I know that reference!

Draconequis' Clan
Originator of the Purple Dirt Curse
Clan Info
Hello and welcome to Draconequis Clan. We are three hours ahead of FR time :D
We accept all hatching letters. Please excuse the mess..our clan ischaos under constant construction. I have become an official Eldritch Horror circa 2025.
See a dragon you like in my sales? PM me with price offers! Lets chat about it and see if we can reach a deal! Dragon not in my sales thread? PM me anyways if you offer me a good deal ill sell just about anything! Keep in mind, some dragons will be more expensive than others, and I wont always accept offers if I'm too attached to a dragon.
Note: When I get overstimulated or stressed I sell first gens for really really cheap. No its not a mistake, I just can't handle pricing things sometimes.it makes me want to hide in a little hole the rest of my life. If you get something from me for a steal, its yours and don't worry about it lol.
-Fear and Curiosity first gens (just think of curiosity as the opposite of fear because if you are curious enough you can fight fear)
-join me on my adventure to hatch a double blood, double overcast, double abyss, double radioactive or a triple from unhatched eggs (i will name the triple The End)
-Every year i've had a theme to my mass hatches. The first year it was avocado. The next four years it was purple. In 2023 it was purple dirt. on my bday 2024 it was weird unfitting blues lmao.
Familairs i don't have
EGGS :D *especially plague eggs*
silly and stupid user made accents and skins.Especially ones made by autopilot.
click the evil triangle

http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/raf/1822043/1 (my old raffle if i ever wanted to run a new one)
We accept all hatching letters. Please excuse the mess..our clan is
See a dragon you like in my sales? PM me with price offers! Lets chat about it and see if we can reach a deal! Dragon not in my sales thread? PM me anyways if you offer me a good deal ill sell just about anything! Keep in mind, some dragons will be more expensive than others, and I wont always accept offers if I'm too attached to a dragon.
Note: When I get overstimulated or stressed I sell first gens for really really cheap. No its not a mistake, I just can't handle pricing things sometimes.
-Fear and Curiosity first gens (just think of curiosity as the opposite of fear because if you are curious enough you can fight fear)
-join me on my adventure to hatch a double blood, double overcast, double abyss, double radioactive or a triple from unhatched eggs (i will name the triple The End)
-Every year i've had a theme to my mass hatches. The first year it was avocado. The next four years it was purple. In 2023 it was purple dirt. on my bday 2024 it was weird unfitting blues lmao.
Familairs i don't have
EGGS :D *especially plague eggs*
silly and stupid user made accents and skins.
click the evil triangle

http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/raf/1822043/1 (my old raffle if i ever wanted to run a new one)

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Tiamat was on the front page!

I just want to say that I'm impressed with your clan's lore! Also, Lilith scares me.

Temmie was on the front page :3 !

BlackMage was on the front page!

Seasons greetings

I seriously need to just start coming back every day. I swear I’m still here it’s just overwhelming xD

Your Trico is the best Trico fandragon I've ever seen!

Necronomicon was on the front page!

Pidge was on the front page! You did a great job with her!

Lisa Frank was on the front page! They're very... colourful?

oh gosh, yay! c: really glad you liked it, haha. I have no room for her, though, and besides I just wanted to show you the scry! ^^ I would take her and try to do something with her if I had even the least bit of treasure to try. ;c;

Your Starkid and Doctor Who fandragons are amazing! I've never seen anyone else with Starkid fandragons before. :)
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