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Arcane Sprite
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Energy: 40/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Arcane.
Male Spiral
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Personal Style


Arcane Aura
Trickster's Magic Cards
Starseer's Emblem
Starlight Cloak
Starseer's Armband


Skin: Spiraling Supernova


Scene: Moonbeam Aqueduct


3.44 m
2.77 m
74.14 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Aug 17, 2015
(8 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 12 Spiral
EXP: 18305 / 38956



Paperwork Pusher, Doer of EVERYTHING

"If I don't close my eyes for more than a blink, I think I can go a few more hours without falling asleep..."

aaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaa aaaaaa aaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaa

If you see something new and improved in the lair, it's probably thanks to this dude. Having unfortunately shown his penchant with dealing with paperwork and getting things done at an early age, he now does all of the real leaders' work. Sometimes he regrets this. On the other hand, it's really nice knowing you can make additions to the leaders' plans without anyone ever suspecting you.

The calm and reasonable voice in the clan, Haukin offers his advice on many things, including what to not put in a cauldron. Unsurprisingly, this means that his clanmates just consider him adorable for always thinking in such an immature way, then proceed to blow themselves up doing exactly the opposite of what he'd advised. After various safety campaigns and attempts to stop his clanmates, Haukin is now resigned to the fact that they wouldn't listen to him even if it meant surviving. Instead, he's turned to just dragging Nephthys along to wherever he sees another disaster about to occur. His clanmates are always grateful for his ability to predict accidents, and always overlook the fact things would be a lot less painful if they'd just listened to him in the first place.

Haukin's main job in the clan is to do whatever the four leaders don't want to do. Most of this just involves paperwork, since Kraken hates the stuff, Demeter doesn't have the time, Hathor has other things to do, and Ma'at would much rather just send the whole pile up in flames - she doesn't give a damn about the papers. She really doesn't. Thus, Haukin spends most of his time editing the leaders' documents and sending them to Valenya to be organised and catalogued. In a way, this means he has the final say in whatever the leaders decide, since he can easily have an accident with the paper shredder to veto whatever he doesn't approve. Luckily, Haukin isn't too interested in clan domination, so he's refrained himself from sending the leaders' decisions up in confetti. Except for Kraken's ideas. No, Haukin doesn't care what the Mirror thinks, Muffin and Vanya really shouldn't be given permission to rip a hole through space.

Good deeds should bring good rewards, but for Haukin, good deeds really just brings him more work to do. A few members of the clan has taken his willingness to do the clan leaders' work as an excuse to make him do their work, too, and Haukin's too much of a pushover to protest. Thus, he is also responsible for cooking, proofreading Seraphina's work, making sure Myrtle doesn't murder anyone, and whatever other chores his clanmates don't want to do. While Haukin's generally too polite to complain, he'd really appreciate it if his clanmates never ask him to clean Muffin's lab again. He's helpful, but not suicidal.
Despite his willingness to do literally everyone's work, Haukin is sometimes physically unable to. Having inherited his mother Hathor's weaker physique, he can't fly two metres off the ground without immediately falling flat on his face. Nor can he move anything heavier than half his weight. Once, Seraphina asked for his help in moving a gigantic prop for her newest play. Haukin ended up buried under a pile of cardboard. Since then, his clanmates have avoided asking him to do anything heavy-duty. Not only is it more efficient to get Veles or one of the mages to do things, Haukin's also always so nice and apologetic about it that you start feeling bad about yourself, and nobody in this clan likes to feel bad about themselves.

His clanmates are starting to realise that perhaps it's not the best choice to always turn to Haukin. He's nice, he's a pushover, but he doesn't always do things the way they'd expect. Like the time Hathor sent him to spy on Vespera for fear the Pearlcatcher might actually, you know, succeed in a mutiny. Haukin ended up getting way closer to her than anyone could've thought and, to Hathor's horror, became mates with the reporter. While he did solve the problem of Vespera starting a mutiny. nobody knows what to do with this particular ship. They'd sink it with a nuclear explosion if they could, but it's a known fact that even Haukin has his limits, and nobody wants to know what the Spiral is like in full ticked off mode.

As for Haukin, he enjoys Vespera's company, especially since Vespera doesn't expect him to do anything for her, as she believes herself fully capable of doing everything better and more efficiently. Haukin's not inclined to argue, even when he had to rescue her from Myrtle's garden on multiple occasions. The two of them can often be found reading together in their free time, and Haukin enjoys teaching Vespera how to do the more mundane tasks, like knitting and cooking. Vespera's taken to those activities with surprising zeal, so now everyone and their pet snakes are getting knitted hats and grilled fruits on skewers. The rest of the clan just hopes Haukin never shows Vespera how to deal with Muffin's cauldron, because that kind of knowledge might really be the end of them.

Vespera being Haukin's mate has placed some pressure on his family. On one hand, Hathor's relieved that Vespera's no longer being so bloodthirsty. On the other hand, Hathor's pretty sure Vespera's just using Haukin to get closer to the clan leaders, and boy, the moment she does that, Hathor's sending her ashes to Myrtle to use as fertiliser, Haukin's feelings be damned. Luckily for Haukin's feelings, his father Erigone has tentatively accepted Vespera, though he still thinks she's kind of sketchy. Haukin doesn't mind, especially if Erigone approving of Vespera means one more thing preventing Hathor from hacking his mate into pieces.

Haukin's sister, Arete, doesn't care about Vespera. As far as she's concerned, he can do a lot better, but honestly, that's not her business. Of course, the moment Vespera harms Haukin... well, Arete has a vicious streak. Nobody knows how terrifying she can be, but judging from the evidence collected, the results would say pretty damn terrifying.

Yeah... Haukin's family's got some... issues. Luckily for him, he gets along with all members of his family, so even if he messes up, he's not liable to get sliced and diced.

Aside from his family, Haukin also gets along with Valenya and Nanshe. Valenya often stops by his office to help him with the papers, and Haukin recruited Nanshe to deal with the reports - a decision he regretted immediately after realising the Skydancer is illiterate. Luckily, Nanshe knows plenty of Beastclan languages, and is a lot friendlier than Isfet when it comes to them, so he can easily translate any recorded conversations their clanmates bring in. At least, Haukin hopes he can. He's not too sure whether or not the two Longnecks Viper spied on were really talking about hoop skirts, and he's not sure he really wants to find out.

Haukin also enjoys being in the company of Kavelyn, since he stops by the hatchery fairly often and Kavelyn always makes sure to give him a donut, or a cookie, or whatever snack the hatchlings are having. In return, Haukin makes sure to bring the other Spiral some pretty feathers to add to his collection. The two don't talk much together - it's a rather strange relationship involving the exchange of food and trinkets - but they're both pretty content with it.

While Haukin doesn't go outside of the clan lair that often, he knows some defensive magic that'd help him escape in a tight spot. He also inherited the ability to neutralise magic from his father, Erigone, making him one of the few dragons who can travel freely in and out of the Runic Mountain Range. Normally, this means he should be one of the guards that patrols the Range's magical boundaries, but Hathor has rules and lines that should not be crossed, unless you want to be turned into a carrot and turned over to Myrtle. One of those rules bans Haukin from exiting the Mountain Range. Not that it's ever stopped him, but Hathor doesn't need to know that.

He once heroically climbed into Muffin's cauldron to rescue Makaria. Now he's a living fabrication of space that glows in the dark. It's barely noticeable in daytime, but he's getting really tired of his clanmates using him as a night-light.

Not that he'd do anything about it, of course.

§ Graphics by LuminousNoble, Icons by Serpenta, Hazeledpoppy

§ Art by Neffi
§ Art by JustaRev
§ Art by Fantastea
§ Art by Clya, Design by MythicalViper

The child of Hathor and Erigone, Haukin was supposed to have an easy life. Having been born with a physically frail body, he wasn't expected to do things more taxing than fold orgami. While his sister Themis went around beating other dragons up and demanding they receive justice for their sins (eating before her, looking at her, etc), Haukin stayed happily in Hathor's office, curled up on a beanbag chair with books.

Of course, he couldn't exactly lounge around for all time, so eventually Hathor put him to work sorting her files. Haukin was surprisingly good at this, remembering every single bit of information that came his way, whether or not it was relevant to other files, and where he's placed every stack of paperwork. He could write, read, and even do math. Truly, he was a wizard.

Thus, Hathor began trusting him with more important bits of information. Word spread to Kraken, who'd never like doing his paperwork. All those tiny, tiny black text on white paper, and Ma'at's just so mean about him never handing his files in on time. It was a bonus that the young purple Spiral seemed honoured to be tasked with putting paper in cubbyholes, so Kraken handed his job over and kicked back to relax.

The next leader to be enticed was Demeter. While Demeter's no slouch, she really didn't like doing her papers, especially as each sheaf was as big as she was. She asked Haukin for help, and eventually forgot that he was voluntarily doing this for her. Not that Haukin minded. All those big, important dragons trusting him with their work! He finally felt like he was useful for once in his life. Not that he'd ever felt useless, but it's really fun seeing what the leaders are discussing and putting those pretty coloured tabs on files.
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