Basic to Rare: Triple Challenge!

Skaf's Clan
Perpetually writing lore (help)
Clan Info
If my dragons arent fed im just being lazy, still active! Just shoot me a msg if you need anything.
Fr+3 time|He/Him
Hello, I'm just here to vibe and collect pretty dragons :D
Im a non-exalt lair so there is a 95% chance if I buy your dragon they wont be exalted in my care. Feel free to message me at any time for any reason (As long as its nice)
(I'll get to writing lore I swear)
((I also love pearlcatchers))
Fr+3 time|He/Him
Hello, I'm just here to vibe and collect pretty dragons :D
Im a non-exalt lair so there is a 95% chance if I buy your dragon they wont be exalted in my care. Feel free to message me at any time for any reason (As long as its nice)
(I'll get to writing lore I swear)
((I also love pearlcatchers))

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I adore the lore of your dragons <<3

Carmine was on the front page! <3

Awesome! Now he’ll have bragging rights over some of his more famous (and spoiled) friends. Thanks for sharing! ^_^

Thank you for letting me know! :)

Thanks for letting me know! He's the oldest resident in my lair xD

Latsult looks awesome!! the dragons in the Shattered Plain look very cool as well~

thanks for letting me know, I appreciate it :D

Thank you for the art of morgausse!!

Thanks for buying Turul! I hope he makes you happy ◉◡◉

tysm for the blurb in the flirt thread, its wonderful! :D myriad would definitely want to talk to vokvi again before they got lost in the crescendo :)

Omg Adara is the most elegant and beautiful Coatl! She's wonderful!

LeopardPool is literally so beautiful, I may ask for beebs in the future. 10/10 dragon!
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