Violet Skies

Khimera13's Clan
Until you stalk and over-run you can't devour anyone
Clan Info
Khimera is considered by many to be simply a legend and to others, a restless spirit. Contrary to popular thought Khimera is nothing more than a poor cursed soul who finds comfort in the company of her many creatures. Emith was her first Dragon companion and shares their adventures with her nestmate, Bubbles.
Please feel free to add me as a friend, I promise I won't bite :)
I am also Khimera13 on if you want to friend me there
Please feel free to add me as a friend, I promise I won't bite :)
I am also Khimera13 on if you want to friend me there
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curious to see what their offspring is going to be like,
I ended up getting myself another Urogi because I rushed too much with the colors with the previous one ;v; this one fits my irl gecko more!
I feel like I kind of rushed when I gened the dragon while I could have looked around for colors more suiting to what I really wanted,
but I'm glad someone gave him a home in the end :3