>> origin_unknown;; blackfrost beast
Mangoeclipse's Clan
Seasons Greasons :}
Clan Info
Welcome to TranceSpinner. Rest your weary eyes, there will be only good dreams here.
Elsie || She/They || 23 || +2hrs FR time
If you see a dragon of mine with colors you want/need feel free to pm!
Current Avatar Dragon *here*
**I spend a lot of time on fandragon bios! Please let me know if any of my images are ever broken :"D *
Current Avatar Dragon *here*
**I spend a lot of time on fandragon bios! Please let me know if any of my images are ever broken :"D *
I have a wishlist / trading thread! x
Dragons I'm looking for & To Do List:
- Finish bios for fandragons (Vlastomil and The Guide)
Recent Comments
Drosera looks amazing!! I saw them on the Clobber thread and they come together really well with the apparel and color scheme you have going!
I realized I never got a chance to thank you for your kind words about Osmanthus after spotting them on the front page, the other day! It really did make me happy to know she was not just seen but appreciated. 'v'
LOVE your terezi dragon :D
Hallow was just on the front page, she's so pretty!
Bogbart was on the Random Dragon!
TYSM!! Happy 413!
thank you for your compliments to my dragon! I love your WoW dragons too, your Sylvanas & Voljin in particular are so pretty and very accurate :D
Loamie (#78390998) is magnificent!
Gonta (#59052258) was on the front page!!! so stunning!!!
Your Gaoler, Bleak, was on the front page! Also... hi, fellow Mango person
Aleister (#71547039) was on the front page!! :D
Molly was on the front page!
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