[b]uying art of anthros + humans

Audi's Clan
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Gembound to Achieve
Shimmer to Conundrum
Iri to Malady
Gembound to Achieve
Shimmer to Conundrum
Iri to Malady
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Oh hey! Achieve was on the front page! Really nice application of Gembond there

Hello are you selling the avocado/avocado/jungle boy and the azure/azure/carribean girl ?

KANSAS of the lullaby variety because it hurts my soul

I agree :) I just expanded my lair but i have a feeling i'll run out of space soon

I accidentally bred my progen pair so my nests are full D: Is it okay if you host?

Thank you, I'm glad you like it!

Ah good!! Thanks a bunch :'T

Saw Valtael on the front page, she's lovely!

sorry for the late response, things have been hectic. I would be interested in another imp hatchling if you have any coming up?

Just thought I'd double-check before I breed the dragons, but Tribulation was meant to be bred with Anemone, right? Sorry, it's been a while and I can't find the forum topic anymore.

OH... hm..... wow christ im sorry what bad luck. Well... did we have an agreed on price before? I wouldn't mind treasure instead but I understand everyone's been rly poor these days... tbh this was the last thing i was expecting so im not sure what to do

Sorry for the late reply, i'm looking forward to meeting the little ham!
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