YOO HOO! [Dragons MUST GO]

banhiro's Clan
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Oh no problem! Definitely caught my eye c: And wow, thanks! I'm glad to have found an icy accent that works for her... and ha, sorry for the late reply pffft.

Hi! Aerona was just on the front page as the random dragon... and she's pretty! I love that accent on her oh man.

Hi, You hatched a dragon with the ID 19912205. I'm interested in buying it.

Hi! You hatched a dragon with ID 19912207 just now. I'm interested in buying it. :)

Rekka is such a pretty dragon and that accent choice is top notch for him!

YEAH THATS COOL except i am. a nerd so Uh hey if that's ok with you to witness it's @ healspls and i have a steven icon + one piece header !! 'w')/ speaking of twitter literally just updated i think omg

OF COURSE THATS ASSUMING IT'S NAMED FOR THEM it could just be a really cool weird coincidence (??)

i'm fairly slow sobsob but maybe one day qwq /insert starbucks joke here) i'm good friends w/ alice and hapu!! and i know ryuu and tsuki to a lesser extent. i've also heard them agony-tweet at rollu and boon before whoever they are huhu. small twitterworld

wow so idk if this is creepy but i saw your dergs aND I THINK WE HAVE A NUMBER OF MUTUAL TWITTER FRIENDS but hey hello salutes the dansen(???) username ((even if I never got past the first few eps it's a cool series))

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