[CLOSED] 2024-25 Winter Raffle
pghbekka's Clan
Bringing the nerdy library love
Clan Info
Wishlist here: https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/68595400
She/her pronouns
I love the pretties - all the pretties.
Growing a clan of glittering beauties with lovely baubles and gimcrack beads.
My vault is a lovely garden with a pond deep enough for sea sheep, and I am building a little library.
My main goal is to waken all familiars.
My dragons are almost all polymaths named after polymaths - working slowly on building lore. Most historical descriptions are credit to Wikipedia. I also like to run impromptu naming contests, let me know if you want to be pinged.
This is a only sort of exalting lair. If I give you a derg, it is yours to do with as you wish. If I ask for a derg, I will not be exalting it. Possible exalts live in my Higher Calling tab. The likelihood I will get attached and choose not to exalt is high.
I love accents! My current favorite skin artists are Straka and Sherushi
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He will definitely be well taken care of! It’s sad he can’t get more chickens though, since they overlap each other xD