparable. Though Silorn made it clear to Tatore from the start that he was adopted, the Longneck still looked to him as a son and loved him as such. Having the Dragon did create one huge problem, however. Silorn's clan detested most Dragons as many Beastclans did. He knew if he took Tatore back home that they would riot and try to kill the Dragon. The Longneck couldn't bare the thought of losing Tatore, he was a better friend and companion than even Silorn's own kind. He had no wife, no children born of his own. He did, in some ways, see himself as an outcast to his people for his different ways and views on the world. Perhaps it would be better to stay in the Squall and continue to care for the Dragon he loved so much as his own, at least until Tatore was large enough to care for himself.
⋄ Hardships To Heartaches ⋄

Five years passed since that faithful day when Silorn took on the role as Tatore's surrogate. The Dragon had grown into a fine adolescent, if not a bit rambunctious and hardheaded. Silorn was rather clueless on how to take on a teenage powerhouse, as he had little experience himself. He knew well that Tatore would never mean to harm him, though the Longneck was more careful than before as he was dwarfed in size and at times worried that the Guardian might accidentally squash him underfoot. However, the Dragon was not what needed to be feared in the Snowsquall, as beasts even larger than the Guardian did stir and rouse from their slumber..
The winter started early that year and was particularly brutal, even for the Icefield. Some wondered if the Icewarden had fell into a raging fury for the blizzards conjured up were wrathful and harsh. Under thick woolen coats Tundra shivered, many Dragons burrowed underground or far into mountainous caves to try to escape the biting cold and whipping winds. Some even fled until spring, particularly those not born of Ice. While most tried to sleep and wait out the storm, a few creatures awoke from the chaos, and none too happy for the stir.
Silorn and Tatore hunkered down in their caven home. With the Guardian growing so large they had to move from the Longneck's original shack and trudge farther into the Squall to look for new shelter. An old carved out cave, possibly created by a Frost Delver years ago was now where they called home. The hide of a Winter Wolf covered the entrance, yet frosty air still blew through to opening. Tatore had already fallen asleep, his body coiled around the Longneck for his protection and warmth. Even with the massive Dragon, Silorn still gave a shiver. He was tired, but alert and on edge. The faint sounds of thumping had been going on for an hour now from off in the distance. The blizzard was to harsh to see more than a few feet from the cave. What could be out in this whiteout and actually survive it? Silorn tensed his body at the thought of such a beast. A few minutes drug by, the sounds of the howling wind still never died down. He had not heard the thumping in a while, though perhaps the storm was too loud to distinguish it anymore, even with his superb hearing. He sighed and pulled his furred coat closer around him and closed his eyes to try to drift off into an uneasy sleep, when the roaring began.
A loud, booming roar broke through the blizzard. Silorn had never heard anything like it before, far too large for a wolf but different from a Dragon. Silorn jumped to his hooves as Tatore shot up from his sleep, slamming his head against the cave's ceiling. He growled in pain and confusion, thrashing his tail and knocking the Longneck off his feet and into the snow outside the cave entrance. Silorn groaned and pushed himself up, shivering from the cold and squinting his eyes to see.. but now he wished he hadn't. Out beyond him stood a massive figure, blocking the winds and snow and casting a dark shadow over the ground. Huge horns crowned around it's head and it's eyes glowed with malice and primal rage. It's fur was as white as the snow that covered the ground and blended so well it seemed to almost be a ghost than a living creature. Silorn held his breath and stared with a stiff body at the beast. He had never seen one in person, only read about them from bestiary journals and novels on myths. But now, he was in a stare down with the most ferocious creature to inhabit the Icefield, save for the Warden himself.
"Yeti.." Silorn whispered. He slowly backed closer to the cave, eyeing the beast. It's rugged breaths created small hot clouds in the cold air, it's lumbering shoulders heaving. It must have been awoken by the terrible storm, and was enraged.
"Silorn..? Are you alright..?" Tatore yelled, poking his snout from behind the wolf pelt.
"Get back!" Silorn replied, trying to shove the Guardian's maw back into the cave. "It is a Yeti! Get back Tor! Now!"
But the damage had been done. The Yeti let out another booming roar and slammed it's fists on the frozen ground. Piles of snow flew up into the air like small explosions. Silorn yelled again as Tatore hunkered back in fear. The Yeti charged.
"Tatore, run now! Go! Run!" Silorn screamed in panic as the Yeti clambered towards the cave. Tatore stumbled out of his daze of fear and heaved his body out from the cave, twisting around and running off opposite of the beast. White Tatore's strong legs could carry him through the snow drifts, Silorn was too small to flee quickly. Instead he dove into the drift as the Yeti lunged at the cave. The beast rammed head long through the opening and crashed down, howling with fury. Silorn scrambled back to his stance and desperately tried to manuver through the deep snow, heaving breathlessly as the Yeti began to rise again.
Silorn looked back in fear as the beast crawled out from the cave and swung around with it's arms out stretched. Silorn tried to duck, but the beast was fast as it was strong. Silorn flew back as a fist knocked him down, his head tilting back and body stiff from shock. He landed harshly in a deep snowdift, his body still but chest heaving from pain.
Tatore skidded to a halt and whipped around in time to see his friend be knocked airborn from the assault. The normally calm Dragon's demeanor quickly shifted from fear to burning rage. How could he have fled instead of stayed to fight, leaving Silorn alone with the Yeti? The Guardian gnashed his fangs in anger and gave out a bellowing roar that could match the Yeti's howls. His icy eyes alight with vigor and revenge. The Yeti pricked it's ears towards Tatore, leaving Silorn in the snow and changed it's attack to the Dragon. It pounded it's chest and gave a screaming howl before charging again.
Tatore, too, charged headlong to the beast. With a hard whip of his horns he crashed into the Yeti, sending it flying backwards off it's feet while Tatore slammed down onto it with force. The Yeti snarled and swiped at Tatore's shoulder, digging in deep wounds as the Guardian screamed in pain. Tatore returned the pain with a strong slash of his own talons, cutting down through the Yeti's face on the left side. Blood poured from their wounds, only to begin to freeze as it touched the frozen air. The Guardian rose up and rolled off the Yeti as it tried to take another swipe at him and got back to it's feet. Despite now missing an eye and bleeding from it's face the beast still charged at Tatore who quickly whipped around and flung his massive tail at the Yeti. The crack was like a giant whip as it struck the brute. Tatore's tail scrapped against the Yeti's horns as it stumbled back, holding it's head in it's fists and screamed terribly. Tatore gritted his teeth from the pain and again slammed his tail once more against the Yeti, leaving a long slice along it's abdomen.
The monstrous creature bellowed out a horrific scream that seemed otherworldly and fell forward onto the blood soaked snow. It gave a last rumble then went silent. Tatore snorted with a low growl before turning his attention to Silorn. With a few long strides he reached where his friend had fallen.
"Silorn, Silorn please! Answer me.. please.." Tatore begged, cradling the Longneck in his hands. Blood gently seeped between his talons, his friend was gravely wounded from the blow. How he was still conscious was anyone's guess.
He coughed, a small spatter of blood dripping from his lips, yet he smiled to the Guardian lovingly.
"Tor, please don't be sad.."
"What? How can I not be! Silorn, you're.."
"Hush child, my time was to come soon enough.. We do not live as long as you, if it was not now, then it would still happen later.. I got to see you grow, and have a friend that was truly my own. The life I lived was a good one with you in it, Tor.."
Tatore's eye watered, the tears freezing as they trickled down his cheeks. "Please, we will get you a mage, a healer, anything! I need you Silorn, without you I am alone.."
Silorn gently put a hand to his friend's maw, his smile never wavering. "You would have left me within the next year or so.. Your kind are travelers.. It is called "The Search".. I was to tell you later on when your awakening occurred but.. it seems now I've lost the chance. Soon, you'll get the unrelenting need to go out on your own and find your Charge and start your own clan.. I.. wanted to be there with you, it seems the spirits have other plans.. Tatore.. find your Charge for me, for you. Live a good life only a Dragon can.. I'll always keep watch over you, my beloved friend. I'll see you again one day, in another life.." Silorn spoke, his last words but a whisper as his eyes grew bleak and closed. His hand fell limply from Tatore's maw.
"Silorn, Silorn please no! Don't leave me.. please.."
⋄ From Remorse Comes Rebirth ⋄

Many years have passed since the day Tatore took the road alone and began The Search. He traveled endlessly, feeling as if he would wander on forever. During his travels as an adolescence to young adult he befriended a wounded Hippojay. Though not his Charge, his pity and mercy he took upon the creature would be born again into a lifelong companion. He named the creature Lorn, a moniker to his deceased friend. The Hippojay looked to him with intelligent, caring eyes that reminded the Guardian of the Longneck. If reincarnation was possible, perhaps...
Eventually Tatore settled down, finding a young dragoness who also had left her home. He knew her from his past when they were both younger and more wild with their instincts. They had a clutch before parting ways as Tatore still had his Search and Rosea wished to stay within her own clan at that point in time. Though now meeting eachother again their old feelings began to rekindle and they grew with what would become a new life long bond. The odd couple began what would become their Clan. They became known as a Clan that was accepting of Beastclans, especially Longnecks. A Clan that preferred to not skirmish or wage battle unless needed, many Dragons came to them for help and aid. Some left again on their ways, yet many too did stay to help the Clan grow more mighty with each passing year. With this, something stirred within his heart and feelings of relief and belonging flooded him. He had found his Charge, he had found his home.
⋄ Present Prologue ⋄

Nowadays Tatore is older, though still the strongest Dragon within the Clan. He took on being the surrogate father to Ustrina, who he considers one of his greatest gifts. He trained her to become a great fighter, though to fight for honor than for glory. She, too, has well matured past an adult. Within the past couple years a newcomer came . She was born of Light, but traveled far from her home seeking her Charge. Oddly enough she had finally found her calling as her Search brought her to Tatore. The three are considered the Clan leaders and run it jointly with eachother. Rosea has opted to stay out of leader affairs and has taken the role of Clan Mother to all hatchlings and young Dragons finding their way.
While Xylomdriea considers Tatore and his Clan her Charge, no romantic feelings are felt between the two.

credit to Salamanderpie, bootiful.

credit to Cerf! Very handsome.
Approx. cost to scatter him to get this, 5k gems.
Name: Tatore
Pronunciation: Tah-Tor-Ey
Meaning: Savior
Alias: Tor
Gender: Male
Rank: Clan Progenitor and Joint Leader
Familiar: Lorn the Hippojay
Charge: His Clan
⋄ The Lone Egg and the Lone Wanderder ⋄

Tatore was born to two unknown parents who's clan he cannot recall. Even before he hatched his egg was left alone, a single clutch without any siblings. Surely he would have perished if not for the rare kindness of a passing stranger, who oddly enough was not of dragonkind.
Tatore was hatched to a traveling Longneck Wanderer called Silorn, who discovered Tor's egg in the abandoned nest. Taking pity upon the unborn wyrm within, the Longneck whisked the egg away inside his warm fur coat to his makeshift shelter on the edge of the Snowsquall. Silorn was far from his clan who resided in the ancestral Dragonhome, though his mission was to scout new lands for his brethren to reside and expand their heritage. Unlike many of his kind, Silorn looked kindly upon Dragons and secretly wished to be a familiar to the great beasts. If he could hatch this egg and care for the hatchling within, just maybe the Dragon would bestow the gratitude back..
⋄ The Curious Companions ⋄

Who could have guessed the Ice egg would hatch not a Tundra, but a colossal yet magnificent Guardian? Even as a child, Tatore was much more massive than the Longneck, yet the Dragon's gentle and kindhearted nature put him at ease. Silorn did his best to care for the wyrm whelp, though at many times it was far too much for one to handle alone. The Guardian had a ravenous appetite and boundless energy. For the first year was constant struggle, the not-so-little Guardian grew fast and strong. Even as a young one he was imposing and easily kept many of the wild beasts at bay, much to the relief and gratitude of Silorn. Despite the hardships, the Longneck was forever grateful for the Guardian's protection and care. He dubed the Dragon "Tatore", which seemed to be a rough translation of Savior in a foreign language the Longneck had studied years prior.
For those early years the two were inseparable. Though Silorn made it clear to Tatore from the start that he was adopted, the Longneck still looked to him as a son and loved him as such. Having the Dragon did create one huge problem, however. Silorn's clan detested most Dragons as many Beastclans did. He knew if he took Tatore back home that they would riot and try to kill the Dragon. The Longneck couldn't bare the thought of losing Tatore, he was a better friend and companion than even Silorn's own kind. He had no wife, no children born of his own. He did, in some ways, see himself as an outcast to his people for his different ways and views on the world. Perhaps it would be better to stay in the Squall and continue to care for the Dragon he loved so much as his own, at least until Tatore was large enough to care for himself.
⋄ Hardships To Heartaches ⋄

Five years passed since that faithful day when Silorn took on the role as Tatore's surrogate. The Dragon had grown into a fine adolescent, if not a bit rambunctious and hardheaded. Silorn was rather clueless on how to take on a teenage powerhouse, as he had little experience himself. He knew well that Tatore would never mean to harm him, though the Longneck was more careful than before as he was dwarfed in size and at times worried that the Guardian might accidentally squash him underfoot. However, the Dragon was not what needed to be feared in the Snowsquall, as beasts even larger than the Guardian did stir and rouse from their slumber..
The winter started early that year and was particularly brutal, even for the Icefield. Some wondered if the Icewarden had fell into a raging fury for the blizzards conjured up were wrathful and harsh. Under thick woolen coats Tundra shivered, many Dragons burrowed underground or far into mountainous caves to try to escape the biting cold and whipping winds. Some even fled until spring, particularly those not born of Ice. While most tried to sleep and wait out the storm, a few creatures awoke from the chaos, and none too happy for the stir.
Silorn and Tatore hunkered down in their caven home. With the Guardian growing so large they had to move from the Longneck's original shack and trudge farther into the Squall to look for new shelter. An old carved out cave, possibly created by a Frost Delver years ago was now where they called home. The hide of a Winter Wolf covered the entrance, yet frosty air still blew through to opening. Tatore had already fallen asleep, his body coiled around the Longneck for his protection and warmth. Even with the massive Dragon, Silorn still gave a shiver. He was tired, but alert and on edge. The faint sounds of thumping had been going on for an hour now from off in the distance. The blizzard was to harsh to see more than a few feet from the cave. What could be out in this whiteout and actually survive it? Silorn tensed his body at the thought of such a beast. A few minutes drug by, the sounds of the howling wind still never died down. He had not heard the thumping in a while, though perhaps the storm was too loud to distinguish it anymore, even with his superb hearing. He sighed and pulled his furred coat closer around him and closed his eyes to try to drift off into an uneasy sleep, when the roaring began.
A loud, booming roar broke through the blizzard. Silorn had never heard anything like it before, far too large for a wolf but different from a Dragon. Silorn jumped to his hooves as Tatore shot up from his sleep, slamming his head against the cave's ceiling. He growled in pain and confusion, thrashing his tail and knocking the Longneck off his feet and into the snow outside the cave entrance. Silorn groaned and pushed himself up, shivering from the cold and squinting his eyes to see.. but now he wished he hadn't. Out beyond him stood a massive figure, blocking the winds and snow and casting a dark shadow over the ground. Huge horns crowned around it's head and it's eyes glowed with malice and primal rage. It's fur was as white as the snow that covered the ground and blended so well it seemed to almost be a ghost than a living creature. Silorn held his breath and stared with a stiff body at the beast. He had never seen one in person, only read about them from bestiary journals and novels on myths. But now, he was in a stare down with the most ferocious creature to inhabit the Icefield, save for the Warden himself.
"Yeti.." Silorn whispered. He slowly backed closer to the cave, eyeing the beast. It's rugged breaths created small hot clouds in the cold air, it's lumbering shoulders heaving. It must have been awoken by the terrible storm, and was enraged.
"Silorn..? Are you alright..?" Tatore yelled, poking his snout from behind the wolf pelt.
"Get back!" Silorn replied, trying to shove the Guardian's maw back into the cave. "It is a Yeti! Get back Tor! Now!"
But the damage had been done. The Yeti let out another booming roar and slammed it's fists on the frozen ground. Piles of snow flew up into the air like small explosions. Silorn yelled again as Tatore hunkered back in fear. The Yeti charged.
"Tatore, run now! Go! Run!" Silorn screamed in panic as the Yeti clambered towards the cave. Tatore stumbled out of his daze of fear and heaved his body out from the cave, twisting around and running off opposite of the beast. White Tatore's strong legs could carry him through the snow drifts, Silorn was too small to flee quickly. Instead he dove into the drift as the Yeti lunged at the cave. The beast rammed head long through the opening and crashed down, howling with fury. Silorn scrambled back to his stance and desperately tried to manuver through the deep snow, heaving breathlessly as the Yeti began to rise again.
Silorn looked back in fear as the beast crawled out from the cave and swung around with it's arms out stretched. Silorn tried to duck, but the beast was fast as it was strong. Silorn flew back as a fist knocked him down, his head tilting back and body stiff from shock. He landed harshly in a deep snowdift, his body still but chest heaving from pain.
Tatore skidded to a halt and whipped around in time to see his friend be knocked airborn from the assault. The normally calm Dragon's demeanor quickly shifted from fear to burning rage. How could he have fled instead of stayed to fight, leaving Silorn alone with the Yeti? The Guardian gnashed his fangs in anger and gave out a bellowing roar that could match the Yeti's howls. His icy eyes alight with vigor and revenge. The Yeti pricked it's ears towards Tatore, leaving Silorn in the snow and changed it's attack to the Dragon. It pounded it's chest and gave a screaming howl before charging again.
Tatore, too, charged headlong to the beast. With a hard whip of his horns he crashed into the Yeti, sending it flying backwards off it's feet while Tatore slammed down onto it with force. The Yeti snarled and swiped at Tatore's shoulder, digging in deep wounds as the Guardian screamed in pain. Tatore returned the pain with a strong slash of his own talons, cutting down through the Yeti's face on the left side. Blood poured from their wounds, only to begin to freeze as it touched the frozen air. The Guardian rose up and rolled off the Yeti as it tried to take another swipe at him and got back to it's feet. Despite now missing an eye and bleeding from it's face the beast still charged at Tatore who quickly whipped around and flung his massive tail at the Yeti. The crack was like a giant whip as it struck the brute. Tatore's tail scrapped against the Yeti's horns as it stumbled back, holding it's head in it's fists and screamed terribly. Tatore gritted his teeth from the pain and again slammed his tail once more against the Yeti, leaving a long slice along it's abdomen.
The monstrous creature bellowed out a horrific scream that seemed otherworldly and fell forward onto the blood soaked snow. It gave a last rumble then went silent. Tatore snorted with a low growl before turning his attention to Silorn. With a few long strides he reached where his friend had fallen.
"Silorn, Silorn please! Answer me.. please.." Tatore begged, cradling the Longneck in his hands. Blood gently seeped between his talons, his friend was gravely wounded from the blow. How he was still conscious was anyone's guess.
He coughed, a small spatter of blood dripping from his lips, yet he smiled to the Guardian lovingly.
"Tor, please don't be sad.."
"What? How can I not be! Silorn, you're.."
"Hush child, my time was to come soon enough.. We do not live as long as you, if it was not now, then it would still happen later.. I got to see you grow, and have a friend that was truly my own. The life I lived was a good one with you in it, Tor.."
Tatore's eye watered, the tears freezing as they trickled down his cheeks. "Please, we will get you a mage, a healer, anything! I need you Silorn, without you I am alone.."
Silorn gently put a hand to his friend's maw, his smile never wavering. "You would have left me within the next year or so.. Your kind are travelers.. It is called "The Search".. I was to tell you later on when your awakening occurred but.. it seems now I've lost the chance. Soon, you'll get the unrelenting need to go out on your own and find your Charge and start your own clan.. I.. wanted to be there with you, it seems the spirits have other plans.. Tatore.. find your Charge for me, for you. Live a good life only a Dragon can.. I'll always keep watch over you, my beloved friend. I'll see you again one day, in another life.." Silorn spoke, his last words but a whisper as his eyes grew bleak and closed. His hand fell limply from Tatore's maw.
"Silorn, Silorn please no! Don't leave me.. please.."
⋄ From Remorse Comes Rebirth ⋄

Many years have passed since the day Tatore took the road alone and began The Search. He traveled endlessly, feeling as if he would wander on forever. During his travels as an adolescence to young adult he befriended a wounded Hippojay. Though not his Charge, his pity and mercy he took upon the creature would be born again into a lifelong companion. He named the creature Lorn, a moniker to his deceased friend. The Hippojay looked to him with intelligent, caring eyes that reminded the Guardian of the Longneck. If reincarnation was possible, perhaps...
Eventually Tatore settled down, finding a young dragoness who also had left her home. He knew her from his past when they were both younger and more wild with their instincts. They had a clutch before parting ways as Tatore still had his Search and Rosea wished to stay within her own clan at that point in time. Though now meeting eachother again their old feelings began to rekindle and they grew with what would become a new life long bond. The odd couple began what would become their Clan. They became known as a Clan that was accepting of Beastclans, especially Longnecks. A Clan that preferred to not skirmish or wage battle unless needed, many Dragons came to them for help and aid. Some left again on their ways, yet many too did stay to help the Clan grow more mighty with each passing year. With this, something stirred within his heart and feelings of relief and belonging flooded him. He had found his Charge, he had found his home.
⋄ Present Prologue ⋄

Nowadays Tatore is older, though still the strongest Dragon within the Clan. He took on being the surrogate father to Ustrina, who he considers one of his greatest gifts. He trained her to become a great fighter, though to fight for honor than for glory. She, too, has well matured past an adult. Within the past couple years a newcomer came . She was born of Light, but traveled far from her home seeking her Charge. Oddly enough she had finally found her calling as her Search brought her to Tatore. The three are considered the Clan leaders and run it jointly with eachother. Rosea has opted to stay out of leader affairs and has taken the role of Clan Mother to all hatchlings and young Dragons finding their way.
While Xylomdriea considers Tatore and his Clan her Charge, no romantic feelings are felt between the two.

credit to Salamanderpie, bootiful.

credit to Cerf! Very handsome.
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Exalting Tatore to the service of the Icewarden will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.
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- Names must be no longer than 16 characters.
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