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Varjoaika's Clan

stop impulse buying dragons you don't need!!!!
Venerable Lair
hidden in the
Foxfire Bramble icon

Clan Info

• Pick only dragons with familiar in forum games, thanks!
Clan lore
• Familiars awakened :: 491/672
• Please let me know if my dragon visits front page!

Path's End
First, there was one. A strong mirror male, carrying name Fuinor. With his golden heart and determined mind, the young dragon left his parents in order to find his own path; make his own clan. He traveled long, seeking for others like him, only to be greeted by none. Until the fate decided to turn things upside down. Finally he met another dragon trying to find her own destination, and together they continued their search. In the beginning their numbers were only a few, lone dragons occasionally stumbling to each other and finding new comfort in company.
Fuinor, being the founder of their group, quickly became the very first dragon to rule the clan of Path's End with his mate and right hand, Thorwen the tundra. Together they led the clan through Driftwood Drag in hopes of finding a place where to settle down and start a new life with a clan of their own. Slowly but surely the clan grew as their own hatchlings were born and those who had left their previous clans joined theirs. To Fuinor all that mattered was his clan's well being. He made sure none of them felt hunger nor was in pain. But the time comes even for great leaders to step down and give the responsibility to someone else.

Nowadays, deep in the Tangled Woods there lives still a relatively young clan forming from various different dragons. Respecting Fuinor's wise way to lead the clan, the current leader Lightning is following in his footsteps. As their old home in Driftwood Drag started to get too small, too worn out, she led the clan into Wispwillow Grove, where they are now located.
Even some of those who come outside of Shadowbinder's region have found comfort in the darkness, and stayed with the clan.

About me
• Jesse
• Male
• Finnish
i like video games, animals and sour candies.
i don't like pineapple on a pizza or anywhere else, and i have a horrible sense of humor


Recent Comments

ChaiTurtle's avatar
September 04, 2024 06:15:03
Pandora was on the front page!!! He's absolutely gorgeous omg
rapsahtaa's avatar
April 01, 2024 11:36:37
Oh my I adore your dragons, they're so freakin' pretty. Please excuse me while I go on a li'l rampage in order to fav your entire lair
Also torille, your username is great
starwolfishere's avatar
March 28, 2024 18:44:40
Kottara (#24503319) was on the front page! He looks awesome!
February 27, 2024 14:45:44
hale was on the front page! what a gorgeous dragon!
Friedphish's avatar
August 03, 2021 02:07:44
Rosharana was on the front page!
SummerMiko's avatar
May 12, 2021 17:29:35
Thank ya!
Juomuuri's avatar
May 07, 2021 06:50:09
Oih, nättejä lohmuja sinulla! <3
dinosaurbeen's avatar
April 16, 2021 11:28:15
IronClaw30's avatar
April 14, 2021 21:26:07
thanks for the comment!!
findingpears' avatar
April 14, 2021 01:36:15
Thank you for your kind compliments about my lair! And I was super excited to get my hands on that Veil boy, so I'm glad to hear others think he's pretty too :D
bxsmxth's avatar
February 01, 2021 20:11:08
Mathe was on the front page! How phenomenal!
brightmeadow's avatar
February 01, 2021 20:10:59
Mathe was the random dragon! :)
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Date Joined
Jun 3, 2014

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Biohazard area
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Whispers in the wind tell more than enough.
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Bwakka bwak- I mean, rwar!
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Sä haiset!
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Bwolf (#220925)

Usually I'm confused but mostly I'm just stupid.
Banhana's avatar
Banhana (#63375)

thomas real
Kupari's avatar
Kupari (#65205)

My heaven is your hell, I'm bound to roam the shadows.-Lordi
STAARMAN's avatar
STAARMAN (#239578)

There's a star-man waiting in the sky..

Recent Activity

Jan 27
Welcomed new hatchlings!
2 Pearlcatcher Male
Jan 12
Welcomed new hatchlings!
1 Mirror Male, 1 Pearlcatcher Female
Nov 30
Welcomed new hatchlings!
2 Mirror Male, 1 Mirror Female

Recent Achievements

Jun 10
Four Eggs Are Better Than Three
Jun 10
Three Eggs Are Better Than Two
Jun 10
The Lineage Begins
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