Pass or Steal - Free Treasure!! [Active]

SunFlame's Clan
Thou shalt serve the Icewarden | FR +1
Clan Info
nest rentals - N/A
clan reps (still need) - water
melt 58 mimic powder for RedSnowSystem: green oozex20 | purple oozex3 | yellow oozex6 | orange oozex9 | red oozex2
dergs that need levelling: unnamed ridgeback and gaoler, scythe

Nestled on the cold, prohibited, foreboding plains of the Reclaimer's Glacier is a clan. SunFlame's clan. Despite the warm and sunny name, the dragons of this clan are fierce protectors and warriors of the land, of their Heavenly supreme beings; Spark and Garnet, Selene and Sunfyre, and of one particular deity; the Icewarden.

clan reps (still need) - water
melt 58 mimic powder for RedSnowSystem: green oozex20 | purple oozex3 | yellow oozex6 | orange oozex9 | red oozex2
dergs that need levelling: unnamed ridgeback and gaoler, scythe

Nestled on the cold, prohibited, foreboding plains of the Reclaimer's Glacier is a clan. SunFlame's clan. Despite the warm and sunny name, the dragons of this clan are fierce protectors and warriors of the land, of their Heavenly supreme beings; Spark and Garnet, Selene and Sunfyre, and of one particular deity; the Icewarden.
One day, a lone female Mirror wandered through the howling gale currently taking place on the Reclaimer's Glacier, completely oblivious to the cold. Suddenly, she stumbled across a dark green Guardian lying in the snow, blood pooling beneath his still form. Taking pity on him, Icepetal, as that was the Mirror's name, took him to her humble abode and took care of him. She learned that he was known as Goldstorm. Soon, this mysterious Guardian was well enough to leave Icepetal's home and strike out on his own, should he wish it. Suddenly, an Ice Sprite fluttered into her igloo, and spoke in a serene, hauntingly angelic voice, "Icepetal, Goldstorm, the two of you will do well together and become great leaders of a happy and prosperous clan." Then, the sprite flew away without another word. Soon after, Icepetal and Goldstorm decided to move their home to the Rimebone Stockade, and the mirror gave birth to many beautiful sons and daughters. Dragons from all across Sorneith sought to join them. It seems the sprite did not lie after all.

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I've scattered some stars through your lair in return. Umbra is absolutely stunning as it seems I've already given her a like!
I came up with Childhood's broadcast message so I'm very glad you like it. :D
And yes, Wish was intentional.
(Btw, you're good on the rare colors tab. I'm not going to get rid of the dragons in it I just don't care about the color thing itself anymore ^^')