Haha! I wasn't sure if I should reply on the forum, but I'm thrilled my Doctor Strange fandragons (those are just two of MANY) were recognizable, especially The Ancient One (she's not popular many places!). Your fandragons are gorgeous, too, even if I don't recognize them.
Thank you so much for the kind words for Zonai! I saw them on an adopt thread a while ago and immediately thought of the Zonai, so I'm always happy when others see it too! They're such a cool race, I absolutely agree! I would love to see more of them!
I am on the floor crying and flailing because you have Zidane and Vivi fandragons. I-...I cry. TT_TT
FF9 is my childhood and my favorite game of all time.
Thank you for picking Mihawk for prettiest, i'm honestly super happy you picked out all the lil details! He quite literally only grew up today so I'm only getting started on collecting all his outfit pieces and doing his profile lmao, but im glad he's pretty as is. I do have to say I love all of your one piece fandragons as well, its great to see someone with the whole crew!!
Oh, Explorers of Sky, the game that you are. I hope everyday it gets the same treatment, Sky is one of the best Pokemon games EVER and I stand by that!! I looked at and love your Grovyle fandragon, he looks amazing
Re: the reference game.
That’s why Absol is my favourite too!!! Hi fellow PMD fan!! I had blue rescue growing up and I have DX too, one of my all time favourite games!
Creating fan dragons since 2015 - I have 606 and counting
drakota77749 (#490105)
To the stars, Bowen. To the stars.
KKwolfheart (#253906)
I silently like your dragons cause I’m shy... ^^
SoulLugia11 (#269769)
I'm secretly a velociraptor yo
Gabbiani (#375898)
why did you blender explode
DraconisFantasy (#404591)
LoversMasque (#338246)
running out of blocks in my metaphorical jenga tower
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Maybe in a few years they'll write a buddy comedy about you guys.
Jun 28
Became friends with ArbyDem
Maybe in a few years they'll write a buddy comedy about you guys.
Jun 25
Became friends with PlutoGMZ
Maybe in a few years they'll write a buddy comedy about you guys.
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FF9 is my childhood and my favorite game of all time.
That’s why Absol is my favourite too!!! Hi fellow PMD fan!! I had blue rescue growing up and I have DX too, one of my all time favourite games!