Spring Season Sensations {OPEN}

LushSnow's Clan
Ok, time to do stuff- *trips on burnout*
Clan Info

"This is the journal of Lush of the LushSnow clan. The contents illustrate that of my numerous thoughts of the world and beings around me. As well as random notes that I have not organized. If you are Lush, resume to your literary dwelling. If you are a dragon directly permitted to read this journal, go ahead. If you are not permitted to read this journal, just go ask me, I would probably give you permission anyways, unless I have a reason not to. It also concerns your safety. If you wish to return this journal to the owner after finding it, ask around for a female, moon-scaled Imperial wearing a cranberry mage's hat. If you have stolen this and so far have no plans to return it, I suggest you do or else an enchantment I have added for security measures will activate. Return it within a week, or a month. I didn't exactly know what timeframe I wanted it back so I modified it to activate randomly. I still have a way to find it so I'll come get it back sooner or later." |

This is an exalting lore lair. Fodder are named LushSnowFodder (unless named when AH sniped). PM me if you have questions/concerns/requests.
Also if you are triggered by but not limited to:
Shadow Primal
Plague Primal
(kinda) Dark lore themes
Proceed into the lair and hibernal den with caution
Skins/Accents Shop | Lore Thread | Art | Project Scrungles | About Me/Wishlist | Trinkets Collection
Avatar Dragon Directory
Lush | Rat Brain | Darling | Hoarfrost | Khaos (tw: Shadow Primal) | Sunset | Manjushage | Faille | Geist | Rosepuff | Snott | Snekuwu | Luhmao | Wallet
Lush | Rat Brain | Darling | Hoarfrost | Khaos (tw: Shadow Primal) | Sunset | Manjushage | Faille | Geist | Rosepuff | Snott | Snekuwu | Luhmao | Wallet
status: closed

Shameful plugs (bcs Rat Brain said "these ur faves now")
Threads I Started
- Beaky's Hatchery, became my fave hatchery before I even checked out others, can't explain why.
- Mahogi's ~everything you need~ for chests and eggs, MUCH USEFUL FOR A BROKE LIKE ME WHO HAS MORE DERG EGGS THAN LAIR SPACE- only open during Night of The Nocturne
- The Lore Lair Compendium, thread to find other lore lairs
- Grab Bag Lore, Nasevf and Theron got their story lores from there and it's very good very great
- Currency Exchange Hub [1:1000], am usually needing treasure so I added mi self to pinglist (tho am broke for gems rn-).
- Hosted by Starverse, Hunger Games
- [https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/forga/3396226]Pass or Steal - Free Treasure[/url]
- Designer Hub if you need outfit help
- Dragon Adoption Hub
- Exalt Row Rescue
- Coli Scavenger Hunt
- I'll buy YOU a dragon thread
- Dragon Lore Analysis, lore review if you need a second opinion that is constructive
Threads I Started
- Show dergs you like staring at, this thread was an excuse to show off Aetherea and stare at more pretty dergs
- Shower Thoughts of Lore, thread where I post headcanons once in a blue moon.
- Share Genius/Bookworm Dragons, help restore mi braincells
- Show first UMAS (also L4L), go like Hau who has my first uma
- Gene change decisions, help-, gonna keep reusing the thread when indecisive
- give this sad boi a like [L4L], Hoarfrost like thread
- Show badge collection dergs
- Ono another avatar derg- [L4L I guess], Manjushage like thread that I'm lazy to keep bumping lmao
note to self - eventually replace stamp with edited ver if I want to,
eventually make a 5-book stack books 'n' quill with avatar derg colors
I obtained an artshop coupon(?), I might probably forget that I have one (months later, I in fact did forget-)
Resource Sources:
Dragon Bio: original bio template, dividers
Clan Bio: wax seal, dividers, hot sauce
Forum Signature: buttons (some are custom-made), Snowfall Clearing Badge and occasional rainfrog or books 'n' quill by me, occasional raffle badges made by their respective creators
Recent Comments

thanks again for trading me that boy! i checked his stats and he's got some rare colors so i'm hoping i commit to his project because i've started enjoying collecting weirdos like that XD

Oh I like Rat Brain! The possession reminds me of when I’m thinking about trotting either on foot or with a gelding. Yesterday the ponies were unhappy because the unusual mud kept them from going zoomies. They’re as bad as cats honestly, lol.

Congrats on 3000 posts!

Nice Avatar!

Oh you did gene Aetherea!

You have been funni number'd.

I just have to say that broadcast message is a whole mood and finally someone gets it lol

I just wanted to say thank you for such a kind compliment on the favorite dragon thread ;__; <33 all the honorable mentions made me feel so happy and I'm so glad you liked Kuzco, he's a really special dragon to me and one of my own favorites!! your own lair is so so stunning you've got a lot of spectacular dragons so it really means a lot :')

you're welcome, Akhlys is a cool dragon!

Durrix(#96509862) was on the front page!

RatBrain is so cute, and your avatar dragon directory looks very cool! :)

hello fellow she ra enjoyer…
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