
Level 12 Fae
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Longneck Hunter
Longneck Hunter
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Energy: 0
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Earth icon
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Earth.
Female Fae
Female Fae
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Personal Style


Simple Copper Wing Bangles
Earthsong Haori
Canvas Bandana
White Birdskull Necklace
Azure Highnoon Hank




0.58 m
1.58 m
1.95 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Eye Spots
Eye Spots
Tertiary Gene


Oct 27, 2013
(10 years)


Fae icon

Eye Type

Normal Eye Type
Level 12 Fae
EXP: 1901 / 38956
Earthen Acuity Fragment
Earthen Acuity Fragment


Uh-oh, looks like this deserter wandered a little too far from her lair (Aeranautics, 80182), and now she's off to see the world! If ever you feel the urge to exalt, she'd really appreciate it if you could just return her home instead, or to the 'Dragons Off To See The World' thread, here.

Lairs Visited:
Aeranautics, 80182
Sammyken, 34086
theAbby, 14555
Demonamia, 177805
Akkisuitok, 164666
DarkTrickster, 64610
ThePhantomRose, 149829
Resilient, 187426
belugadragon, 179020
AngryJ, 177846
Ixcheleto, 124709
Aeranautics, 80182
Fabro, 179836
Abu, 100601
Sweetdew was born and raised in Dragonhome. She spent her life studying history and learning her past, and in early adulthood, she wished to go traveling to learn the history of other lands individually. Wishing her family and friends goodbye, she went off, first stopping by the Plague territory. It was there she was jumped by a pack of Mirrors and forcibly enlisted among the ranks of the Plaguebringer. She was sent off immediately to a distant land to fight for territory. Her magics were not very strong, so she was made into a spy, traveling into foreign lands to meet with powerful clans of other Flights to gain information. She was skilled in keeping a straight face and getting in good with her hosts, even forming fake friendships to get what she needed. She was a successful and dependable spy.

Sweetdew endured her line of work for months beyond counting, but she never lost her desire to collect information about the history of other lands. She longed for the freedom to travel and gather souvenirs and hold interviews. Soldiers of the Shadowbinder captured her during one mission and threatened to kill her. Sweetdew thought quickly and bartered information in exchange for a quiet release from life as a war criminal. The deal worked: she sabotaged the sector of the army she had served for so long, and found herself welcomed by the Spirals and Nocturnes of a friendly clan in the Wispwillow Grove. When asked where she'd come from, she said she was a weary traveler who had had her share of scuffles with robbers, and told half-true stories about her "travels." They believed her, of course; she was a skilled liar. When she had rested up, she decided to move on, doing her best to avoid Plague territory, lest anyone who knows the truth finds her...
After a brief stopover in the Great Furnace with clan Ksayla, Sweetdew was sent to a sister clan of her fiery hosts: clan Kessin. She was brought to Kessin's sprawling domain amid the Cloudsong by Ksayla's emissary to her sister clan, Kesseme: none other than the daughter of the matriarch herself. When brought before Kessin, Sweetdew impressed the mighty guardian with the (half-true) tales of her travels, and was welcomed to pass as much time as she wished amid the skybound.
After a long and great time with the windclan, Sweetdew was hungry for more adventure. She thanked for the great time she had, and flew away in the fresh wind. She flew over yellow meadows, mystical forests and peaceful seas. Soon she stumbled upon a angry storm. Her wings lost control, and she was blown away. The rain tumbled down her face, and getting in the way for her sight. She was falling, and everything went black.

Sweetdew woke up, surrounded by a small group of dragons. A purple male spiral stepped out of the mass, and smiled to her. He explained that they found her in the middle of the forest nearby, and took her to a safe place. According to the location, and most of the dragons eyes, she was in a light clan. Sweetdew remembered the storm, and looked over at her wings. She slowly moved her right wing, and she felt a terrible pain. Another spiral showed up and explained that she broke her wing under the fall. The spiral, a young female, explained that she could help her get better, but it could take some time. But she was welcome to stay as long as she wanted! This light clan seemed like a peaceful clan!

She stayed among the light clan for several weeks, while the broken bones in her wing slowly healed. Once she felt ready to travel again, Crossing the ocean to the north, she flew inland until she reached a small forest at the foot of a cliff. There she was welcomed into the peaceful clan settled there. While most of the clan members seemed content to share their food and hospitality (provided that she helped out with some small tasks each day), one large red Imperial was very interested in her adventures. The other clan members called him Shrewd, and true to his name he always was up to some scheme. Eventually Sweetdew grew frightened of his probing questions – too real was the risk that he would uncover her many secrets – and finally decided to steal away from the clan in the middle of the night.
After a few days travel, Sweetdew stopped to rest in the mouth of a large cave. Her surprise was incredible when she decided to explore farther into the cave, and discovered not an end, but instead a maze of tunnels. She quickly became lost in the dark and stopped altogether, unwilling to go further. After a few hours alone in the dark, a bright light began bobbing towards her. Though she was nervous at first, she relaxed when another dragon appeared, brightly clothed and humming a cheerful tune.

He introduced himself as Loxus, the guide of his clan's terrible maze, and quickly led Sweetdew to the home he had crafted for himself within the maze. For a time she stayed with the bright skydancer, intrigued by his stories, but also nervous to venture off alone. After a while she requested Loxus escort her back to the entrance of the maze, and he did so. She had found a friend in him, but was looking forward to seeing the sky and her freedom again.
Soon she found herself deep in the Starwood strand, where a band of secretive outcasts took her in. The dragons of this clan were kind, if rather strange. However, Sweetdew could not help but feel that her new clanmates were hiding something from her, something dangerous. She could not resist searching for the answer to these mysteries, going so far as to sneak into the storage of the clans scribe. There were things she could have learned there, dreadful things. But she was caught by The coatl scribe and the clans protective guardian, and was thrown out by the betrayed leaders of the clan.
In her wanderings, Sweetdew found herself back in the Shadow clan where it had all started. There were so many new faces, and everyone, especially the youngsters, was eager to hear how her travels were going. Sweetdew obliged them. She felt unnerved, however, by the young oracle named Surface. When she learned he could read minds, she became gripped by fear—she wouldn’t be able to hide her secrets from him.

She took Surface aside and told him the truth of who she really was, of why she had come to the Shadow clan long before his birth: how she was forced into the Plaguebringer’s army, how the Shadowbinder’s forces eventually captured her, how she bartered her way out of their clutches. Sweetdew felt a weight lift from her shoulders; she hadn’t been able to tell anyone the real story for far too long. She begged him not to call her out for her lies.

Surface smiled and said, “You've been through so much, I see. Let me consult with our leaders.” Sweetdew didn’t sleep that night. The morning after, the clan leaders made an announcement: Sweetdew was to be considered formally adopted into the clan, due to having been exiled from her birthclan. Everyone was understanding, and although some wondered why she didn’t tell them such originally, she simply deflected them by saying she was embarrassed to have been exiled. She wept with joy at having been accepted so easily. Surface took her aside and told her that she can hide her past better, and that her secret was safe with him and the clan leaders. “But you must always be careful of other mind-readers. They might not be as kind if they discover your secret.”

Sweetdew kept this in mind as she went off to do more traveling and studying.

Sweetdew's next chapter of her journey began when she arrived, half-frozen, in the Southern Icefield. The ice dragons there took pity on her and brought the shivering Fae to their lair.

Upon her waking, Sweetdew was astonished to find herself inside an iceberg. The clan leaders told her she could stay, granted that she'd both submit to a skydancer's interrogation and contribute to their collection.

Sweetdew passed the skydancer's quizzing easily. She'd remembered Surface's advice and prepared a composition of herbs beforehand. She also donated several of her souvenirs from her travels to the clan's hoard. And slowly, very slowly, the dragons warmed up to her. Another visitor, Candles was lodging there at the same time, and they passed their initiation test together.

It was now that she began training in earnest as a Mage. She stayed in the Clan of Crystal Stars until they could instruct her no farther. They sent her back into the world, no longer a weak magical, but an trained and tried one.
Sweetdew came to the Hewn City stronger than ever and ready to prove her worth. But...it was so dark in the Hewn City. Whether the clan couldn't see the small fae or simply didn't care to see her, she was never sure. Because she couldn't get any of them to talk to her. She fluttered around for a few days, trying in vain to get their attention, before deciding to give up and find a more entertaining venture.
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Exalting Sweetdew to the service of the Gladekeeper will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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