
Level 14 Wildclaw
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Cardinal Hippogriff
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Energy: 0/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Light.
Male Wildclaw
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Personal Style


Black Cavalier
Black and Red Bandana
White Plague Doctor Mask
Red Mantle
Black Linen Neck Wrap
Tarnished Steel Tail Cuffs
Crimson Rogue Tail Binding
Journeyman Satchels
Crimson Aviator Gloves
Crimson Aviator Boots
Crimson Rogue Trousers
Crimson Rogue Cape


Accent: viridian divinity



6.51 m
7.58 m
459.05 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Jun 09, 2013
(11 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 14 Wildclaw
EXP: 4336 / 54161



Bio artworks by Sludgy
((Trigger warnings: death, inhumane treatment))
Wabbajack was a distinguished doctor during his earlier years. He journeyed across Sornieth to find new ways to heal the sick, and new medical practices to save lives.

However, his desire to find powerful new remedies turned into a terrible obsession. Soon, he started hunting down huge numbers beast clans for their horns, organs, bones... anything that could be turned into medicine for dragons. The tests and experiments were endless. But as a doctor, how could he condone these actions of taking lives to save lives? At first he believed that the ends could justify the means, but this matter waged war on his conscience. Eventually it caused his mind to break.

Obsession turned into madness. During moments of lucidity he would try to cure his madness with experimental treatments made from everything that he could get his hands on. When that failed, he fell back to what he now hated the most; the harvesting of Beastclans in the hopes of finding a way to mend himself.
During a particularly brutal round of experiments, he was forced to slay his own beloved familiar who had been with him for many years. At this point he realized that he could no longer continue down this path, nor could he turn back the sands of time. Wabbajack was filled with endless regret and self-hatred, which only added to his instability. He wandered for a time, and eventually managed to cross the sea to arrive at the Southern Icefields. A dragon named Jabberwocky took pity on him and gave him a home and friendship. She also keeps and eye on him when he "loses" himself.

Wabbajack has entirely stopped practicing medicine. It's for his own good, and for yours...


The past has a way of catching up to a person. Wabbajack frequently has nightmares of the beasts and Beastclans he butchered during his descent into insanity. His nights are long and frightening.

He sees the Longnecks that he forced into cages, and the Serthis that he made experiment on their own kind. In the end, most of them didn't walk away. Now, they stay frozen forever in his nightmares. He consoles himself that this is what he deserves, and leaves himself at their tender mercy.

His mind is very fragile. When things become bad, the dreams spill over into the waking world in the form of hallucinations.

wabbajack_s_nightmare_by_sludgy_left_recolour_fina_by_sludgy-dbmum5a.png These hallucinations reach out to him, trying to consume him. He used these poor creatures for his heinous experiments in the past, and most of them died at his hands. Now, their fear, sadness and anger are what Wabbajack dreads seeing the most. When they appear, he goes quite mad and becomes a danger to himself and others. Jabberwocky watches over him, and locks him away in his “isolation room” when the insanity takes over.

Even his old familiar, Subject 38, is just a figment of his twisted imagination. His Cardinal Hippogriff is simply another reminder of the past. This feathered friend was a long-running test subject, which slowly became unstable. Wabbajack put it down himself.

He is lucid for the majority of his life since meeting Jabberwocky, but the madness comes and goes briefly. Perhaps it is worse this way. The past can never be erased...




Hello fine readers, my name is Subject 38! How do I know you are reading my thoughts? Naturally, it is because of my enhanced perception as a ghost.

You see... I died.

But let's look back before that all that happened, yes, let's talk about me and my best friend. His name is Wabbajack. If I had to describe him, I would say that "brilliant" and "misguided" are the best words. When I met him, he had just saved my life from a fatal infection. Truely he was a kind person. I felt a bond like never before, and resolved myself to follow him for the rest of my life as thanks.

He not only saved my life, but also the lives of many others. It turned out that my new friend was a skilled doctor, probably one of the best in Sornieth. He travelled to many places to help the sick, and I travelled with him. We quickly developed a strong friendship.

One day, he asked for some of my blood to make a treatment to save a hatchling. My blood essence was strong, while the hatchling's blood was weak. I happily agreed to my friend's request, for my life was only possible because of him. Soon, the hatchling was well for the first time since birth. I didn't realise it at the time, but Wabbajack got a strange look in his eyes when it happened. This might be how it all started...

Encouraged by this success, it didn't take long for Wabbajack to look at the Beastclans as a source of medical remedies for dragons. At first, it was non-intrusively collecting the shedded skins of Serthis, or gathering discarded Harpy feathers. But everything changed when the experiments didn't produce any positive results.

From there, that strange look in his eyes became even more pronounced. I helped him capture a few Longnecks for testing. These tests... weren't good. Wabbajack never tried to hide any of this from me. I began to understand that what he was doing wasn't right, but I had no way to change it. In fact, I was destined to become one of his test subjects. I don't remember if I had a name before that, now I am Subject 38.

Time blurred together after that. My mind went foggy, I blame it on all the experiments. Near the end, I can only vaguely remember being enraged and confused. I attacked everything I set my eyes on, I guess it wasn't my finest moment. My last vision was of Wabbajack pressing a knife into my heart. I don't think he remembers anymore but he was crying at the time. Truely he was a kind person.

It's ok friend, I still love you.

After that it was like his world came crashing down, perhaps he didn't realise how much I meant to him? In death my thoughts became clear again, but I couldn't be angry after seeing him like that. It was as if his intense grief reached out to my lingering soul, keeping my spirit tethered to his. After that he stopped everything... all the experiments, all the tests, even practicing medicine.

My friend's mind also stopped working... I don't really know what else to call it. He sees things that aren't there, but I can see them too. I tried to reach out to him -to comfort him- but I think that made it worse. Instead, I try to make the bad dreams go away, maybe tonight he will have a restful night's sleep. I stay by his side to watch over him, as I have always done.

His only fault was that he wanted to help his fellow dragons too much. This is why I don't blame or resent him for killing me. One day, I hope my friend will find peace so we can once again play together in the sunshine.

Truely, he is still a kind person.






The clan has been living in the Southern Icefields for several years now. A large respite station has been opened to coincide with the clan progenitor's fourth birthday. It is located on the north-eastern coast of the Southern Icefields. The station consists of many levels. The sub-level is where Wabbajack can usually be found.

About halfway down the stairs to Providence Port is a mid-way point. The stairs open out into a large rectangular area, with another set of stairs leading down at the other end. There are two stores at each side of the area, making four in total. They are; Uncharted Charts, Swords and Scales, Ryn's Remedies, and Jabber Snack.

Jabba Snack is the store run by his one and only friend, Jabberwocky. She serves sweet and savory snacks to the crowds of dragons going to and from the station and Providence Port. Wabbajack can be seen sitting behind the counter and writing in his notebook. He doesn't let anyone see what he's writing, but he often mumbles to himself while doing it.

Wabbajack and Jabberwocky have a small living area at the back of the store, which is in addition to their main living space in clan's private residential area. This is mainly for Wabbajack to use when the store becomes too loud or if he starts to lose control. If his mind worsens, he can lock himself in the isolated side room to keep everyone safe.

The snack shop is right next to Rynakith's alchemy store. Jabberwocky makes frequent visits there for sleeping tonics. Sometimes these potions are the only way to get Wabbajack to sleep in the midst of his nightmares.

Arrived 19/05/2016



When midnight mists are creeping,
And all the land is sleeping,
Around me tread the mighty dead,
And slowly pass away.

Lo, warriors, saints, and sages,
From out the vanished ages,
With solemn pace and reverend face
Appear and pass away.

The blaze of noonday splendour,
The twilight soft and tender,
May charm the eye: yet they shall die,
Shall die and pass away.

But here, in Dreamland’s centre,
No spoiler’s hand may enter,
These visions fair, this radiance rare,
Shall never pass away.

I see the shadows falling,
The forms of old recalling;
Around me tread the mighty dead,
And slowly pass away.

-Dreamland by Lewis Carroll, 1882
Dreamcatcher by Emberglo
(click image for link to full size reference)


Artwork of Wabbajack by Sludgy:


OLD GIJINKA SKETCHES (use the gijinka artwork above as a current reference)- Mask in the SECOND sketch is an acceptable side-view of the above Gijinka artwork. Can be used as a reference.

wabbajack_gijinka_by_sludgy__eye_edited__by_sludgy-dbkgsqp.png wabbajack_sketch_coloured_by_sludgy_by_sludgy-dbmuk0d.png

Wildclawed March 24th, 2016
Colors are original
Totally worth it.

Artwork of Wabbajack by other people:

Artwork by SilverPhoenix


Wonderful sketch of the "new" Wabbajack Gijinka by ButterBeard


Shaded Wabbajack Gijinka Portrait by ButterBeard

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