[ s ] ks item: gilded crown

Aokuang's Clan
Clan Info

Rapture, the patron of Clan Aokuang
Aokuang's Atelier - For all your trading and gem needs.
Some dragons are up for sale (auction tab). Go ahead and offer on the ones that you would enjoy having in your lair. If I say no, don't take it personally. No haggling over auction house finds (except dragons), thank you.
Thanks! <3 Aokuang
1008/1008 Familiars collected. - Jan 16 2022.

Recent Comments

Quasar was on the front page! :DD

quasar was on the front page!

Xing was on the front page!

I just wanted to say one of Reoko's descendants is my spiral adragna! They still live on in my lair! (I traced them up through the maternal lineage)

Happy Flight Rising Anniversary! I'm so glad to see Remus still around. I have his parents <3

Shiriak was on the front page!

Ocean was on the front page!

valoran was on the front page!

Akaronys was on the front page!

Rapture looks awesome!!

Ahh you beat me to buying Beniir! Congrats, she's gorgeous! ;v;/

Aokuang was on the front page! Impressive guy!
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