Reisiger's Skins

Eienaru's Clan
who turned the turtles into Malenia?!
Clan Info
29 F ♫ Straight as a circle ♫ IxFP
AKA Eien, Marcy, Miss Boops, etc
I have a carrd!
Welcome to the Citadel of Eternity!
I have more dodos than I do perma dragons.
I am the Roost Queen and this is my army.
If I buy your dragon there's a 99.9% chance it's getting exalted at some point. If it's on a tab other than the firsts in both my lair and den and you'd like it back, just shoot me a PM. I only bite a tiny bit

I share an IP with my mom SwanSong
I don't tend to accept random friend requests, but don't take it personally ^^' I use my list for people that I've talked a fair amount with

I didn't choose to be gay I just got lucky

AKA Eien, Marcy, Miss Boops, etc
I have a carrd!
Welcome to the Citadel of Eternity!

I have more dodos than I do perma dragons.
I am the Roost Queen and this is my army.
If I buy your dragon there's a 99.9% chance it's getting exalted at some point. If it's on a tab other than the firsts in both my lair and den and you'd like it back, just shoot me a PM. I only bite a tiny bit

I share an IP with my mom SwanSong
I don't tend to accept random friend requests, but don't take it personally ^^' I use my list for people that I've talked a fair amount with

I didn't choose to be gay I just got lucky

-All achieves
-All familiars except KS, Light Sprite
-For some reason Yin has become my 'wishlist' holder
Recent Comments

Cuvee was on the front page!

Lubradine is on the front page and looks great!!

Lubradine was on the front page!

Lubradine (#7531035) was on the front page!! love the color coordination <3

Thanks for buying Comella! I know she’ll enjoy cuddling with all your familiars :>

Dalis was on the front page!

Krissys was on the front page. The outfit matches the skin perfectly! I love the colors as well.

A maria was on the front page!

Enakai was on the front page. The apparel and colors all give off a kind of dark forest-y vibe. Very cool!

Zafira was the random dragon!! He's so cool ;u;

Poor Mayo Intensifies...

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