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Magowor's Clan

I wanna be a yo-yo man!
Ancient Lair
of the
Abiding Boneyard icon

Clan Info


Welcome! I’m Magowor, but you may call me Mags, Marie, or Mars if you'd like. And make sure to watch your step walking in, you've entered the lair of a nerdy, slightly hardcore Kirby fanatic. You might stumble upon a fandragon or two. Or three. Four? I've lost count... I'm a budding artist, writer, and cellist, as well as a proud bi/demi/ace pile of fluff. I specialize in fanart and fanfiction, but that doesn't stop me from drawing/writing my own unique creations (I especially love to draw mythical creatures, but I can draw humanoids if I’m feeling up to it)! I also love to chat, so any random PM, ping, or friend request is welcome! And I love to roleplay! If you want to rp with me in any of the fandoms listed below, with FR dergs, or something different, feel free to let me know! It does sometimes take a bit to organize my thoughts though, or sometimes I just forget, or am just not feelin’ it, so my apologies if I’m a bit late to reply. And of course, as you can probably guess, my lair is mostly a fandragon lair. Although my first tab is reserved for my lore dragons, all the tabs to the right of it are for different fandoms to feed my obsession of the week. And that brings me to the last item on the chopping block… this lair is not a chopping block. This is a non-exalt lair! Dragons I buy are for projects, not exalting!

Note to Devs: I often switch between my phone and my computer, and imceorary and I are siblings ^.^

Video Game Fandoms

Kirby (KIRBY NERD 4 LIFE), Luigi's Mansion, Super Mario Bros, Pokémon, Mario & Luigi, Drawn to Life, Five Nights at Freddy’s, Spider-Man, Deltarune, Wizard101, Billie Bust Up, and Club Penguin.

TV Show/Movie Fandoms

Gravity Falls, The Owl House, Kirby Right Back at Ya/Hoshi no Kaabii, the Spider-Man and Super Mario Bros shows, Wreck-It Ralph, Marvel, DC (especially Batman and The Flash), WordGirl, Glitter Force, Ninjago, Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss, My Hero Academia, Villainous, Star Trek, and Transformers.

Book Fandoms

Warriors, the Mistborn Trilogy, Fazbear Frights/Tales from the Pizzaplex/The Silver Eyes, and The Dragon Chronicles (if you know this series I will love you forever).

Current Interests: Club Penguin and Transformers

81600144.png This is Febris! She's my lair sickie. If she is my avatar, that means that I am unfortunately not feeling well :P

But don't hate on her for that! It's not her fault! Give her love, she sick too.

lohf4Mo.png *sneezes*

Winning over Sornieth one adorable rat sneeze at a time


  \\ Λ_Λ This is Memecat. Help
   \( 'ㅅ' ) memecat take over
    > ⌒ヽ the internet by pasting her
   /   へ\ in your profile
   /  / \\ or she will never
   レ ノ   ヽつ be a meme
  / /
  / /|
 ( (ヽ
 | |、\
 | 丿 \ ⌒)
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Kirby Kirby Kirby, that's a name you should know!
Kirby Kirby Kirby, he's the star of the show!
He's more than you think, he's got maximum pink!
Kirby Kirby Kirby's the one!
He comes a-right
Back at ya!
He comes a-right
Back at ya!
Give it all that you got, take your very best shot!
He'll send it right back at ya for sure, yeah!

How can I help you, King Dedede?
I need a monsta to clobba dat der Kirby!
That's what we do best at NME!
You better get it with a money back guarantee!

*Shnazzy sax solo*

Kirby Kirby Kirby, savin the day!
Kirby Kirby Kirby, he's here to stay!
Don't be fooled by his size, you won't believe your eyes!
Kirby Kirby Kirby's the ooooooooooone!
Right back at ya


Bwavo, Kiwby...
You've twuwy eawned youw weputation as a hewo...
Youw hewp defeating Wandia was invawuable...
Ah, at wong wast... it's mine!
The souwce of wimitwess power, the Mastew Cwown!
Obtaining this cwown has been my uwtimate goal aww awong!
...What's with aww the weiwd wooks?
Fine! Wet me expwain evewything!
I fought Wandia by mysewf and wost, so I fwed to Pwanet Popstaw...
That's when the thought stwuck me...
I couwd have you defeat Wandia fow me! A stwoke of genius, I know...
You even hewped me repaiw my Stawcutter!
I weawwy did appweciate that by the way...
*Crazed high-pitched laughter*
The time has come fow youw pwanet...
NO!! The time has come fow the ENTIWE UNIVEWSE to bow down to me!
And fow being such a big hewp in aww this...
Youw pwanet gets to go fiwst!
Pwepawe to bow, Popstaw! Wewcome youw new overword!












...What, are you looking for more? I'm afraid we're all out of eggs! Why not check the local Walmart?

...I don't have any more.

Hey, I'm out of eggs!

If you don't give it up I'll have no choice but to sick my guard dog on you.

Fine, you asked for it...

Start running.


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StarDog's avatar
January 10, 2025 10:38:25
Lys was looking lovely on the front page! Fun lore too :)
Gabbiani's avatar
November 26, 2024 11:55:26
but the yoyo master did not answer, he just kept on yo-ing
Fallgotten's avatar
August 03, 2024 06:17:07
Happy birthday!
MollyMerula's avatar
April 28, 2024 17:33:33
marx was on the front page! i love your kirby tab (:
ExoticButters171's avatar
December 14, 2023 23:50:01
Oh? You like Kirby? *Aggressively tries to inhale you* /j
ClaratheBlaziken's avatar
December 14, 2023 19:52:46
Omg I love your Dedede dragon
EveningEmerald's avatar
December 04, 2023 21:18:45
Points! Marx pfp!
JinxxYouOweMe's avatar
December 04, 2023 10:37:25
Impar (#67520327) was on the front page! Such a cool dragon!
Wisdum's avatar
December 04, 2023 10:36:49
Impar was on the front page! Love the concept, I was very intrigued
EveningEmerald's avatar
November 28, 2023 10:02:04
NOOOO!!! The doodles don’t even match the stories!!!
EveningEmerald's avatar
November 28, 2023 09:46:47
GASP, my BOOKS!! I spent fifty dollars on those!!!
EveningEmerald's avatar
November 27, 2023 23:42:59
Dear god not gummy wilfre!!!
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Date Joined
Dec 12, 2020

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imceorary's avatar
imceorary (#558174)

Flip a coin?
AnimalGal's avatar
AnimalGal (#558377)
Oakhearted's avatar
Oakhearted (#382100)

Note to mods: I use my phone, laptop, ipad, & pc to play!
gamrFurry08's avatar
gamrFurry08 (#561124)
WolfandDragon's avatar
WolfandDragon (#538504)
Wybie's avatar
Wybie (#562792)
kas3's avatar
kas3 (#563517)
JazzoJuice's avatar
JazzoJuice (#563612)

“Don't let yesterday take up too much of today.”
buggy101's avatar
buggy101 (#375046)

"I'm with you in the dark."
linac's avatar
linac (#547951)

i don't know what i'm going to study for ib

Recent Activity

Oct 22
Became friends with ClaratheBlaziken
Maybe in a few years they'll write a buddy comedy about you guys.
Jan 13
Became friends with Ukulaynie
Maybe in a few years they'll write a buddy comedy about you guys.
Dec 19
Welcomed new hatchlings!
1 Auraboa Male

Recent Achievements

Oct 28
Seasonal Sundries (Winter)
Oct 28
Swag! (Night of the Nocturne)
Oct 28
Festive Favors: Wavecrest Saturnalia
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