Crawling up from the shadowy abyss to tell you that I love your Goodneighbor themed lair so much, and your fandragons! (They're really detailed and thought out <3)
But goodness that is a lot of noodle dragons. Hey atleast it's not like me with my Wildclaw obsession.
Give light, and the darkness will disappear of itself
GhostPoison (#424313)
Pestilential (#519316)
- Call me mom Noodle -
HexFox (#175712)
"What good is power without someone to recognize it?"
GoatHerd (#512276)
Bafa59 (#107683)
The first insect politician
Opalara (#395764)
kazuna (#195782)
he's a bad egg that one, and a scoundrel to boot!
Recent Activity
Aug 21
Became friends with MegumiZenin
Maybe in a few years they'll write a buddy comedy about you guys.
Feb 02
Became friends with CrustyGlowstick
Maybe in a few years they'll write a buddy comedy about you guys.
May 19
Welcomed new hatchlings!
Recent Achievements
Jan 13
Rainy Day Fund (500000)
Jan 01
Sornieth Stonks (100000)
Jan 01
How Dare You Call this "Useless Knowledge" (500)
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But goodness that is a lot of noodle dragons. Hey atleast it's not like me with my Wildclaw obsession.
Time to return to the shadows once again.