Prettiest Dragon Above You!

MaeBorowski's Clan
Clan Info
Bio is a wip! ESPECIALLY WISHLIST, revising gene projects
also dragon bios are wips- good lord I need to edit those
Status: Online
also dragon bios are wips- good lord I need to edit those
Status: Online
Hello all!
- Basics
- You can call me Dragoness or Mae
- I am genderfluid and I prefer any pronouns
- I am 24 and my birthday is 02.09.00
- You can call me Dragoness or Mae
- Contacts
- About
I accept hatchling letters!
I love dragons, so ofc I had to get Flight rising. Been an active member for 5 years, I joined back in June of 2014! If I unadded you I was clearing out my friend's list so that I didn't have people I didn't recognize or who were inactive! Feel free to add me again, or add me at all! I don't bite and I'm always up for making new friends
I am a Proud memer and artist! I'll open commissions soon! I often make dragons that resemble my characters
- Wishlist:
- Dream Dragons
- None atm
- Apparel
- Prismatic Wing Silks
- Prismatic Arm Silks
- Prismatic Leg Silks
- Prismatic Tail Bangle
- Carapace Arm
- Gem Theif
- Familiars
- Wind Sprite
- Ice Sprite (For Saphire)
- Arcane Sprite (For Mystique)
- Lightning Sprite (for Yin)
- Fire Sprite (For Rainbow)
- Sky Cat (For Cali)
- Golden Idol (For Krysathi)
- Cog Frog (For Chocoaloo/Dr. Time)
- Bone Fiend (For Snowflake)
- Skins
- Accent: Crystalhide
- Accent: Rockoco
- Accent: Tiger Tiger
- Accent: Crown Of Thorns
- Skin: Queen of Cinders
- Other
- Gems
- Treasure
- Fodder for Baldwin
- Baldwin Mats
- Earth Egg
- Plague Egg
- Wind Egg
- Water Egg
- Lightning Egg
- Shadow Egg
- Scrolls
Modern- Obelisk
- Ridgeback
- Spiral
- Boa
- Cinder
- Flaunt
- Giraffe
- Harlequin
- Leopard x 2
- Pharaoh x 2
- Pinstripe
- Tapir
- Vipera
- Bee
- Constellation x 3
- Daub
- Flair
- Jester
- Noxtide x 2
- Poison
- Saddle
- Saturn
- Shimmer
- Striation
- Filigree
- Ghost
- Glimmer x 2
- Glowtail
- Peacock
- Runes
- Scales
- Sparkle
- Spines
- Underbelly
- Veined
Ancient- Sandsurge x 2
- Dream Dragons
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I like your AtYourOwnPeril as well. Very icy and cool looking. ^^