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sarajlc's Clan

"Haters gonna hate and gamers gonna play."
Ancient Lair
The Observatory icon

Clan Info




The dragons here and here are free to forever homes. PM and tell me the ID of the dragon you would like.
If you'd like to use my flight rep. chart to fill in your own rep.s pm me and let me know I'll send you the code so all you have to do is replace my dragons link and img with your own.

About me

-I adore dragonsvista_coatl2.png
-Open to friend requests.
-Mostly playing on my phone
-Fave breeds; tundra & imperial.
-Fave genes; jaguar, rosette & ghost.
-I drew some artwork for my dragons
but I'm a flop at art.
-The thing I think is best about my lair is it's unique astetic.
-Collecting; books, dolls, and runestones.
-Hope your day is awsome!



My sis don't upset her:Dawnstormbolt


My other sis she's all over the place:Dragonsoul360




The Silver Mystics Clan
Clan info

The Silver Mystics clan was originally formed when a wondering Guardian stopped to rest on an empty mountain side for the night but when he awoke the next morning he found a female tundra had joined him and they agreed to stay. Over time others joined the new clan and found themselves looking to him for leadership and protection and thus a new clan took root in the most ordinary of ways. Since then a new leader has come to be allowing the original to set off on a new adventure to see the world but still the clan has continued to thrive in it's own unique way.

This clan is a diverse family full of curiosity and lead by an alpha male and an alpha female but in the spirit of fairness a council of 13 members may be called upon when troubles does arise. Apperal is used as a communication tool by reflecting light off metal pieces to send signals. The clan consist of sorcerers, adventurers, warriors and many dragons of peculiar origins and personalities. Reading is a popular pass time and many practice the art of magic. Few are paired but the bonds are strong nonetheless.

The lair is a large purple mountain that seems alive with magical energy. It consist of nine levels with it's rulers and protectors at it's peak and precious youths at it's bottom underground and protected by those most ancient worriors amonst dragon kind.

As you enter you find yourself in a hall with many individual caves on each side and at it's end a stairway to the next level. The walls glow and sparkle in a way that make them seem alive giving off a dim purple light. You can hear the resident dragons within their chambers and see lights coming from the rooms some even casting shadows the strike you curousity. You take a deep breath and enter farther into the cave.

alpha male

alpha female

peace keeper


Mated Pairs




Flight Rep. Chart










Goals/wish list
I am working on these myself but any help is welcome.

(110/125 lair spaces)
(Goal 87/100 dragons)

-Artwork for any of my dragons

-Any Baldwin

Earth Runestone Southmarsh Podid Claws Common Podid Claws Secondary Gene: Butterfly Brass Scale Greaves

Aerborne Ambassador Amberwing Waveskimmer Anomalous Skink Arcane Sprite Ashen Bicorn Whale Auburn Woolly Walrus Barking Jester Barkskin Watcher Bellus Glamourtail Black Dwarf Unicorn Black-wing Hummingbird Blacktalon Striker Bloodstone Beetle Blotched Quetzeel Bogus Manamonger Bone Fiend Boolean Bramblecrown Stoat Bubble Brook Gecko Budwing Morpho Cactus Marzal Candycane Xolo Cauldron Crawler Cherry Blossom Caterpillar Chocolate Ferret Cinder Mith Cinderkelp Loach Coarsefur Yeti Cog Frog Colorburst Buttersnake Condorwing Champion Conjoined Skink Corpse Cleaner Coursing Skira Cragbacked Bouldursa Cragward Custodian Crazed Powermith Crooked Hatchet Crowned Roc Cryptic Cameo Crystalhide Jester Dancing Chalice Dappled Dunhoof Dapplemane Deceiver Deadland Disciple Dire Vulture Disoriented Spirit Downy Fox Rat Driftwood Baron Dunhoof Ambassador Dustfeather Sphinx Dwarf Unicorn Earth Sprite Emeraldback Shardspawn Empress Beetle Enduring Goblin Fallbrush Fraud Fallout Streak Fathomsearch Ambassador Fawn Fox Rat Featherback Boar Fire Sprite Flamescale Lancer Flowering Pohip Fluted Pukasloth Frost Delver Fungusbearing Phony Ghostly Rat Lord Glamourtail Hopper Glasswing Flutter Glitterfreeze Ambassador Glossy Duskrat Golden Bantam Fangar Golden Featherfin Golden Idol Golden Lionsnake Goldenbeast Granite Guardian Great Blue Waveskimmer Greattusk Greenwing Razorclaw Hati Hawksbill Goliath Hibernal Starbear Highreach Bonepicker Hydra Ice Sprite Inscribed Pangolin Jadecarved Decoy King Quillrunner Lavaborne Hoax Light Sprite Lightning Lancer Lightning Sprite Lithetail Assassin Livewire Grizzly Loga Longhorn Capricat Longneck Gladiator Longneck Lampooner Longwing Epiptite Luminous Ambassador Lurefish Magic Mirror Magma Embear Malevolent Spirit Mammophant Maned Cobra Mantarune Manticore Maple Caterpillar Maren Sorceress Melon Marzal Melprin Mesacliff Assassin Mimic Buttersnake Mock Firebird Molten Marauder Molten Wartoad Moordwelling Trunker Mossy Pohip Murktooth Bramblekeep Nature Sprite Overcharged Silverbeast Painted Protobeast Pink-Tail Mole Plague Sprite Pronghorn Stomper Protobeast Quartz Cockatrice Quetzeel Radiant Flutterbun Rainbow Sprite Raptorik Ringmaster Rat King Red-Footed Akirbeak Redfin Wavespinner Regenerating Reedjumper Rivermouth Flatbill Roc Rockback Charger Rosy Peryton Roundhorn Melprin Roundhorn Rager Ruffle Glasswing Sapling Speaker Seaglass Swimmer Seaweed Scavenger Seething Stove Serthis Archivist Shadow Sprite Shimmering Xolo Sickle Kamaitachi Silky Mole Silver Featherfin Skoll Skycat Skycrest Bicorn Slumbering Charlatan Smokebillow Sham Snowy Owlynx Speckled Peacock Spider Speedy Spidered Seat Spined Cobra Spiney Whale Spirit of Earth Spirit of Ice Spirit of Plague Spirit of Shadow Spotted Pukasloth Spritely Portrait Stardust Scholar Stone Borer Stonewatch Harpy Sunbeam Soldier Sundial Gem Guardian Sundial Imposter Swallowtail Buttersnake Swift Volt Spritely Portrait Swinging Chandelier Tendril Loach Thunderstomp Timber Tender Treehorn Wolpertinger Trick of the Light Tricolor Yapper Tunnel Hydra Undying Featherback Vermillion Epiptite Voltspire Intruder Wartoad Water Sprite Watermelon Coleus Gecko Wave Sweeper Wavebreak Snarler Wind Sprite Windcarve Bladedancer Windcarve Harpy Wintermane Minstrel Wispwillow Peryton Wolpertinger Woodland Turkey


Recent Comments

Lansly's avatar
March 08, 2025 12:27:33
Azrael was on homepage spotlight :)
Arianethel's avatar
October 08, 2024 17:46:58
Fen was on the front page :)
RadioactiveGold's avatar
November 30, 2019 14:03:40
Love the dergs!
Venusian's avatar
November 20, 2019 12:07:19
Thank you so much for letting me know! That made me smile. <3
FrostPrince's avatar
October 06, 2018 07:01:36
Aw, thank you so much! :) I love yours, as well, especially Bruvin! Tundra power *fist bump*
Redtiger7736's avatar
September 26, 2018 03:06:41
Thank you so much!! That was great to wake up to. It may be a mod pog of dragons but I love them all!
Voltsy's avatar
September 16, 2018 14:47:48
Thanks for buying Infinitystar!
Ramanth's avatar
July 17, 2018 12:44:26
Thanks! I've been experimenting with blending outfits, but have a habit of just putting the whole set on one dragon. XD Been meaning to re-read the Pern series. It's been many years! :)
spookybookinz's avatar
August 25, 2017 05:43:44
Your dragon Diva was on the front page! She's so cool! I like the apparel you used on her.
Ramanth's avatar
August 25, 2017 05:43:10
Diva was on the front page! What a gorgeous Wind Rep. ^_^
GalactaKnight's avatar
May 17, 2017 04:00:37
One of my fandragons is the kid of Red and Ziva! Thank you for hatching the prefect match~
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Date Joined
Oct 13, 2016

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Eldarowability's avatar
Eldarowability (#218137)

Let us dance forever in the hope of our hearts.
Mistwing608's avatar
Mistwing608 (#14071)

Train all the dragons! Sell all the egg!
OkuriOkami's avatar
OkuriOkami (#293935)
MyShadowIsFluffy's avatar
MyShadowIsFluffy (#292039)

my doggo is best doggo
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JadedSerpent62 (#246198)

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Dawnstormbolt's avatar
Dawnstormbolt (#298552)
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MiladyAdler (#201762)
Dragonsoul360's avatar
Dragonsoul360 (#301835)

"Fate is a cruel and fickle mistress"

Recent Activity

Apr 09
Welcomed new hatchlings!
2 Guardian Male
Mar 31
Welcomed new hatchlings!
Mar 31
Welcomed new hatchlings!
2 Fae Male, 1 Fae Female

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