Closet Cleanout (FREE/PWYW)

lesbeean's Clan
Ashville, home of the Tideprince and the Emperor Cult
Clan Info
Welcome to Ashville! This is a new town, brimming with the potential to be a great community! Here you will find the world's busiest grandmother, a dragon believing himself to be a god, a shadowy group of dragons playing god, miners, gardeners, and so much more! The lore here is to be chosen by you, with multiple paths to take and places to end up!
Won't you come into our humble village? (WIP)
Visit the Coatl Cafe (Art by @RiotLizard)

I would love to send and receive letters from hatchlings!
Won't you come into our humble village? (WIP)
Visit the Coatl Cafe (Art by @RiotLizard)

I would love to send and receive letters from hatchlings!

Recent Comments

Thank you so much for your comment! I was so proud when I got Malic, she was my very first eyeburn! I LOVE your lair and its lore! Ashville seems like a lovely town and while all your dragons are awesome, I think Morningsong is my favorite! It's so clever! 

Ovation was on the front page!

thank you for giving amaranth a home <3

Thank you for the gift!!!

Thank you for the gift <3

I love the tert you gave Diana! And the name of her familiar is hilarious. Glad to see she's found such a lovely home <3

Hello! Thank you so much for buying my Veilspun! I'm really happy she has a new home! :)

Thanks for the comments about Migrane!

Nanami was on the front page!

Shoreline (#76193329) was on the front page! I like how they're colours are reminiscent of their name.

azurite was on the front page, so pretty!

love your username!! i now own WineAndDine, thanks for a cool guy!

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