Cynder's OC Designs

Tlaloc's Clan
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Abighail was on the Random Dragon!

Wrath (#1781859) was on the front page! What a frightening fella!

Rouj was looking lovely on the front page!

Kobohr was on the front page! I like the art

Scelerothalass was on the front page! Neat nocturne.

Lyliana was on the front page! (And Tlaloc as in from No Evil?) :D

Tropic was in the dragon spotlight on the front page!! Amazing colors. My day is brighter now. (^_^)

Tropic was on the front, she's so pretty!!

saw your girl Tropic on the front page just now - i love how colorful and bright she is!!!

Lahar was on the front page and is stunning!!

Lahar was looking lovely on the front page!

Dalain (#49725314) was on the front page!
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