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calimaricutlery's Clan

*~the sky and the cosmos are one~*
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Hey! This 'lore' is just an adaptation of my dnd Big Familiars, since I don't know enough about the site lore to write for it yet ^^;
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the dancing moon

The crescent moon patrols the night sky, casting its sharp gaze upon the creatures below and finding none to its preference. The moon sails alone, a boat in the ocean of night, and meets no other except to dash them upon the rocks.

Why should it care for those who it can never touch? The moon sits high above them. Godly. Alone. It casts itself down to watch that which it can never have in shimmering rolling images across the water. The curtains close with the breaking dawn, but the tide still rolls.

O Prometheus, twist the string of fate and change the direction of this tale. Take that which is divine and carry it to the land of mortals, and as the eagles tear at your flesh you will see in the reflection of your pooled blood- the moon’s first steps on land are a dance.


the consuming sun

The setting sun guards the horizon from the oncoming night, delving half beneath the ground though it belongs in the open air. Chained to this continuous patrol it can only pace in circles around that which it is meant to protect.

For the sun there is no night, no page turn or chapter break. Its only company fears and burns in its presence. It watches the eons pass with no deviation from its duty. It hears every story and myth and witnesses the creation of every invention and penmanship of every book. The sun knows but cannot tell.

O Icarus, even if only for a moment, break these celestial chains. For a moment become like a god and fly, become like a god and change fate. For a moment as you fall- bid the sun not only know, but feel.

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Glaciarie's avatar
December 27, 2023 08:42:13
Hi there! Welcome to Flight Rising! Hope you enjoy the game! If you have any questions, feel free to ask. If you are looking for more dragons, you can check my free dragon thread, if you want: https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/raf/2737308

These threads also have free dragons!: https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/raf/3252789


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Dec 27, 2023

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