[ FREE !! UPDATED 1/7 ] Ashfall Rescue
FlamedAlpha's Clan
You can't turn back the clock. But you can wind it up again.
Clan Info
HEADS UP, I'LL BE CHANGING MY USERNAME SOON!! (Been saying this forever and still hasn't happened....)
FlamedAlpha [She/her/girl/female, you get the point ]
Honestly? I'm a dragon hoarder and am way too attached. Please just go read Bloodhounds story and you will understand, I have problems. (I also haven't updated her story in months. Whoops.) :)
Current # of Dragons for sell = 0(Please go take a look!)
BloodHounds story(Scroll down to Bio)-- https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/92526223
(Recent story I have been working on somewhat regularly.) The Royal Fraud.--
About me:
love books
love outdoors
love drawing
love writing
love my friends
apparently, I'm stubborn
and sassy
but who cares?!
My current favorite characters in books (For until I update it which I never do lol):
3-Jacks--Once upon a broken Heart
4-Escalous--A thousand heartbeats
Least favorite characters from books (Ones I wish I could go into the book just to strangle personally):
1-Locke (*Gagging sound*)--The Cruel Prince
2-Tamlin (*Strangles air*)--ACOTAR
3-Leah-Wolfed (For some reason I just HATE her)
4-Edward-Twilight (I'm not on either team, they both suck. Edward is SO much like Tamlin, who I absolutely despise)
5-Apollo-Once upon a broken heart
My friends and I also really enjoy watching Animator Vs Animation videos by Alan Becker. So if you have seen those too, feel free to talk to me about it. (That last episode though =( )
*I prefer only coins*
You can pay me to put a dragon of your choice in BloodHounds story. (Above) OR I can make a short-ish story for your dragon.
Side character (Little mention like one who buys something of give information)- 1,000 Coins
Cannon character (Seems like a side character but they end up coming back and playing a important role)- 4,000 coins
Main character (I could potentially create more main characters like the Prince and etc) = 9,000 coins
Dragon who dies (I know it's blunt but they could be a victim of the villain or a bad guy who BloodBane and BloodHound defeat) = 1,500 coins
OR I can make a short-ish story for your dragon and the amount of words would be how much it costs. It would be a good story, if it isn't to your liking I will revise it until it is, but you cannot cancel once I have started the story as it would just be a waste of my time. You can give me details you want in the story and what it's about, or you can give me free rein. (Expensive because I do it good. If you are unsatisfied for some reason, depending on the situation, there will be half a refund)
500 words = 1,500 t
1,000 words = 4,000 t
2,000 words = 9,000 t
3,000 words = 16,000 t
4,000 words =24,000 t
5,000 words = 30,000 t
6,000 words = 35,000 t
FlamedAlpha [She/her/girl/female, you get the point ]
Honestly? I'm a dragon hoarder and am way too attached. Please just go read Bloodhounds story and you will understand, I have problems. (I also haven't updated her story in months. Whoops.) :)
Current # of Dragons for sell = 0
BloodHounds story(Scroll down to Bio)-- https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/92526223
(Recent story I have been working on somewhat regularly.) The Royal Fraud.--
About me:
love books
love outdoors
love drawing
love writing
love my friends
apparently, I'm stubborn
and sassy
but who cares?!
My current favorite characters in books (For until I update it which I never do lol):
3-Jacks--Once upon a broken Heart
4-Escalous--A thousand heartbeats
Least favorite characters from books (Ones I wish I could go into the book just to strangle personally):
1-Locke (*Gagging sound*)--The Cruel Prince
2-Tamlin (*Strangles air*)--ACOTAR
3-Leah-Wolfed (For some reason I just HATE her)
4-Edward-Twilight (I'm not on either team, they both suck. Edward is SO much like Tamlin, who I absolutely despise)
5-Apollo-Once upon a broken heart
My friends and I also really enjoy watching Animator Vs Animation videos by Alan Becker. So if you have seen those too, feel free to talk to me about it. (That last episode though =( )
*I prefer only coins*
You can pay me to put a dragon of your choice in BloodHounds story. (Above) OR I can make a short-ish story for your dragon.
Side character (Little mention like one who buys something of give information)- 1,000 Coins
Cannon character (Seems like a side character but they end up coming back and playing a important role)- 4,000 coins
Main character (I could potentially create more main characters like the Prince and etc) = 9,000 coins
Dragon who dies (I know it's blunt but they could be a victim of the villain or a bad guy who BloodBane and BloodHound defeat) = 1,500 coins
OR I can make a short-ish story for your dragon and the amount of words would be how much it costs. It would be a good story, if it isn't to your liking I will revise it until it is, but you cannot cancel once I have started the story as it would just be a waste of my time. You can give me details you want in the story and what it's about, or you can give me free rein. (Expensive because I do it good. If you are unsatisfied for some reason, depending on the situation, there will be half a refund)
500 words = 1,500 t
1,000 words = 4,000 t
2,000 words = 9,000 t
3,000 words = 16,000 t
4,000 words =24,000 t
5,000 words = 30,000 t
6,000 words = 35,000 t
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Here! :)