
Level 25 Skydancer
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Energy: 0/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Arcane.
Male Skydancer
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Personal Style


Teardrop Jade Ring
Iron Filigree Banner
Whirlwind Sash
Iron Filigree Breastplate
Iron Filigree Boots
Iron Filigree Gauntlets
Iron Filigree Tail Guard
Ornate Iron Necklace
Pearly Earrings of Chemistry



Scene: Armory


5.67 m
6.55 m
532.77 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Jul 10, 2015
(8 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 25 Skydancer
Max Level


Regal, the Blighted Hero
"Get out of my sight. You're starting to **** me off!"
Regal was appointed by the King to be the prince's personal bodyguard.

Despite being hotheaded, temperamental and passionate, Regal at least has the sense of mind to give the King complete patience and respect. In fact, Royal, Brandish and King Sardonic are pretty much the only people Regal can be patient with.

When he's not doing his job, he's honestly rather childish - he often gets into fights without thinking, which can lead to problems for Royal.

He also won't hesitate to jump into fights to 'defend' the honor of his friends. Even when his friends are completely in the wrong. Which, considering the types of people Regal is friends with, is most of the time.

Regal is also brutally honest - he can't lie to save his life, and can't pussyfoot around anything.

In his youth, Regal was a blade for hire. He was a young green horn with an attitude problem, and nobody wanted to risk using his service. Finding employers was hard, so he'd jump at any chance, even when the pay was bad, and the danger obvious.

To the point where he was tricked into doing a job so dangerous that even
an experienced veteran would've turned up their nose - he was paid to harvest Serthis Venom.

Regal, to his credit, did his absolute best. But this was a situation where 'best' was not good enough. The fierce Serthis warriors faught with both strength and cunning, and before Regal could flee from the overwhelming numbers, he was brought down with poison knives, and captured by the serthis.

When Regal awoke, the poison from his wounds was being carried through his blood stream, causing a burning, stretching sensation - like indian burns across his entire hide. A latice work of sickly green veins appeared on Regal's skin, originating from the various poisoned wounds on his body.

Regal wanted to scream - to howl. To tear up his own skin and stop the venom; but he was bound, legs, wings, and mouth, by ropes and chain.

It took several days for the poison to wear off, but even when it did Regal felt weak and lethargic - though, that might have been due to the insomnia and hunger.

Regal was trapped for three whole years - a slave, living through each day by carrying goods and pulling carts. In spite of everything, Regal was strong. He never broke.

And then one day, Regal awoke in his cage to the screams of serthis and the clashing of battle - a 'traveling kingdom' as they called themselves - an entire army of dragons were slaughtering the serthis.
After three years of living an obedient life among snakes, the first dragon in all that time Regal laid eyes upon was the King herself - Sardonic in all her scars and glory, fighting at the front lines with her teeth and claws. Poison daggers and serthis' blades whipped at her tough hide like paper, causing minuscule lacerations.

"Are you sane, boy?" Roared the King, a chocolate contralto that echoed through Regal's ears.

Regal found his mouth dry, and his tongue lazy. No words came out.

"Are you in your right mind?" The King asked again, as she whirled in frenzied dance between striking serthis.

"Gods, yes." Gasped Regal, his beak up against the bars of his cage, to better admire the splendor of this new savior.

"Good answer, boy!" Sang the King, mouth dripping with blood. "Deal with him." She snapped, turning her attention to an even bigger female Skydancer who was fighting near by.

"Yes, your majesty King Sardonic." The new dragon purred, searching her way through the corpses until she found a key.

At once, she dashed to Regal's cage and opened it, before cutting the rope binds and unlocking the shackles, freeing him completely.

As soon as his wings were freed, Regal could feel an aching atrophy in them - he hadn't used them at all in three years, and although his legs felt stronger than ever, he was still weak and dizzy from the lack of food, and the strange poison he was fed.

Even so, he did his damnedest to fight beside his saviors.

Once the battle was done, the large female skydancer, who said her name was Brandish, searched the serthis corpses for potions, delivering a dosage to the King, then taking a drink herself, and then finally offering it to Regal.

"It's an antidote." She explained, seeing Regal's uncertain stare. "I'd highly recommended it, despite the ****-poor taste."

Regal downed it in one go - a bitter after taste like vinegar and spearmint resided on his tongue.

After Brandish tells him about her kingdom, and about the King, Sardonic, Regal decides to join their kingdom. Brandish teaches him how to fight, and then he becomes the King's personal guard.

Brandish also helps him with muscle therapy on his wings - it takes him several years of perseverance, and a lot of pain, but eventually he regains his ability to fly.

"My loyalty is with the King.
If I'm to die protecting her prince,
so be it.
My life is her's to do with as she pleases."

To Be A Warrior: Eridani and Regal
Written by Lunarwing

All was quiet in the Windswept Plateau as Eridani glided around. The warrior had been tasked by the High Priestess to be in search of a temporary hunting ground for the gatherers, after the usual grounds were attacked and they weren’t sure how safe it would be for them to go back so soon after.

Flamepool, having a bit of fighting experience, managed to fend off the beastclanners who attacked her and Viper. Rest assured, Flamepool and Trix were working to train Viper with some basic fighting skills until she was strong enough to fend for herself. Until then, however, they needed a temporary hunting ground until the old one was safe again.

The Imperial landed soon after she found a rather calm and untouched part of their homeland, sniffing around to make sure the territory wasn’t already claimed; while she could easily take it for the coven, she didn’t think it would be right of her to steal a hunting ground for such a temporary situation. Once she was reassured, she took note of where she was; it wasn’t a long flight from the coven’s home, that was for sure.

Once she finished and was ready to report back, she walked into the open field, stretching her wings and deciding to rest for a moment before she left. Before she could take a rest, she felt someone watching her. Her eyes narrowed and she readied her claws for a fight if the one watching was a threat to her.

“Reveal yourself!” she snarled. Her opponent must have been smaller than her, for there were very few spots to hide in for anyone larger than a Coatl.

A flash of movement came out from the corner of her eye and she turned to dodge out of the way of a Skydancer with bright, green wings and armor not unlike her own. She didn’t take more time to observe him, however, because he was on the attack.

His attack pattern was the same; he would lunge, usually for her head or her wings, and she would dodge without attacking; her aim wasn’t to harm, only to rid of. She wondered if this was a joke; his armor told her he was of importance to his clan, but his skill told her he was too hot headed.

“You…stand still!” he yelled in frustration.

“That temper of yours will get you killed in battle,” she tsked. “Tell me, who do you fight for?”

“King Sardonic,” he boasted, puffing his chest out. “I’m Regal, her and the Queen’s personal guard! And I’m going to defeat you!”

This time, he came in from above, which she met with a rear and claw to his face, effectively knocking him back while he comically tumbled across the ground.

“King Sardonic, hmm? I can’t say I’m not familiar with the name. She has chosen a spirited fighter, but not a disciplined one. You’re too predictable and let your temper get the best of you.”

Regal wouldn’t listen to her words. He charged at her. She met him head on, grabbing him in her mouth and tossing him aside. When he tried to flip over and use his wings, she slammed her tail into him and sent him crashing to the ground.

Regal grunted, looking at her as she towered over him with her imposing height.

“Keep your legs bent and always keep your claws out,” she advised, nudging him to his feet. “And never attack a larger foe from the side; always from the back or above. However, I must commend you on your camoflauge; had you attacked me from behind, I never would have suspected you.”

“Why are you helping me?” he asked, glaring as she turned to leave. “And who are you?”

“Eridani, the guardian of the High Priestess Kymeriesa,” she answered. “As for why I’m helping you, I see potential in you being a very formidable foe—but not while your temper runs so high.”

That was all she said as she took off once more, leaving him to fume—but also to think.

Written by Lunarwing!

Art by AceZaslavsky

Art by Nachte!
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