G1 wildclaw__lv25__elim__art__gened__uma
ABikeOfBees' Clan
I can only hyperfixate on so many dragons' lore at once ;^;
Clan Info
Alex wrote:
Clan lore below is an incomplete mess at the moment as I am trying a new format for this page and completely rewriting it all. Thanks for understanding! :D
x |
”Welcome to The Forgotten Sanctuary...“
Bee | FR +0 Writer | Bisexual | 23 ~Lore is Currently Under Construction~ ”All are welcome. You can find peace in this place.“ | x |
xxxxx | x |
The Forgotten Sanctuary |
Location: | Icon: Founded by its current leader BloodMoon, The Forgotten Sanctuary was created for the sole purpose of providing a safe, peaceful place for lost, abandoned, and forgotten Dragons to find a home and peace. All dragons alike are allowed, whether they are looking to remain permanently, stay temporarily in their travels, or rest and prepare to serve under the Plaguebringer. Dragons living in the Sanctuary work to protect and care for each other, taking jobs hunting and gathering, joining the Guard to protect the Clan from monsters or ill-hearted dragons, or any other way they can apply their skills in service of their clanmates. Unless a dragon is disabled and can't do so, the only requirement one needs to meet to live within the sanctuary is that they must provide for the clan in some way. Then their clan shall provide for them. |
Location: | Icon: Proin a urna egestas, vehicula est ut, semper magna. Cras quis faucibus libero, sit amet egestas elit. Maecenas tristique commodo magna, id eleifend ipsum vulputate a. Morbi augue nulla, dictum quis nunc a, vestibulum vulputate nulla. Cras vitae massa purus. Vestibulum vitae dignissim tellus. Nulla neque felis, efficitur eget egestas a, imperdiet a lorem. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia. |
Dragons Living Outside the Sanctuary |
Light vs Dark |
Location: /// | Icon: Aliquam et consectetur erat. Nam egestas vel ipsum vel gravida. Aliquam eu pretium risus, eu scelerisque leo. Vestibulum maximus pellentesque ipsum. Donec interdum vestibulum sem, non convallis est malesuada a. Integer varius metus vel velit dignissim, ut semper eros interdum. |
Location: | Icon: Proin a urna egestas, vehicula est ut, semper magna. Cras quis faucibus libero, sit amet egestas elit. Maecenas tristique commodo magna, id eleifend ipsum vulputate a. Morbi augue nulla, dictum quis nunc a, vestibulum vulputate nulla. Cras vitae massa purus. Vestibulum vitae dignissim tellus. Nulla neque felis, efficitur eget egestas a, imperdiet a lorem. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia. |
StarSeekers |
OC Dragons |
Location: N/A | Icon: These Dragons are not associated with Flight Rising lore in any way, shape, or form. They are simply based off of my own personal OCs from outside RPs or Plots. They most likely will have nothing in their bio besides the occasional art piece and anything else that is there is invalid lore from my pointless attempts at trying to integrate them into FR lore when I first started. They're just here for my own looking pleasure. |
xxxxxxxxxx |
I see other people do this so I will too.
!Note to mods!
I use many devices to play FR. Mainly my own laptop and my phone but also occasional Library computers, friends computers, etc so my IP/internet connection changes a lot. Also I am irl friends with JadeJewels so there are frequent trades between us and we often have the same IP and Internet connection.
!Note to mods!
I use many devices to play FR. Mainly my own laptop and my phone but also occasional Library computers, friends computers, etc so my IP/internet connection changes a lot. Also I am irl friends with JadeJewels so there are frequent trades between us and we often have the same IP and Internet connection.
Recent Comments
Thank you so much for buying my plum G1! They look awesome, hope you enjoy them! ^^
oh dang! i guess I got real lucky then! heres hoping you have the same kind of luck for a hatchie soon! really excited for the the scry i picked for her
Happy to have Fluorescence join my clan!! Not sure where exactly he'll fit in yet but he's so pretty, I'm planning on keeping him for a good long while :)
Thank you so much for all the kind words on my dergs!
Raiden was on the front page :]
Levi was on the front page ^^
Hi! I wanted to ask, if you ever sell #40591578 (Phantasma), please note me! I'd love to give her lore in my clan! Have a good day! :)
sorry, but no, i'm not
Raiden was on the front page! looks great in that apparel!
Raiden Was on the front page
hello alex the trash bin i will sell you the drogan with the skin
I sent you a CR for your dragons back, in case you didn’t see!
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