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FireMountainWing's Clan

Lesser Lair
near the
Frozen Sanctum icon

Clan Info

iceshieldl.pngicevs1.pngicevs1.png iceshieldr.png
Hi, I’m EspeonDragon’s brother! We sometimes exchange our goods. I mostly play on a ipad, but I use other devices every so often.
And my name may be long, so you can call me Fire!

I love the coliseum, and love training there! I may have some drops that could help you, so don’t hesitate to ask!

Recent Comments

FireMountainWing's avatar
June 22, 2021 16:58:57
EspeonDragons' avatar
June 20, 2021 22:15:47
Hi! :3
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Date Joined
Jun 10, 2021

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FireMountainWing's Friends

EspeonDragons' avatar
EspeonDragons (#581396)

I need to stop impulse buying
Petrichoris' avatar
Petrichoris (#586562)

There is no right or wrong, only progress.
Bronzewing's avatar
Bronzewing (#319663)

fight little wolf, fight!
Sychra's avatar
Sychra (#547342)
Smooshi's avatar
Smooshi (#589545)

I am a socially awkward couch potato (Semi-Hiatus atm)
Seas' avatar
Seas (#322925)

Life is a lie. But dragons do be pretty
AshaStello's avatar
AshaStello (#382212)

The stars shine bright here.
littleraddish128's avatar
littleraddish128 (#384427)

meow !
InOtherWorlds' avatar
InOtherWorlds (#556885)

ladies and gentlemen, we are floating in space
vividwaters' avatar
vividwaters (#508813)

Recent Activity

Sep 11
Became friends with Ascend
Maybe in a few years they'll write a buddy comedy about you guys.
Sep 11
Became friends with iniquitas
Maybe in a few years they'll write a buddy comedy about you guys.
Sep 11
Became friends with End0fTime
Maybe in a few years they'll write a buddy comedy about you guys.

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