
Mmg thung got stuckth on theth ith-thro-hab again...
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Snowflake Nymph
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Energy: 12/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Lightning.
Male Imperial
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Personal Style


Pastry Chef Pan
Glitterfreeze Ice-trolabe
Undine's Flatfins
Silver Seraph Headpiece
Voltaic Halo
Pretty Periwinkle Wing Bow
Pretty Periwinkle Neck Bow
Pretty Periwinkle Arm Bow
Pretty Periwinkle Leg Bow
Silver Seraph Anklets


Accent: walk in galaxy


Scene: Winter


28.32 m
15.66 m
9442.3 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Aug 23, 2015
(9 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 25 Imperial
Max Level
Thunder Slash






Scales Member, Part-Time Pillow

*runs away screaming in terror*
aaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaa aaaaaa aaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaa
The resident happy-go-lucky dragon, Veles is one of the more helpful clanmates in the clan, as a big, terrifying-looking dragon who also serves as an absolute pushover is an excellent companion to have anywhere. Despite being one of the biggest dragons in the clan, he doesn’t seem to realize that he can use his size to intimidate the smaller dragons, a fact that has made it all the easier for smaller dragons to intimidate him. It helps that Veles is slow to anger and rarely finds anything wrong with others, even when it comes to dragons like Nephthys and Isfet. Of course, that might just be because he can never understand the exotic insults they use, or perhaps he’s so easygoing he doesn’t care. But considering his limited vocabulary beyond those involved in eating and those involved with sleeping, the former is far more possible than the latter.

Veles’ greatest achievement in the clan has been the founding of the Scales, the clan's military force, back in the early days of the clan. He may have found it only because he accidentally burned something important of Pachetonas' and was looking for a way to avoid her wrath, but nevertheless, unlike certain other experiments, this one with the Scales was a success, so the causes and whatnots are irrelevant. Sure, Veles was the only member in it at the beginning, and of course, the duties the organisation pledged to do were a bit too much for one lone Imperial, but hey - he's alive, and that's what matters.

Later, when Ma’at officially became the military leader, Veles’ position was handed over her as well, and he was reassigned to be just a member of the Scales. This is no different from a demotion, but fortunately, Veles didn’t care all that much, or maybe he just didn’t notice.

Nowadays, he spends most of his time patrolling with Netjeri or training other dragons in combat. However, he’s far from being the most efficient members of the Scales, as his first reaction to anything that seems dangerous is to run screaming away. This “dangerous” can refer to a variety of items, including Muffin’s cauldron, Hathor’s paperwork, or Demeter’s trustworthy newspaper roll. Some might laugh at that last one, but never underestimate a small, angry Fae with a cylinder of last week’s news.
When he does end up engaging in battle, Veles proves himself to be a lot more competent than many of the dragons in this lair. His battling skills are second only to Netjeri, and second to Ma’at only when she is armed with her rapier. He prefers the way of tooth and claw, and most of the time, his gargantuan size is enough to send smaller enemies running away in terror. (Not that he notices or makes use of this.) However, when need be, he can use a few magical spells as well, possessing the unique dual abilities of shock and cold. Admittedly, the most high-level magic he can do is a little reflective shield, but knowing how to create a little bit of static and snow has proven handy in tight situations, if not completely annoying to the rest of the members in the party.

The ice-trolab he carries was purchased from the merchant Nagara in hopes that he would get better that using magic. Such a high-level magical weapon is wasted on Veles, as he uses it less as a way to augment his spells a more as bits of sharp throwing metal to cover him as he runs screaming away. But whatever works. And he hasn’t died yet, so we can assume it’s working.

When he’s off-duty, Veles spends a lot of time hanging around with Netjeri at the Karma Cafe. He can’t actually fit into the Karma Cafe, so most of the time, he hangs around in Demeter’s tea garden and waits for Netjeri to bring the refreshments out to him. The two are an unlikely duo, considering how reserved and, well, intelligent Netjeri is, compared to Veles. But seeing as Netjeri keeps Veles reigned in from committing horrific acts of stupidity, their friendship is encouraged and highly supported.

Veles also spends a considerable amount time with Kraken, and the two can often be found chatting on a nice warm rock outside when the sun’s out. After hearing Kraken lament about Demeter beating him up for the fifth or sixth time for suggesting that Muffin build a rocket launcher, Veles took it upon himself to train Kraken in combat. Progress is… slow. In fact, it might not actually be happening, but at least the time it takes for them to complete a training session is time the rest of the clan can take a vacation from them.

He loves hatchlings, and while he can’t fit in the hatchery, Kavleyn and Nanshe occasionally trust him enough to take the hatchling out to meet him. Veles loves the times he gets to spend with the smaller dragons, though Kavleyn constantly needs to remind him that he shouldn’t let the hatchlings bully him. This warning is lost on him, as he’s always happy to serve as a pillow for the younger dragons. And for any other dragon passing by. This has resulted in the odd scenario of seeing half the clan’s Nocturnes, most of the Fae and Spirals, and a mound of hatchlings snoring away on an Imperial’s back in the middle of the hallway. Ma’at has threatened to cut the next nap mound she sees into pieces, but even she can’t kill half the clan and get away with it.

Despite being able to breathe underwater after getting too close to Muffin's cauldron once, Veles is absolutely terrified of water. Don’t ask him to fight off Marens in the Kelp Beds. He won’t do it.


§ Graphics by LuminousNoble, Icons by Hazeledpoppy

~~ Born in the Shifting Expanse, Veles grew up expected to deal in robots and high-tech things. Unfortunately for his parents, his clan, and his first thirty-two experimental drones, Veles did not have a touch for machinery. Deciding that he had more brawn than brains, his parents adopted a different approach and sent him to Lightning's finest military academy, where he was trained and promptly exalted.

Having already graduated from a military academy, Veles was relieved from the exalt training camps and sent directly to work for the Stormcatcher. He had imagined that he would be a guard, fighting to defend his deity. Instead, he was suited up and plopped behind a counter for some desk work.

Veles learned the hard way that he was not suited for a desk job. And by hard way, I mean he trampled three desks, short-circuited a number of drones, and let the winds have the Stormcatcher's most important notes, right before a dom battle. Thus, he decided to take his leave to search for his true destiny, wherever it may lie. This might sound poetic, but considering the Stormcatcher was planning on firing him anyway, it seems a bit unnecessary.

After wandering around for a bit, Veles decided to leave his homeland by way of sea. This may be due to the fact that exalts weren't supposed to leave the Stormcatcher's compound, and that hunters had been dispatched to bring him back. Not wanting to deal with more papers, Veles boarded a ship secretly and set sail off into the great blue horizon, free to make his own way.

Two weeks later, Veles found himself deposited down on an abandoned island, having been dug out as a stowaway by the crew members aboard the ship. They were kind enough to supply him with a minimal amount of food and water, but when he begged to remain on their water craft, they ordered him to walk the plank.

Walking the plank is a rather pointless gesture when you're telling it to a winged dragon, but nevertheless Veles humoured the crew by walking plank. Unfortunately, this would be the last time this particular plank was involved in any form of punishment. Halfway through, Vele's weight caused the wooden board to snap, forcing him to crash-land rather ungracefully on the ground below.

Afterwards, it took little time for Veles to figure out he was in Arcane territory, probably due to the number of mutated creatures he was seeing. He immediately set out to find the nearest marketplace, but thanks to the unstable atmosphere of magic in the area, none of his finding spells worked and instead, he ended up in the place where no finding spell could've found -- the Runic Mountain Range.

Familiars attacked Veles immediately upon his entry, but thanks to his superior skills in combat they were defeated. This caught the eye of Pachetonas, who was nearby. She may have been watching him, waiting for an entertaining showdown during which the Imperial would be brutally smashed into pieces by Longnecks. But nevertheless, when Veles proved himself the most capable fighter she'd seen so far, she offered him shelter and a place in the Aequitas Clan.

Veles hadn't really been looking for a clan, but when he heard that the Runic Mountain Range was the one place the exalt hunters could not enter -- mostly due to the fact it couldn't be found in the first place -- the deal was sealed.

Pachetonas offering him cookies had nothing to do with it. But if you want to know, the cookies were delicious.

§ Art by Drytil
§ Art by Drytil
§ Art by aehdncl
§ Art by duilcet
§ Art by duilcet
§ Art by WhiteVenom
§ Art by TsarinaTorment
§ Art by Shraider
Adopt by Fantastea
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