
What? You want me to heal you? Go ask Venti instead, moron.
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Healer, Abyss of Hatred and Doom

"Death falls upon everyone...oh, wait, you wanted me to heal you? My bad."
aaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaa aaaaaa aaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaa
Only dead fish go with the flow.

Nephthys is far too superior to pay attention to the likes of you.

Ironically, she's one of the most experienced healers in the clan, and the one you go to when there are no better choices. Though Nephthys would really prefer to leave her patients writhing in pain, it's her job to keep the squishy, blood-filled bits of her clanmates intact and preferably inside of them. Most of the time, this amounts to mere stitches and bandages, but in a clinch Nephthys is a capable surgeon as well. Just remember to ask for anesthesia when she's operating on you. Nephthys has a bad habit of cackling maniacally when holding a sharp carving implement in claw.

Nephthys hates the world as we know it, and would love to leave it in ruins if world domination didn't take so much effort. She can often be found in the darkest corners of the lair, muttering unintelligibly as she scribbles ineligible lines in her book, either doing a crossword puzzle or planning the end of the world. Either is possible. Parents have learned to keep their hatchlings away from Nephthys, as it has been scientifically proven that she is not a good influence. Surprisingly, she's still a better dragon to be around than Muffin. At least Nephthys wouldn't randomly blow up the lair. Not unless there was something in it worth her time.

That book she's carrying? The one with the red cover? According to recent news, a tome of knowledge that looks exactly like it was pilfered from the depths of the Spiral Keep. The only reason her clanmates haven't suspected Nephthys yet is because as much as she tries to state otherwise, she can't swim.

Some dragons would like to say despite Nephthys' general pessimism and habit of including death threats in every other sentence, Nephthys is a kind, gentle soul at heart. Unfortunately, she's really not. She looks like she doesn't care, and deep, deep, like really deep down, she still doesn't care. The only act of relative kindness she's ever done is to give Myrtle a cleaver, and in all honesty, that may just be because she enjoys watching dragons run for dear life.
Li4DrSi.png Aside from working as the healer, Nephthys doesn’t do much else in the clan. To be fair, healing does take up most of her time, seeing how often Muffin blows up the lair and how often her clanmates get themselves into completely avoidable dangerous situations. Nephthys can usually be found complaining as she stitches up victims of the newest foray into the forbidden fields of science. She normally doesn’t bother with aesthetics, for as far as she’s concerned, if they’re stupid enough to get hurt, they’re not worth wasting her precious supplies. Dragons could go to either Venti and Pachetonas for healing, but as Venti is mostly busy with the fighters and Pachetonas wouldn’t heal unless it’s an emergency, for the most part, dragons are stuck with Nephthys, and she is stuck with them. Nephthys has gotten around this by terrifying her patients so much, they won’t want to set foot in the infirmary again. Many dragons have admitted it’s far less traumatizing to just bleed out.

Her lair is located on the middle level in the lair, which is easily accessible by dragons from all levels. It’s probably the nicest room in the entire lair and contains one of the few freshwater sources in the mountain range. A small spring bubbles from a crack in the good-sized ventilation shaft on the far wall, cascading down to a small pond below. The other dragons used to sneak into the infirmary to gulp up water instead of acting like proper, civilized dragons and travelling several meters out of the lair for the next nearest water source. However, at some point, Nephthys got annoyed by the constantly disruptions and sealed off the entire spring. Something about preventing it from being tainted, blah blah blah. Either way, the last non-medic dragon who tried to access it was bounced off the protective barrier and into Myrtle’s tomato patch, and so nobody’s tried to approach it since.

The spring in the infirmary is somewhat of a mystery, as it’s way above sea level and there isn’t any river on the mountain as far as one is concerned. It might have something to do with the ventilation shaft, which is an extension of the Echo Chambers at the very top of the mountain, but Nephthys won’t be the one to figure that out. Such trifles aren’t worth her time.

Another trifle Nephthys has no time or patience for are other dragons. Unless they’re her patients or superiors, she would much rather spend the day sleeping than doing the strange and irritating exercise called socializing. Dragons who attempt to converse with her will be told to shove off. Those who don’t comply will actually be shoved off the mountain. Fortunately, most dragons can fly.

The fact that she’s mates with Nanshe doesn’t mean she has a heart in that forbidding darkness somewhere. Nephthys only became mates with Nanshe because if not, he’d keep hurting himself performing mating dances, and while that was fun to watch the first forty times, it got tiring to patch him up. It’s fair to say that at this point, only Nanshe considers them mates. If you ask Nephthys, she’d deny all relation with “that featherheaded chicken brain.” (Don’t tell Nanshe.)

It may surprise some that healing wasn't Nephthys' original choice of career - she started off as a soldier. The only reason she is a healer now, she claims, is because it's much easier to have suffering dragons delivered to her claws than having to create that suffering herself.

Do not engage her in combat if you value your socks.

She will beat your socks off.

§ Graphics by LuminousNoble, recolored by Fantastea, Icons by Hazeledpoppy

Nephthys was sold as an exalt to a military cause, and grew up with army jackets as her blankets and swords and cleavers as her toys. Miraculously, she did not kill herself before she was of age to join the combat. Their campaign swept through the Scarred Wasteland, led by a clan determined to conquer the many lairs dotting the Plague land. Unfortunately, this campaign met its demise when their general decided to do a cannonball into the Wyrmwound. Which was convenient for Nephthys, as she was about to be strung up for attempting to go rogue.

She may or may not have been the one who pushed him.

After the failed military movement, Nephthys was captured by the other side, during which she proved herself a capable fighter. She didn't particularly care who she had to kill as long as someone died, which made her the ideal mercenary, even if her new superiors weren't paying her anything. Nephthys was also the perfect backstabber, ready to spew out all the secrets she knew if it meant saving herself. She was also known for pushing her shield brothers and sisters to be actual shields when being faced with sharp, pointy objects and a ninety-nine percent chance of death. After all, chivalry's dead. It's every dragon for themselves.

The war was won with Nephthys being on the winning side, and the generals returned to their camps, ready to began pillaging their dead foes the following morning. Unfortunately, this would be the last time any of them would be going to sleep. Tired of the military campaigns, overworked and underpaid, Nephthys decided that particular night was going to be the last night she'd be able to have her revenge. Not that she had a grudge against anyone, but she figured she'd done enough work to deserve the spoils of war. All of them. She killed her superiors in their sleep and made off with as much valuables as she could carry. A fire conveniently started just as she left, covering up any trace of her escape.

To avoid being caught by anyone who might suspect she was still alive, Nephthys made it out of the Scarred Wasteland rich and without being apprehended. However, after she sold most of her valuables at the nearest pawnshop, the storekeeper realised that those rusty things were relics of war, and hey, hadn't one just gone down last week? She reported Nephthys, right before the Skydancer snapped her neck, stole everything in the cash register, and made off with the pawn shop in flames behind her.

She claims not to have started the fire. But as this is Nephthys, we're ignoring that comment.

After stuffing herself with stolen riches, Nephthys wandered Sornieth before quickly realising that it was pointless to be rich if it didn't make you any happier. Sure, having fluffy pillows and a really nice bed was great, but she honestly should've just kept one of those cleavers from the military campaign. She would go back to the pawn shop to check, but as her face was immortalised in WANTED posters all over said place, she decided she'd have to kill everyone to get her weapons back, and that was way too much effort.

Eventually, Nephthys ended up in the Starfall Isles. She may have been trying to get to Dragonhome to pillage treasure from unwary miners, but her sense of direction wasn't all that great, and she arrived in a place that was notable for nothing if not for its lack of a giant, crumbling pillar. She didn't mind, and plus, being too lazy to travel any further, she built herself a nice little lair to spend the rest of her days at.

Meanwhile, her war buddies back in the Scarred Wasteland finally got their heads together and realised that there was one body missing from the piles of dead. It didn't take a genius to put two and two together and realise that Nephthys was the cause of their missing valuables and mischief. Determined to reclaim their treasure or at least the dragon who'd taken it, they offered a rather impressive bounty for Nephthys. They wanted her brought back, either in chains or pieces. They weren't particular.

Being a veteran, Nephthys immediately new that being in small pieces was not the kind of health plan she was looking for. And as the Starfall Isles had some of the most experienced mages in the world, she had no doubt they'd track her down in a matter of heartbeats. (Or years, depending on which Arcanite you're talking about.) Stuffing everything she owned in a sack and throwing it over one shoulder, she made haste for the border limits.

Naturally, she never made it there.

As mentioned before, Nephthys has a strange sense of directions, meaning that she doesn't have one at all. She went north when she was supposed to go east and up when she was to go south. Eventually, with a bit of bad luck or maybe just pure coincidence, she ended up in the Runic Mountain Range, very ruffled, very annoyed, and in a pot of steaming soup Kraken and Demeter were about to have for dinner.

She'll deny having screamed "MOTHER OF __________!" before upsetting the soup, setting herself on fire and running in circles before Kraken was kind enough to throw another cauldron of boiling water over her. She'll also deny lying in bed shrieking a variety of curses better left forgotten as one very impatient and irritated Pachetonas tended to her wounds.

Eventually, Nephthys got better, and when she realised that there was no leaving the Runic Mountain Range, decided that she would be staying in this odd clan. Nobody argued. After all, if you managed to arrive in the Range safely and didn't go insane in the first five minutes after realising you were trapped, well, you're worthy enough to be a clan member.

§ Art by RubieKanary
§ Art by HauntedCrow
§ Art by EclipseMirror
§ Art by WhiteVenom
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Exalting Nephthys to the service of the Windsinger will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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