
Level 1 Coatl
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Male Coatl
Male Coatl
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The Frostguard

Travouillon hatched, but wasn't truly born for a long time. The egg had been the victim of faerie folk, who'd switched out the hatchling within the shell for a flower in order to have their own pet. Travouillon escaped them much later, as an adult, but the effects of his imprisonment have made an indelible mark on his very soul. He has never forgiven them for it and most doubt that he ever will - even if the faeries tried to make amends.

Most dragons are very cautious on meeting him; most noticeably he leaves no scent of his own, lacking his own senses of smell, taste and temperature. With time however, he became fast friends with most dragons in the clan. He has a knack for predicting the weather, which soon saw him counting Cherine as a friend in particular. In turn this eventually lead to him being scouted to join the Frostguard at her recommendation, and he's taken to it well. He's the dragon most likely to return with abandoned eggs, which he has a remarkable ability to find no matter how deeply covered by the snow they might be.

In recent times, his zealous crusade against the fairies has him stalk the edges of their territory with a viciousness that leaves all of his companions rather unsettled. He seeks to stop the fairies before they can even reach the clan now, no matter their purpose. Any faerie folk that dare approach the clan do so with great caution and secrecy, as he will attack without hesitation and even consume the fallen.
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Exalting Travouillon to the service of the Icewarden will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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